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[Tournament Report] 62nd at Grand Prix Las Vegas with Neobrand - A Weekend of What Could've Beens

Unsurprising to most, I decided to bring Neobrand to battle last weekend at Grand Prix Las Vegas, even though I probably could've easily gotten my hands on a copy of Hogaak. I've already tweeted a lot about Neobrand and its place in the metagame, but to summarize:
  1. Hogaak and decks rising to beat Hogaak were also chasing away decks such as UWx and Death's Shadow, some of the worst matchups for the deck.
  2. Hogaak itself and the rise in decks that can supposedly combat Hogaak reasonably (Burn, Red Phoenix, Tron, Jund) were all great matchups for Neobrand. The collective win rate against the above decks during my testing was 76%.
  3. Mainstream MTG content made it clear that half measures vs. Hogaak do not work, so most lists started with 4 Leylines, decreasing the chance of Grafdigger's Cages.
  4. Neobrand in general has a very select number of axes of hate it dislikes.

I've written over 10,000 words on the actual deck (below), so for the purposes of this report I will focus on the weekend.

Thursday - Modern MCQ
I fly in on Wednesday night, check into my room at Westgate, and promptly accrue zero hours of sleep until a 30 min window around 8 AM where Cyruscg checks into the room and wakes me up. Rude. We both spout our nonsense about how well prepared we are and how we are going to farm each other in the final.

My list: https://twitter.com/finalnub/status/1163260804579282944

Round 1: WW vs. Jund
Round 2: WLL vs. Gx Tron. It was unfortunately friendly fire between two Vancouverites. Unfortunately in game 3 he snap keeps 7 but has no early plays so I read him for a clear Warping Wail (which is a 0-1 of). I tried to get the Allosaurus Rider beats going but he threatens to Tron by turn 5 so I am forced to jam my Eldritch Evolution and opponent shows the Warping Wail.
Round 3: WW vs. Hogaak. Game 1 I combo him from 8 life on turn 4. Opponent presents a turn 2 14 power clock in game 2 and I ignore it.
Round 4: WW Elves vs Dana Fischer. Fun match. It was my first time playing against Dana/Adam and was impressed by how they handled the match.
Round 5: LWL vs. Devoted Druid. Game 3 I have the turn 3 kill but opponent casts an unexpected Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and that singlehandedly defeated
Round 6: Draw for prizes
Tournament Summary: 3-2-1

List felt great but my lack of sleeping is catching up to me. We go out for a nice dinner at Lotus of Siam (must-ry in LV) and I met new some interesting people. I ponder whether to make any chances to the 75 but ditches the idea. This is the night where I realize that the beds and the pillows at Westgate are actually the nut low. Soft as cloud (think Mallow from Mario RPG) and offers negative support. As someone who had to have a discectomy this was untenable. My line is to choose to sleep on the couch and I get rewarded with 3 hours of crappy sleep.

Friday - Modern Main Event Day 1
Round 3 vs. James (Jund): WLW
I make a few potentially lethal mistakes here. First did cost me game 2 where my keep was a nut Leyline of Sanctity+turn 2 Neoform hand. Instead of waiting until turn 3 to potentially have another land, draw and a chance to hold up Veil of Summer, I am overconfident and jam on turn 2, fizzling and losing to an opposing Assassin's Trophy.
Game 3 is less egregious but still bad. I had an opportunity to turn 3 Evolution into Griselbrand but elect not to because I would've had to burn a Nourishing Shoal and something about James' play pattern indicated no additional discard. Of course, James plays an Inquisition right after but he takes my Laboratory Maniac instead of my Eldritch Evolution/Allosaurus Rider. I produce a Griselbrand and drown him in card advantage (and by that I mean multiple Allosaurus Rider, second Griselbrand, hardcast Chancellor of the Tangle).

Round 4 vs. Jason (Burn): WW
Not much to speak of in a good matchup. Highlight of this match was in game 2 where I make a few marginal but disciplined mulligans down to 4, draw the Leyline of Sanctity after keeping 4 (of course), and still win because Jason was on a no creature draw. 0 mana gain 15 life is good vs. that.

Round 5 vs. Daniel (Bant Spirits): LWL
I mulligan to a 5 that is two cards short of a turn 3 evolution. Daniel leads on turn 1 Mausoleum Wanderer which is unbeatable. I scoop without showing him much. I am raging inside as this is one of the worst matchup you can have for Neobrand but I hadn't seen Spirits in almost a year. That's Modern for you!
In game 2, I mulligan to 6 but win on turn 1.
Game 3 is a doozy. I keep a 6 that's missing 2 pieces but has a Pact of Negation. Opponent keeps 5 and his only early play is a flashed Rattlechain, which hits me twice. Given that he didn't elect to flash anything in after the Rattlechain turn, my read was a hand either full of Paths, Queller, 2 mana countermagic or Force. Eventually I jam the combo at 16 life as one more Rattlechain hit would've turned off a draw 7 and it's not going to get better. Daniel Deprives my Evolution, I Pact it, Daniel Cracks his Canopy and..........
Draws Supreme Phantom off the top, which he slams along with his hand of Aether Vial+Force of Negation. Tough beats!

Round 6 vs. Joseph (Red Phoenix): WLW
We split an unremarkable pair of games before my mulligan to 4 in game 3, which is Neoform, UG land, green cardx2. Here I'm just thinking not like this and start making plans to play ANT in tomorrow's Legacy MCQ. However, Joseph is on a slow keep on 7 centered around 1 Soul-Scar Mage and Shrine of Burning Rage. That actually gives me a chance to live to my turn 5 and combo. I count my lucky stars and consider visiting the casino tonight.

Round 7 vs. Nathan (Gx Tron): WLW
At this point, I'm still in disbelief at how I managed to steal two matches off of mulligans to 4 vs. two of the most aggressive decks in Modern. Little did I know the day would take another turn for the ridiculous...
Game 1 I turn 2 kill Nathan. Game 2 He has a turn 1 Cage and turn 4 Karn.
Game 3 is an absurd one. While I mulligan to 6 Nathan snap-keeps 7, which has me worried for an opening Cage. My mulligan to 6 is a turn 2 with no Oxidizes, but it's not a hand you can realistically mulligan. Sure enough, Nathan has a turn 1 Cage and I'm resigned to my fate and continue mentally planning my ANT sideboard (hint: Just netdeck Cyrus). I do run out the turn 2 Allosaurus Rider out because why not.
It turns out, however, that Nathan kept a 1 lander and soon the match has my full attention. Simian Spirit Guide joins the fray to potentially cut a turn off the clock. There is an interesting spot where Nathan has Power Plantx2, Mine, Forest and Grafdigger's Cage, and just "fogged" my attack of 4/4 Rider+2/2 SSG with his Ballista while at 4 life. I know from a previous Ancient Stirrings that he had an Oblivion Stone. I have an offline Neoform, Allosaurus Rider and 2 green cards with my surviving 4/4 Rider.
Thinking here is that if I play out the second Allosaurus Rider, I would be playing around another blocker that would fog (which I couldn't think of beside their 1-3 Ballistas. I doubt Thragtusk has entered his 60) and Dismember (don't laugh - they don't have enough bad cards to cut), but gets punished by a sweeper such as the Ostone that I know he has. If I hold the Rider, Nathan can draw Tron and Oblivion Stone, which would kill the Cage and I can combo in my second phase after the OStone activation. In the end, I ended up jamming the second Rider and pass with two 4/4s and opponent at 4. I had to sweat a big Ancient Stirrings but it whiffed. I win a game where the turn 1 Cage never got removed. Interesting.
Round 8 vs Austin (UW): WLW
I win the die roll and keep a turn 1 kill hand. Austin accidentally goes first and lays a tapped Colonnade. OK then...
Game 2 is also a bit absurd, in that I had two Pact of Negations for his two Force of Negations. However, Neobrand giveth and taketh, as the combo fizzled and we had to move onto game 3.
In game 3, we both appear to have kept a slower hand. Mine is an Eldritch Evolution (handy vs. Spell Snare) hand with Pact of Negation backup. Austin goes Island go, Field go, which is interesting as he's not able to represent Dovin's Veto. I jam on turn 4, which gets by his Mana Leak and gets around the Spell Snare that he ends up having. I win an impossible matchup and i think about how much murder I've gotten away with in the last 5 hours.

Round 9 vs Mac (Red Phoenix): WW
Games played out how you'd expect them to with turn 2/3 Griselbrands. Note that this deck can definitely kill a Griselbrand, so you have to evaluate carefully whether you should be drawing 7s to win this turn, or just pass and hope. There were a few tricky spots where I could've died to a very specific combination of cards, but luckily I survive.

I'm ecstatic that I'm 8-1 and feel very good about putting up a good result tomorrow. I also find that I am not the only maniac playing Neobrand. Chuck Pierce was actually at the 8-0 table playing for day 1 undefeated. He and his two friends came up to say hello and talk about the article, which was super cool. 6 of us ended up making day two with Neobrand, which seems pretty good for a "meme" deck that people have natural tendencies to dismiss immediately.

The Westgate bed remains unplayable and I get another 4 hours of rough sleep on the couch.

Saturday - Modern Main Event Day 12
Round 10 vs. Matthew (Amulet Titan): WW
Game 1 I mulligan to 4 and turn 2 him because why not?
Game 2 Opponent plays a turn 2 Trinket Mage fetching Pithing Needle, passes and asks if I'm going to kill. I do.

In between the rounds, I'm constantly chirping about how I've yet to face my bye (Hogaak) and how they would never show Neobrand on camera. Be careful what you wish for..

Round 11 Feature Match vs. Ashton (Turbo Hogaak):
You can watch the match here, as this was the round 11 main feature:
In game 1, Ashton cannot beat a turn 2 7/7 flying lifelinker. Game 2 and 3 play out in similar ways in that Ashton presents a very fast Vengevine-fueled clock, which makes comboing a bit harder. I unfortunately brick in game 2. I take note of his start in game 3, which screams out Assassin's Trophy. If possible, I would want to wait as long as possible. to get another land+Veil, but alas I do not have the time. Waterlogged Groves also reared their ugly side, as the pings from the Groves made sure I was 14 or lower, denying me another draw 7.
The judge call was about communicaiton and when priority was implied to have been passed. I believe Ashton missed lethal after, as blocking with Rider means that he can jam onto the Feeder and win on the spot. He doesn't. I need him to make several mistakes in a row to have a chance here - something about trying to alpha strike with everyone including a blocker, him sacrificing to Carrion Feeder a few times to turn on Morbid on Life Goes On, and then killing him on the backswing. Of course, he ends up casting Hogaak as a blocker and the game is over from there.
I'm really irritated that I finally got to go back on the feature match and losing an easy matchup. As I said, you really should be careful of what you wish for :)
Round 12 vs. Boaz (Jeskai Urza): WW
Game one I turn 3 him. I learned that Boaz was holding a fully powered Whir of Invention to get Grafdigger's Cage/Pithing Needle/Bridge, but Boaz did not exactly know what deck this was, so he tapped out for Urza instead. He doesn't get to untap again in this game.
In game 2, I keep a close 7 with an Oxidize. However, Boaz plays an early Goblin Engineer and digs up a Pithing Needle. The Goblin Engineer is actually quite a nuisance, as it can loop back any key artifact if destroyed. I end up going for it around turn 4, where I lead with my life gain, Evolution then Oxidize on Pithing Needle. I activate to draw 7 and opponent tries to bring back the Needle, but I draw the entire deck minus 7 in response to the first draw 7 and Path. Fun game.
Up to this point, there's increased buzz about how people have seen and have been defeated by Neobrand at the top tables. Sure enough, it was Chuck Pierce and he seems to be doing well at 9-1 (he would lose his match off camera.

Round 13 vs. Chuck Pierce (Neobrand): WLW
This may be my most memorable match in the tournament. Chuck wins the die roll (wpwp) and proceeds to turn 1 me off Summoner's Pact. Unfortunately! Chuck fizzles and dies to Pact. This is the pinnacle of Modern
Game 2 is likely the most absurd game that I've played with this deck. I mulligan to 6 and has the turn 1 combo. Unfortunately, I fizzle but I can pass with no Pact to pay. I summon out two Allosaurus Riders and pass with those plus an 8/8 lifelink flier and a bunch of lands. Mistake 1): I should've kept an extra evolution spell to re-evolve into Griselbrand in case one Griselbrand isn't enough.
Chuck turn 1s but also fizzles, summons two Allosaurus Riders, cast Serum Visions to top/bobbom and passes the turn. My hand is mostly lands and cyclers at this point, and each side is staring at their counterpart's board of Rider, Rider and 8/8 Griselbrand. Our lives are 6 and 7.
My draw step yields me no lifegain to help. Mistake 2) I tank and pass the turn rather than attacking, reasoning that I don't have an Evolution spell so risking a block seems too risky. However, I think I should've attacked with Griselbrand for a few reasons:
  1. Opponent topped a card with SV. That means it has to be a life gain spell. I should've assumed that I was dead at that point.
  2. There's an off-chance where killing one Griselbrand is plenty enough. That scenario requires the other side to have drawn both Griselbrands so re-evolving into Griselbrand is not a line
As played, Chuck's next draw is a Nourishing Shoal and I'm dead on the spot.
In game 3, I mulligan to 4 and Chuck to 5. I fire off two SVs and find the combo with relative ease while Chuck's hand does nothing. For the third time this weekend, I won with a mulligan to 4... and start thinking whether I'm meant to be the winner this weekend.
Round 14 Feature Match vs. Jack (Burn)
This is also on the Channelfireball Twitch VOD. As you can see from the coverage, I do not know who the opponent is so I keep a fine ish of SSG, Cantor, Waterlogged Grove, Manamorphose, Manamorphose, Summoner's Pact. In hindsight, this is much closer to a mulligan than a keep in the dark. However, the hand already had Manamorphose mana to cycle a third mana source in Cantor to power out an Eldritch Evolution. As you can see in game 1, I never get a chance to play.
Game 2 is the game that I've been thinking for a while now. Basically, I keep a clean turn 2 combo without Pact triggers. Jack's turn 1 of land go is a bit suspicious. Here I tank and think about whether I should wait a turn, jam and go ham, or jam and pass. I end up taking the last line. Most of the times, Burn players should be playing 2-3 Path to Exile. It's certainly conceivable that Jack is holding up a Path, but I'd rather not play around that by waiting. I think most of the times with them having 2-3 Paths for Griselbrand, I'm fine trying to win with a 8/8 flying lifelinker and not drawing any cards immediately.
There's also another microdecision here that could've changed the game: what to pitch to my Allosaurus Rider. I ended up pitching the Wurm rather than Allosaurus Rider because I wanted to leave myself an option to re-combo next turn or just beat down with the Rider. I thought about this more and honestly don't know what the right answer is.
Anyway, as played Jack has Path and each of my draw 7s aren't great. I did draw a Shoal but no Wurm so exiling the Wurm ends up punishing me. My plan from here is to draw enough to buffer my life total whie being able to re-combo next turn, or enough to win via Allosaurus Rider betadown. As you can see, I just don't get anything, which is anything but this sort of variance is part of the game. Unfortunately, I get on two camera matches and lose both of them in key spots. Good beats - this game is tough!
Round 15 vs. Kevin (Thalia Stompy): LL
Kevin turns out to be a friend/disciple of one famous SpiderSpace that also streams this deck. I mulligan to a great 4 card hand that actually needs just two lands to combo. Kevin turbos out Leonin Arbiter on turn 1 and GQs me. That is what they call in the business good game.
Game 2 doesn't go much better. Chalice on 0 ruins a turn 2 combo, and I draw my Allosaurus Rider a turn two late while he suffocates me with the TKS/Displacer lock.
I'm fairly certain this deck is very favored against Neobrand, as Thalia and Arbiter are auto-wins game 1. they get to bring in more artifact from the SB post-bardo. Oh well, what can you do !

Tournament Summary

Bonus: What do I think of Neoform in the post-ban meta?

Thanks for reading, and until next time, happy turn 1ing!
submitted by finalnub to spikes [link] [comments]

[Tournament Report] 11-4 with Neobrand at GP Las Vegas

Unsurprising to most, I decided to bring Neobrand to battle last weekend at Grand Prix Las Vegas, even though I probably could've easily gotten my hands on a copy of Hogaak. I've already tweeted a lot about Neobrand and its place in the metagame, but to summarize:
  1. Hogaak and decks rising to beat Hogaak were also chasing away decks such as UWx and Death's Shadow, some of the worst matchups for the deck.
  2. Hogaak itself and the rise in decks that can supposedly combat Hogaak reasonably (Burn, Red Phoenix, Tron, Jund) were all great matchups for Neobrand. The collective win rate against the above decks during my testing was 76%.
  3. Mainstream MTG content made it clear that half measures vs. Hogaak do not work, so most lists started with 4 Leylines, decreasing the chance of Grafdigger's Cages.
  4. Neobrand in general has a very select number of axes of hate it dislikes.

I've written over 10,000 words on the actual deck (below), so for the purposes of this report I will focus on the weekend.

Thursday - Modern MCQ
I fly in on Wednesday night, check into my room at Westgate, and promptly accrue zero hours of sleep until a 30 min window around 8 AM where Cyruscg checks into the room and wakes me up. Rude. We both spout our nonsense about how well prepared we are and how we are going to farm each other in the final.

My list: https://twitter.com/finalnub/status/1163260804579282944

Round 1: WW vs. Jund
Round 2: WLL vs. Gx Tron. It was unfortunately friendly fire between two Vancouverites. Unfortunately in game 3 he snap keeps 7 but has no early plays so I read him for a clear Warping Wail (which is a 0-1 of). I tried to get the Allosaurus Rider beats going but he threatens to Tron by turn 5 so I am forced to jam my Eldritch Evolution and opponent shows the Warping Wail.
Round 3: WW vs. Hogaak. Game 1 I combo him from 8 life on turn 4. Opponent presents a turn 2 14 power clock in game 2 and I ignore it.
Round 4: WW Elves vs Dana Fischer. Fun match. It was my first time playing against Dana/Adam and was impressed by how they handled the match.
Round 5: LWL vs. Devoted Druid. Game 3 I have the turn 3 kill but opponent casts an unexpected Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and that singlehandedly defeated
Round 6: Draw for prizes
Tournament Summary: 3-2-1

List felt great but my lack of sleeping is catching up to me. We go out for a nice dinner at Lotus of Siam (must-ry in LV) and I met new some interesting people. I ponder whether to make any chances to the 75 but ditches the idea. This is the night where I realize that the beds and the pillows at Westgate are actually the nut low. Soft as cloud (think Mallow from Mario RPG) and offers negative support. As someone who had to have a discectomy this was untenable. My line is to choose to sleep on the couch and I get rewarded with 3 hours of crappy sleep.

Friday - Modern Main Event Day 1
Round 3 vs. James (Jund): WLW
I make a few potentially lethal mistakes here. First did cost me game 2 where my keep was a nut Leyline of Sanctity+turn 2 Neoform hand. Instead of waiting until turn 3 to potentially have another land, draw and a chance to hold up Veil of Summer, I am overconfident and jam on turn 2, fizzling and losing to an opposing Assassin's Trophy.
Game 3 is less egregious but still bad. I had an opportunity to turn 3 Evolution into Griselbrand but elect not to because I would've had to burn a Nourishing Shoal and something about James' play pattern indicated no additional discard. Of course, James plays an Inquisition right after but he takes my Laboratory Maniac instead of my Eldritch Evolution/Allosaurus Rider. I produce a Griselbrand and drown him in card advantage (and by that I mean multiple Allosaurus Rider, second Griselbrand, hardcast Chancellor of the Tangle).

Round 4 vs. Jason (Burn): WW
Not much to speak of in a good matchup. Highlight of this match was in game 2 where I make a few marginal but disciplined mulligans down to 4, draw the Leyline of Sanctity after keeping 4 (of course), and still win because Jason was on a no creature draw. 0 mana gain 15 life is good vs. that.

Round 5 vs. Daniel (Bant Spirits): LWL
I mulligan to a 5 that is two cards short of a turn 3 evolution. Daniel leads on turn 1 Mausoleum Wanderer which is unbeatable. I scoop without showing him much. I am raging inside as this is one of the worst matchup you can have for Neobrand but I hadn't seen Spirits in almost a year. That's Modern for you!
In game 2, I mulligan to 6 but win on turn 1.
Game 3 is a doozy. I keep a 6 that's missing 2 pieces but has a Pact of Negation. Opponent keeps 5 and his only early play is a flashed Rattlechain, which hits me twice. Given that he didn't elect to flash anything in after the Rattlechain turn, my read was a hand either full of Paths, Queller, 2 mana countermagic or Force. Eventually I jam the combo at 16 life as one more Rattlechain hit would've turned off a draw 7 and it's not going to get better. Daniel Deprives my Evolution, I Pact it, Daniel Cracks his Canopy and..........
Draws Supreme Phantom off the top, which he slams along with his hand of Aether Vial+Force of Negation. Tough beats!

Round 6 vs. Joseph (Red Phoenix): WLW
We split an unremarkable pair of games before my mulligan to 4 in game 3, which is Neoform, UG land, green cardx2. Here I'm just thinking not like this and start making plans to play ANT in tomorrow's Legacy MCQ. However, Joseph is on a slow keep on 7 centered around 1 Soul-Scar Mage and Shrine of Burning Rage. That actually gives me a chance to live to my turn 5 and combo. I count my lucky stars and consider visiting the casino tonight.

Round 7 vs. Nathan (Gx Tron): WLW
At this point, I'm still in disbelief at how I managed to steal two matches off of mulligans to 4 vs. two of the most aggressive decks in Modern. Little did I know the day would take another turn for the ridiculous...
Game 1 I turn 2 kill Nathan. Game 2 He has a turn 1 Cage and turn 4 Karn.
Game 3 is an absurd one. While I mulligan to 6 Nathan snap-keeps 7, which has me worried for an opening Cage. My mulligan to 6 is a turn 2 with no Oxidizes, but it's not a hand you can realistically mulligan. Sure enough, Nathan has a turn 1 Cage and I'm resigned to my fate and continue mentally planning my ANT sideboard (hint: Just netdeck Cyrus). I do run out the turn 2 Allosaurus Rider out because why not.
It turns out, however, that Nathan kept a 1 lander and soon the match has my full attention. Simian Spirit Guide joins the fray to potentially cut a turn off the clock. There is an interesting spot where Nathan has Power Plantx2, Mine, Forest and Grafdigger's Cage, and just "fogged" my attack of 4/4 Rider+2/2 SSG with his Ballista while at 4 life. I know from a previous Ancient Stirrings that he had an Oblivion Stone. I have an offline Neoform, Allosaurus Rider and 2 green cards with my surviving 4/4 Rider.
Thinking here is that if I play out the second Allosaurus Rider, I would be playing around another blocker that would fog (which I couldn't think of beside their 1-3 Ballistas. I doubt Thragtusk has entered his 60) and Dismember (don't laugh - they don't have enough bad cards to cut), but gets punished by a sweeper such as the Ostone that I know he has. If I hold the Rider, Nathan can draw Tron and Oblivion Stone, which would kill the Cage and I can combo in my second phase after the OStone activation. In the end, I ended up jamming the second Rider and pass with two 4/4s and opponent at 4. I had to sweat a big Ancient Stirrings but it whiffed. I win a game where the turn 1 Cage never got removed. Interesting.
Round 8 vs Austin (UW): WLW
I win the die roll and keep a turn 1 kill hand. Austin accidentally goes first and lays a tapped Colonnade. OK then...
Game 2 is also a bit absurd, in that I had two Pact of Negations for his two Force of Negations. However, Neobrand giveth and taketh, as the combo fizzled and we had to move onto game 3.
In game 3, we both appear to have kept a slower hand. Mine is an Eldritch Evolution (handy vs. Spell Snare) hand with Pact of Negation backup. Austin goes Island go, Field go, which is interesting as he's not able to represent Dovin's Veto. I jam on turn 4, which gets by his Mana Leak and gets around the Spell Snare that he ends up having. I win an impossible matchup and i think about how much murder I've gotten away with in the last 5 hours.

Round 9 vs Mac (Red Phoenix): WW
Games played out how you'd expect them to with turn 2/3 Griselbrands. Note that this deck can definitely kill a Griselbrand, so you have to evaluate carefully whether you should be drawing 7s to win this turn, or just pass and hope. There were a few tricky spots where I could've died to a very specific combination of cards, but luckily I survive.

I'm ecstatic that I'm 8-1 and feel very good about putting up a good result tomorrow. I also find that I am not the only maniac playing Neobrand. Chuck Pierce was actually at the 8-0 table playing for day 1 undefeated. He and his two friends came up to say hello and talk about the article, which was super cool. 6 of us ended up making day two with Neobrand, which seems pretty good for a "meme" deck that people have natural tendencies to dismiss immediately.

The Westgate bed remains unplayable and I get another 4 hours of rough sleep on the couch.

Saturday - Modern Main Event Day 12
Round 10 vs. Matthew (Amulet Titan): WW
Game 1 I mulligan to 4 and turn 2 him because why not?
Game 2 Opponent plays a turn 2 Trinket Mage fetching Pithing Needle, passes and asks if I'm going to kill. I do.

In between the rounds, I'm constantly chirping about how I've yet to face my bye (Hogaak) and how they would never show Neobrand on camera. Be careful what you wish for..

Round 11 Feature Match vs. Ashton (Turbo Hogaak):
You can watch the match here, as this was the round 11 main feature:
In game 1, Ashton cannot beat a turn 2 7/7 flying lifelinker. Game 2 and 3 play out in similar ways in that Ashton presents a very fast Vengevine-fueled clock, which makes comboing a bit harder. I unfortunately brick in game 2. I take note of his start in game 3, which screams out Assassin's Trophy. If possible, I would want to wait as long as possible. to get another land+Veil, but alas I do not have the time. Waterlogged Groves also reared their ugly side, as the pings from the Groves made sure I was 14 or lower, denying me another draw 7.
The judge call was about communicaiton and when priority was implied to have been passed. I believe Ashton missed lethal after, as blocking with Rider means that he can jam onto the Feeder and win on the spot. He doesn't. I need him to make several mistakes in a row to have a chance here - something about trying to alpha strike with everyone including a blocker, him sacrificing to Carrion Feeder a few times to turn on Morbid on Life Goes On, and then killing him on the backswing. Of course, he ends up casting Hogaak as a blocker and the game is over from there.
I'm really irritated that I finally got to go back on the feature match and losing an easy matchup. As I said, you really should be careful of what you wish for :)
Round 12 vs. Boaz (Jeskai Urza): WW
Game one I turn 3 him. I learned that Boaz was holding a fully powered Whir of Invention to get Grafdigger's Cage/Pithing Needle/Bridge, but Boaz did not exactly know what deck this was, so he tapped out for Urza instead. He doesn't get to untap again in this game.
In game 2, I keep a close 7 with an Oxidize. However, Boaz plays an early Goblin Engineer and digs up a Pithing Needle. The Goblin Engineer is actually quite a nuisance, as it can loop back any key artifact if destroyed. I end up going for it around turn 4, where I lead with my life gain, Evolution then Oxidize on Pithing Needle. I activate to draw 7 and opponent tries to bring back the Needle, but I draw the entire deck minus 7 in response to the first draw 7 and Path. Fun game.
Up to this point, there's increased buzz about how people have seen and have been defeated by Neobrand at the top tables. Sure enough, it was Chuck Pierce and he seems to be doing well at 9-1 (he would lose his match off camera.

Round 13 vs. Chuck Pierce (Neobrand): WLW
This may be my most memorable match in the tournament. Chuck wins the die roll (wpwp) and proceeds to turn 1 me off Summoner's Pact. Unfortunately! Chuck fizzles and dies to Pact. This is the pinnacle of Modern
Game 2 is likely the most absurd game that I've played with this deck. I mulligan to 6 and has the turn 1 combo. Unfortunately, I fizzle but I can pass with no Pact to pay. I summon out two Allosaurus Riders and pass with those plus an 8/8 lifelink flier and a bunch of lands. Mistake 1): I should've kept an extra evolution spell to re-evolve into Griselbrand in case one Griselbrand isn't enough.
Chuck turn 1s but also fizzles, summons two Allosaurus Riders, cast Serum Visions to top/bobbom and passes the turn. My hand is mostly lands and cyclers at this point, and each side is staring at their counterpart's board of Rider, Rider and 8/8 Griselbrand. Our lives are 6 and 7.
My draw step yields me no lifegain to help. Mistake 2) I tank and pass the turn rather than attacking, reasoning that I don't have an Evolution spell so risking a block seems too risky. However, I think I should've attacked with Griselbrand for a few reasons:
  1. Opponent topped a card with SV. That means it has to be a life gain spell. I should've assumed that I was dead at that point.
  2. There's an off-chance where killing one Griselbrand is plenty enough. That scenario requires the other side to have drawn both Griselbrands so re-evolving into Griselbrand is not a line
As played, Chuck's next draw is a Nourishing Shoal and I'm dead on the spot.
In game 3, I mulligan to 4 and Chuck to 5. I fire off two SVs and find the combo with relative ease while Chuck's hand does nothing. For the third time this weekend, I won with a mulligan to 4... and start thinking whether I'm meant to be the winner this weekend.
Round 14 Feature Match vs. Jack (Burn)
This is also on the Channelfireball Twitch VOD. As you can see from the coverage, I do not know who the opponent is so I keep a fine ish of SSG, Cantor, Waterlogged Grove, Manamorphose, Manamorphose, Summoner's Pact. In hindsight, this is much closer to a mulligan than a keep in the dark. However, the hand already had Manamorphose mana to cycle a third mana source in Cantor to power out an Eldritch Evolution. As you can see in game 1, I never get a chance to play.
Game 2 is the game that I've been thinking for a while now. Basically, I keep a clean turn 2 combo without Pact triggers. Jack's turn 1 of land go is a bit suspicious. Here I tank and think about whether I should wait a turn, jam and go ham, or jam and pass. I end up taking the last line. Most of the times, Burn players should be playing 2-3 Path to Exile. It's certainly conceivable that Jack is holding up a Path, but I'd rather not play around that by waiting. I think most of the times with them having 2-3 Paths for Griselbrand, I'm fine trying to win with a 8/8 flying lifelinker and not drawing any cards immediately.
There's also another microdecision here that could've changed the game: what to pitch to my Allosaurus Rider. I ended up pitching the Wurm rather than Allosaurus Rider because I wanted to leave myself an option to re-combo next turn or just beat down with the Rider. I thought about this more and honestly don't know what the right answer is.
Anyway, as played Jack has Path and each of my draw 7s aren't great. I did draw a Shoal but no Wurm so exiling the Wurm ends up punishing me. My plan from here is to draw enough to buffer my life total whie being able to re-combo next turn, or enough to win via Allosaurus Rider betadown. As you can see, I just don't get anything, which is anything but this sort of variance is part of the game. Unfortunately, I get on two camera matches and lose both of them in key spots. Good beats - this game is tough!
Round 15 vs. Kevin (Thalia Stompy): LL
Kevin turns out to be a friend/disciple of one famous SpiderSpace that also streams this deck. I mulligan to a great 4 card hand that actually needs just two lands to combo. Kevin turbos out Leonin Arbiter on turn 1 and GQs me. That is what they call in the business good game.
Game 2 doesn't go much better. Chalice on 0 ruins a turn 2 combo, and I draw my Allosaurus Rider a turn two late while he suffocates me with the TKS/Displacer lock.
I'm fairly certain this deck is very favored against Neobrand, as Thalia and Arbiter are auto-wins game 1. they get to bring in more artifact from the SB post-bardo. Oh well, what can you do !

Tournament Summary

Bonus: What do I think of Neoform in the post-ban meta?

Thanks for reading, and until next time, happy turn 1ing!
submitted by finalnub to ModernMagic [link] [comments]

THINGS TO DO IN LOU: Forecastle Weekend Edition!

Hey, y'all! sethra007 and I are teaming up to share what's going on in Louisville every week. This post highlights goings-on around town for tonight through Sunday.
A reminder that if you're a parent, you owe it to yourself and your kids to check out the Louisville Family Fun site. If I started posting all of the kid- and family-focused events that they list, we'd be here all day. Many of the events LFF lists are free or very low cost, so it's a great way to entertain and educate your young'uns
This event features Valerie Schirmer from Three Toads Farm demonstrating how to pot succulents in Stoneware. Schirmer’s demonstration will include tips about soil, watering, sunlight, temperature and other key components for keeping your Stoneware succulent thriving year-round. Held in Stoneware’s new GE Mongram Experience Kitchen, the open house style event will be catered by Maison - A Boutique Culinary Company with complimentary “from the garden” themed hors d'oeuvre and cocktail tastings. The Lifestyle Series is designed to showcase authentic, local makers of products that complement the Stoneware products and lifestyle.
Come enjoy a pleasant summer evening at the Ice House's new wine tasting series, Straight from the Bottle. Led by industry expert Erica Schnell, each series explores different tasting techniques and samplings of seasonal varietals and distinct blends from around the world. An assortment of appetizer pairings will be offered during the tasting, and a cash bar will be open for refreshments before and after each class. To purchase tickets call 502-589-4700.
Eron Plevan, head mixologist from The Oakroom will teach guests how to make a few of his signature cocktails. Guests will enjoy four of Eron’s favorite cocktails with Bourbon Barrel Foods’ signature snacks.
Forecastle and craft beer kings Against the Grain Brewery will be hosting the official Forecastle Kick-Off Party to start your weekend off right! Stop by for local eats, treats, and drinks, plus all GA & VIP weekend pass holders can pick up your wristbands in advance from 5pm to 7pm! We'll also have a live music from Louisville favorites Second Story Man with The Debauchees starting at 7pm on the patio. RSVP now and join us for a heckuva good time!
MUST RSVP THROUGH YELP! At this special event, the center will allow Yelpers who are 21+ to come in and play with all of the displays and experiments after the center closes to the general public. Special adult beverages -- inspired by childhood favorites like Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Ecto Coolers -- will be provided by Fireball, Chila Orchata and Epic Vodka. Other surprises are in the works! And then at 7:30 p.m., attendees will go into the center's new state-of-the-art, four-story digital theater and watch a Hollywood classic: "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark." This movie is among several circa 1980s films that the center will be showing over the summer.
9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Junior Olympic competition for trampoline/tumbling, acrobatic gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics
9 a.m.-12 p.m. Rhythmic gymnastics, junior and senior elite
1:30-4:30 p.m. Trampoline and tumbling, junior prelims
6-9:30 p.m. Acrobatic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, and synchronized trampoline, senior
Down One Bourbon Bar and Restaurant is teaming up with entertainer and magician Richard Darshwood for an evening of Magic, Dinner and Bourbon. Seating is limited, so guests are encouraged to make reservations. The event includes a mystery-filled evening with a three-course dinner and four courses of entertainment from Darshwood. Dinner starts with appetizers for the table, our house salad, a choice of Roasted Gerber Chicken Breast with Three Potato Hash, Brussels Sprouts and Gravy, or Shrimp and Grits, and Bourbon-Raisin Bread Pudding for Dessert.
The Third Thursday Hoedown in Germantown returns July 17, celebrating its second birthday at its comfy home at Danny Mac’s, featuring local caller Alex Udis to the old-time tunes of semi-local band Hen Cackle. Doors open at 7 with a beginner’s square dance workshop at 7:30, and dancing will take place from 8-10:30, featuring predominantly simple and traditional southern figures.
(weekly on Friday until August 29, 2014) Join the Kentucky Center on Fridays from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. for a class of yoga postures, flow, and deep relaxation. Come to the Main Lobby of The Kentucky Center by 11:50a, and bring your own mat and water!
9 a.m.-12 p.m. Rhythmic gymnastics, junior and senior prelims
9 a.m.-12 p.m. Trampoline and tumbling (juniosenior) and acrobatic gymnastics (Junior Olympic)
1:30-4:30 p.m. Junior Olympic rhythmic gymnastics and trampoline and tumbling
1:30-4:30 p.m. Acrobatic gymnastics, junior
6-9:30 p.m. Acrobatic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics and trampoline, senior
Outkast, Spoon, Twenty One Pilots, Gary Clark Jr., Local Natives, Action Bronson, JJ Grey & Mofro, Against Me!, Nightmares On Wax (live), The Black Lips, St. Lucia, Mim0sa, Benjamin Booker, Leagues, Foy Vance, The Districts, Willie Watson, Old Baby, St. Paul and the Broken Bones, Curtis Harding, Public
Louisville’s home to Friday evening Twilight Shopping (6-9 p.m.) with music, Kentucky inspired food & drink, and entertainment! Friday only $5, One day Pass $12 or Two day Pass $20 Children under 12, admitted free
Forecastle kick-off -opening early at noon. Our favorite country boys, that is Country Boy Brewing, are bringing the good stuff for a very special Forecastle kick-off tapping, featuring: ~ Country Boy/West Sixth Country Western ~ PaPaw’s Red ~ Bourbon Barrel-Aged Black Gold Porter ~ and more!
9 a.m.-12 p.m. Rhythmic gymnastics, junior and senior finals
9 a.m.-12 p.m. Junior Olympic acrobatic gymnastics and trampoline and tumbling
1:30-4:30 p.m. Rhythmic gymnastics (Junior Olympic) and trampoline and tumbling (juniosenior finals)
1:30-4:30 p.m. Acrobatic gymnastics and trampoline, junior finals
6-9:30 p.m. Acrobatic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics and trampoline, senior finals
Jack White, Band of Horses, Dwight Yoakam, Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, Jason Isbell, Slint, Lord Huron, Spanish Gold, Kygo, Avey Tare's Slasher Flicks, Hurray for the Riff Raff, The Soul Rebels, Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors, Boy & Bear, Mount Moriah, Young & Sick, Johnnyswim, JaLin Roze, Goodbye June, The Wans, Jill Andrews, Anwar Sadat, Chancellor Warhol
Lee Daniel’s The Butler watches as Cecil Gaines serves eight presidents during his tenure as a butler at the White House, the civil rights movement, Vietnam, and other major events affect this man's life, family, and American society.
On Saturday, a Regency Promenade will take place in an effort to break the Guinness Book World Record number of people in Regency attire. One day Pass $12 or Two day Pass $20 Children under 12, admitted free
The Derby City Rovers are Louisville's Premier Development League Soccer Team. They compete in the South Atlantic Division of the USL Premier Development League. One step below the pro game, the players are widely recognized as the top level of amateur mens soccer in the country.
Join naturalist Rosemary Bauman at the Nature Center for an Owl Hike. Refreshments will be provided. Recommended for ages 6 and up. Dress for the weather. COST: LNC members and volunteers: $4 per person or $15 for families of 4 or more; Non-members: $6 per person or $24 for families of 4 or more. Limited to 20 participants. Registration and payment are required at registration by Saturday , July 19 at 12:00 noon. (Fees are non-refundable.)
As an entertainer, Jeff Dunham has truly impacted popular culture and his character catchphrases, such as Achmed's "Silence! I Keel You!" and José Jalapeño’s "On A Steek!'" are now part of our vernacular, much to the delight of multi-generational audiences worldwide.
The pizza party is back at 610 Magnolia. House made, hand tossed dough is topped with seasonal ingredients and houses cured meats before being baked in our wood fired oven. 610 Magnolia chefs will serve up pies both traditional and creative, along with other treats to round out the Italian style feast. Carefully selective wines and beers will be on hand to enjoy. Be sure to RSVP early as this is a popular event. Call 502-636-0783 or visit www.610magnolia.com
July 20
The wedding show at the Frazier History Museum is a boutique-like wedding show and is as elegant as they come. Enjoy free show admission, cake and catering samplings, while talking to Louisville's best wedding vendors.
Summer weather means farm fresh produce. What better way to show off the bounty of the Ohio River Valley then with a series of special suppers created by Chef Levon Wallace. Join us on Sunday evenings for a family-style, prix fixe menu in addition to our regular a la carte dinner menu. Make your reservations for one of the Sunday dates below by calling 502.217.6360
Preservation Louisville is hosting the 2nd annual Preservation + ART exhibit called: Odd Corners in Louisville at The Hite Art Institute. This exhibit features drawing of scenes in Louisville by Alexander Van Leshout from 1924 along with modern day photography by Dennis Crews. Some corners you may be able to recognize... others you may have to ask an older relative about! The exhibit is free and open to the public through July 20, 2014
Beck, The Replacements, Ray LaMontagne, Nickel Creek, Trampled by Turtles, Jenny Lewis, Tune-Yards, Flume, Brett Dennen, Sharon Van Etten, Claude VonStroke, Lucius, Chrome Sparks, Sun Kil Moon, Hayes Carll, Reignwolf, The Weeks, Blue Sky Black Death, Seluah, Matrimony, Thee Open Sex
If I left anything off or forgot anything, please post it! :)
submitted by hungrylittleone to Louisville [link] [comments]

All of the MPAA/CARA-rated films of 1975 (out of the 2,935 films released worldwide that year.)

  1. Against A Crooked Sky (Director: Earl Bellamy)
  2. At Long Last Love (Director: Peter Bogdanovich)
  3. Blood Beast Of Monster Mountain (Directors: Massey Cramer + Donn Davison)
  4. Challenge To Be Free (Directors: Tay Garnett + Ford Beebe, Jr.)
  5. Dersu Uzala (Director: Akira Kurosawa)
  6. Dick Deadeye, or Duty Done (Director: Bill Melendez)
  7. Doc Savage: The Man Of Bronze (Director: Michael Anderson)
  8. Emilio + His Magical Bull (Director: Edward Nassour)
  9. Escape To Witch Mountain (Director: John Hough)
  10. He Is My Brother (Director: Edward Dmytryk)
  11. Hugo The Hippo (Director: Bill Feigenbaum)
  12. Lions For Breakfast (Director: William Davidson)
  13. Lost On Paradise Island (Director: George Leszkay)
  14. Mr. Quilp (Director: Michael Tuchner)
  15. Mr. Sycamore (Director: Pancho Kohner)
  16. My Name Is Legend (Director: Duke Kelly)
  17. One Of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing (Director: Robert Stevenson)
  18. Return To Campus (Director: Harold Cornsweet)
  19. Ride A Wild Pony (Director: Don Chaffey)
  20. Stevie, Samson + Delilah (Director: Steve Hawkes)
  21. Superbug, The Craziest Car In The World (Director: Rudolf Zehetgruber)
  22. Terror Of Mechagodzilla (Director: Ishirô Honda)
  23. That Lady From Peking (Director: Eddie Davis)
  24. The Adventures Of The Wilderness Family (Director: Stewart Raffill)
  25. The Apple Dumpling Gang (Director: Norman Tokar)
  26. The Godmothers (Director: William Grefe)
  27. The Great Adventure (Director: Gianfranco Baldanello)
  28. The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix (Director: Ivo Caprino)
  29. The Return Of The Pink Panther (Director: Blake Edwards)
  30. The Strongest Man In The World (Director: Vincent McEveety)
  31. The World Through The Eyes Of Children (Directors: Jimmie Rodgers + Bob Williams)
  32. Their Only Chance (Director: J. David Siddon)
  33. Train Ride To Hollywood (Director: Charles R. Rondeau)
  34. Tubby The Tuba (Director: Alexander Schure)
  35. Viaje fantástico en globo (Director: René Cardona Jr.)
  36. Zorro (Director: Duccio Tessari)
  37. e'Lollipop (Director: Ashley Lazarus)
  1. ‘Sheba, Baby’ (Director: William Girdler)
  2. Alice Cooper: Welcome To My Nightmare (Director: David Winters)
  3. Aloha, Bobby + Rose (Director: Floyd Mutrux)
  4. Barry Lyndon (Director: Stanley Kubrick)
  5. Bite The Bullet (Director: Richard Brooks)
  6. Boss Nigger (Director: Jack Arnold)
  7. Brannigan (Director: Douglas Hickox)
  8. Breakheart Pass (Director: Tom Gries)
  9. Breakout (Director: Tom Gries)
  10. Bronson Lee, Champion (Director: Yukio Nora)
  11. Bug (Director: Jeannot Szwarc)
  12. Cat + Mouse (Director: Claude Lelouch)
  13. Cher Victor (Director: Robin Davis)
  14. Children Of Rage (Director: Arthur Allan Seidelman)
  15. Cipolla Colt (Director: Enzo G. Castellari)
  16. Conduct Unbecoming (Director: Michael Anderson)
  17. Convoy Buddies (Director: Giuliano Carnimeo)
  18. Cooley High (Director: Michael Schultz)
  19. Cornbread, Earl + Me (Director: Joseph Manduke)
  20. Crazy Mama (Director: Jonathan Demme)
  21. Darktown Strutters (Director: William Witney)
  22. Deliver Us From Evil (Director: Horace Jackson)
  23. Diagnosis: Murder (Director: Sidney Hayers)
  24. Diamonds (Director: Menahem Golan)
  25. Dogpound Shuffle (Director: Jeffrey Bloom)
  26. End Of The Game (Director: Maximilian Schell)
  27. Flash + The Firecat (Directors: Beverly Sebastian + Ferd Sebastian)
  28. Fugitive Lovers (Director: John Carr)
  29. Funny Lady (Director: Herbert Ross)
  30. Galileo (Director: Joseph Losey)
  31. Give ‘Em Hell, Harry! (Directors: Steve Binder + Peter H. Hunt)
  32. Guitar Picks + Roach Clips (Director: Anton Noel)
  33. Half A House (Director: Brice Mack)
  34. Hard Times (Director: Walter Hill)
  35. Hearts Of The West (Director: Howard Zieff)
  36. Hedda (Director: Trevor Nunn)
  37. Hennessy (Director: Don Sharp)
  38. Hester Street (Director: Joan Micklin Silver)
  39. How Come Nobody’s On Our Side? (Director: Richard Michaels)
  40. Hustle (Director: Robert Aldrich)
  41. I Wonder Who’s Killing Her Now? (Director: Steven Hilliard Stern)
  42. Infra-Man (Director: Shan Hua)
  43. Inside Out (Director: Peter Duffell)
  44. It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time (Director: John Trent)
  45. Jacques Brel Is Alive + Well + Living In Paris (Director: Denis Héroux)
  46. Jaws (Director: Steven Spielberg)
  47. Keep Off My Grass (Director: Shelley Berman)
  48. King Arthur, The Young Warlord (Directors: Sidney Hayers, Pat Jackson + Peter Sasdy)
  49. Las Vegas Lady (Director: Noel Nosseck)
  50. Le Sauvage (Director: Jean-Paul Rappeneau)
  51. Leonor (Director: Juan Luis Buñuel)
  52. Lepke (Director: Menahem Golan)
  53. Let’s Do It Again (Director: Sidney Poitier)
  54. Lies My Father Told Me (Director: Ján Kadár)
  55. Love + Death (Director: Woody Allen)
  56. Lucky Lady (Director: Stanley Donen)
  57. Mackintosh + T.J. (Director: Marvin J. Chomsky)
  58. Mahogany (Directors: Berry Gordy, Tony Richardson + Jack Wormser)
  59. Man Friday (Director: Jack Gold)
  60. Monty Python + The Holy Grail (Directors: Terry Gilliam + Terry Jones)
  61. Moonrunners (Director: Gy Waldron)
  62. Mr. Ricco (Director: Paul Bogart)
  63. Murph The Surf (Director: Marvin J. Chomsky)
  64. Operation: Daybreak (Director: Lewis Gilbert)
  65. Paper Tiger (Director: Ken Annakin)
  66. Peeper (Director: Peter Hyams)
  67. Picnic At Hanging Rock (Director: Peter Weir)
  68. Posse (Director: Kirk Douglas)
  69. Psychic Killer (Director: Ray Danton)
  70. Race With The Devil (Director: Jack Starrett)
  71. Rancho Deluxe (Director: Milton Katselas)
  72. Return To Macon County (Director: Richard Compton)
  73. Rooster Cogburn (Director: Stuart Miller)
  74. Rosebud (Director: Otto Preminger)
  75. Royal Flash (Director: Richard Lester)
  76. Russian Roulette (Director: Lou Lombardo)
  77. Sasqua (Director: Channon Scot)
  78. Sharks’ Treasure (Director: Cornel Wilde)
  79. Sheila Levine Is Dead + Living In New York (Director: Sidney J. Furie)
  80. Smile (Director: Michael Ritchie)
  81. Smoke In The Wind (Directors: Andy Brennan + Joseph Kane)
  82. So Sad About Gloria (Director: Harry Thomason)
  83. Sons Of Sassoun (Director: Sarky Mouradian)
  84. Special Section (Director: Costa-Gavras)
  85. Supercock (Director: Gus Trikonis)
  86. Take A Hard Ride (Director: Antonio Margheriti)
  87. That Lucky Touch (Director: Christopher Miles)
  88. That’s The Way Of The World (Director: Sig Shore)
  89. The Adventure Of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother (Director: Gene Wilder)
  90. The Black Bird (Director: David Giler)
  91. The Brass Ring (Director: Martin Beck)
  92. The Devil’s Rain (Director: Robert Fuest)
  93. The Drowning Pool (Director: Stuart Rosenberg)
  94. The Executioner (Director: Cyril Frankel)
  95. The Fortune (Director: Mike Nichols)
  96. The Giant Spider Invasion (Director: Bill Rebane)
  97. The Great McGonagall (Director: Joseph McGrath)
  98. The Great Waldo Pepper (Director: George Roy Hill)
  99. The Hiding Place (James F. Collier)
  100. The Hindenburg (Director: Robert Wise)
  101. The Killer Elite (Director: Sam Peckinpah)
  102. The Maids (Director: Christopher Miles)
  103. The Man Who Would Be King (Director: John Huston)
  104. The Man Who Would Not Die (Director: Robert Arkless)
  105. The Manchu Eagle Murder Caper Mystery (Director: Dean Hargrove)
  106. The Master Gunfighter (Director: Tom Laughlin)
  107. The Other Side Of The Mountain (Director: Larry Peerce)
  108. The Passenger (Director: Michelangelo Antonioni)
  109. The Prisoner Of Second Avenue (Melvin Frank)
  110. The Stepford Wives (Director: Bryan Forbes)
  111. The Story Of Adele H (Director: François Truffaut)
  112. The Sunshine Boys (Director: Herbert Ross)
  113. The Terrorists (Director: Caspar Wrede)
  114. The Wilby Conspiracy (Director: Ralph Nelson)
  115. The Wild McCullochs (Director: Max Baer, Jr.)
  116. The Wind + The Lion (Director: John Milius)
  117. Timber Tramps (Director: Tay Garnett)
  118. Tommy (Director: Ken Russell)
  119. W.W. + The Dixie Dancekings (Director: John G. Avildsen)
  120. Walking Tall, Part II (Director: Earl Bellamy)
  121. Whiffs (Director: Ted Post)
  122. White Line Fever (Director: Jonathan Kaplan)
  1. 92 In The Shade (Director: Thomas McGuane)
  2. A Boy + His Dog (Director: L.Q. Jones)
  3. A Man With A Maid (Director: Vernon P. Becker)
  4. A Woman For All Men (Director: Arthur Marks)
  5. Aaron Loves Angela (Director: Gordon Parks, Jr.)
  6. Abduction (Director: Joseph Zito)
  7. Abigail Leslie Is Back In Town (Director: Joseph W. Sarno)
  8. Alfie Darling (Director: Ken Hughes)
  9. Alias Big Cherry (Director: Matt Cimber)
  10. Apache Blood (Director: Vern Piehl)
  11. At Last, At Last (Director: Marino Girolami)
  12. Au-delà de la peur (Director: Yannick Andréi)
  13. Autopsy (Director: Armando Crispino)
  14. Best Friend (Director: Noel Nosseck)
  15. Black Force (Director: Michael Fink)
  16. Black Lolita (Director: Stephen Gibson)
  17. Black Magic (Director: Ho Meng-Hua)
  18. Black Moon (Director: Louis Malle)
  19. Blazing Stewardesses (Director: Al Adamson)
  20. Blonde In Black Leather (Director: Carlo Di Palma)
  21. Blood, Sweat + Fear (Director: Stelvio Massi)
  22. Bucktown (Director: Arthur Marks)
  23. Can I Keep It Up For A Week? (Director: Jim Atkinson)
  24. Capone (Director: Steve Carver)
  25. Catherine + Co. (Director: Michel Boisrond)
  26. Cleopatra Jones + The Casino Of Gold (Director: Charles Bail)
  27. Cookies (Director: Joël Séria)
  28. Coonskin (Director: Ralph Bakshi)
  29. Cousin cousine (Director: Jean-Charles Tacchella)
  30. Cover Girl Models (Director: Cirio H. Santiago)
  31. Criminally Insane (Director: Nick Millard)
  32. Dread Aim (Director: José Bolaños)
  33. Deadly Hero (Director: Ivan Nagy)
  34. Deadly Strangers (Director: Sidney Hayers)
  35. Death Race 2000 (Director: Paul Bartel)
  36. Deep Red (Profondo Rosso) (Director: Dario Argento)
  37. Delinquent School Girls (Director: Greg Corarito)
  38. Dirty Hands (Director: Claude Chabrol)
  39. Dog Day Afternoon (Director: Sidney Lumet)
  40. Dolemite (Director: D’Urville Martin)
  41. Down The Ancient Stairs (Director: Mauro Bolognini)
  42. Dr. Minx (Director: Howard Avedis)
  43. Dragon Flies (The Man From Hong Kong) (Director: Brian Trenchard-Smith)
  44. Drifter (Director: Pat Rocco)
  45. Farewell, My Lovely (Director: Dick Richards)
  46. Flat Out (Director: Pierre Unia)
  47. Forced Entry (Director: Jim Sotos)
  48. Foreplay (Directors: John G. Avildsen, Bruce Malmuth, Robert McCarty + Ralph Rosenblum)
  49. Framed (Director: Phil Karlson)
  50. French Connection II (Director: John Frankenheimer)
  51. Friday Foster (Director: Arthur Marks)
  52. Gemini Affair (Director: Matt Cimber)
  53. Gone With The West (Director: Bernard Girard)
  54. Goodbye Bruce Lee: His Last Game Of Death (Directors: Bin Lin + Harold B. Swartz)
  55. Hss Anybody Seen My Pants? (Director Hubert Frank)
  56. Hua ei man cheng chun (director: Mu Chu)
  57. If You Don’t Stop It...You’ll Go Blind!!! (Directors: Keefe Brasselle + I. Robert Levy)
  58. Jessi’s Girls (Director: Al Adamson)
  59. Johnny Firecloud (Director: William Allen Castleman)
  60. Journey Into Fear (Director: Daniel Mann)
  61. Katie Tippel (Director: Paul Verhoeven)
  62. Kidnap Syndicate (Director: Fernando Di Leo)
  63. Kitty Can’t Help It (Director: Peter Locke)
  64. Kung Fu-ry (Director: K.S. Cheung)
  65. L’agression (Director: Gérard Pirès)
  66. L'uomo che sfidò l'organizzazione (Director: Sergio Grieco)
  67. Gambling City (Director: Sergio Martino)
  68. Lady Cocoa (Director: Matt Cimber)
  69. Last Stop On The Night Train (Night Train Murders) (Director: Aldo Lado)
  70. Le téléphone rose (Director: Édouard Molinaro)
  71. Legacy (Director: Karen Arthur)
  72. Linda Lovelace For President (Directors: Claudio Guzmán + Arthur Marks)
  73. Lisztomania (Director: Ken Russell)
  74. Lord Shango (Director: Ray Marsh)
  75. Los tres compadres (Director: Arturo Martinez)
  76. Love + Energy (Director: Pasquale Festa Campanile)
  77. Mandingo (Director: Richard Fleischer)
  78. Mary, Mary Bloody Mary (Director: Juan López Moctezuma)
  79. Mitchell (Director: Andrew V. McLaglen)
  80. Mujang haeje (Director: Doo-yong Lee)
  81. My Pleasure Is My Business (Director: Xaviera Hollander)
  82. Nashville (Director: Robert Altman)
  83. Night Moves (Director: Arthur Penn)
  84. Night Of The Howling Beast (Director: Miguel Iglesias)
  85. Night Of The Seagulls (Director: Amando de Ossorio)
  86. Nymph (Director: William Dear)
  87. Once Is Not Enough (Director: Guy Green)
  88. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest (Director: Milos Forman)
  89. Order To Assassinate (Director: José Gutiérrez Maesso)
  90. Out Of Season (Director: Alan Bridges)
  91. The Night Caller (Director: Henri Verneuil)
  92. Pick-Up (Director: Bernard Hirschenson)
  93. Pleasure Party (Director: Claude Chabrol)
  94. Poor Pretty Eddie (Directors: David Worth + Richard Robinson)
  95. Posse From Heaven (Director: Phillip Pine)
  96. Prisoners (Director: William H. Bushnell)
  97. Rafferty + The Gold Dust Twins (Director: Dick Richards)
  98. Rancho Deluxe (Director: Frank Perry)
  99. Rollerball (Director: Norman Jewison)
  100. Satan’s Black Wedding (Director: Nick Millard)
  101. Saturday Night At The Baths (Director: David Buckley)
  102. Seven Beauties (Director: Lina Wertmüller)
  103. Shame Of The Jungle (Directors: Picha + Boris Szulzinger)
  104. Shampoo (Director: Hal Ashby)
  105. Sharon’s Baby (Director: Peter Sasdy)
  106. Shivers (Director: David Cronenberg)
  107. Shôrinji kenpô (Director: Noribumi Suzuki)
  108. Six Pack Annie (Director: Fred G. Thorne)
  109. Smiling Maniacs (Director: Marcello Aliprandi)
  110. Street Girls (Director: Michael Miller)
  111. Sunburst (Director: James Polakof)
  112. Super Spook (Director: Anthony B. Major)
  113. Switchblade Sisters (Director: Jack Hill)
  114. Syndicate Sadists (Director: Umberto Lenzi)
  115. Teenage Seductress (Director: Chris Warfield)
  116. That Most Important Thing: Love (Director: Andrzej Zulawski)
  117. The ‘Human’ Factor (Director: Edward Dmytryk)
  118. The Astrologer (Director: James Glickenhaus)
  119. The Black Dragon Revenges The Death Of Bruce Lee (Director: Chin-Ku Lu)
  120. The Black Gestapo (Director: Lee Frost)
  121. The Blazer Girls (Director: Jean-Paul Scardino)
  122. The Candy Tangerine Man (Director: Matt Cimber)
  123. The Day That Shook The World (Director: Veljko Bulajic)
  124. The Day Of The Locust (Director: John Schlesinger)
  125. The Divine Nymph (Director: Giuseppe Patroni Griffi)
  126. The Dragon Dies Hard (Director Kuan-Chang Li)
  127. The Eiger Sanction (Director: Clint Eastwood)
  128. The Four Assassins (Director: Cheh Chang)
  129. The Four Deuces (Director: William H. Bushnell)
  130. The Ghoul (Director: Freddie Francis)
  131. The Girl From Starship Venus (Director: Derek Ford)
  132. The Happy Hooker (Director: Nicholas Sgarro)
  133. The Immortal Three (Director: Doris Wishman)
  134. The Infidel (Director: Charles Bodine)
  135. The Lost Honor Of Katharina Blum (Directors: Volker Schlöndorff + Margarethe von Trotta)
  136. The Love Butcher (Directors: Don Jones + Mikel Angel)
  137. The Meal (Deadly Encounter) (Director: R. John Hugh)
  138. The Night Child (Director: Massimo Dallamano)
  139. The Night They Robbed Big Bertha’s (Director Peter Kares)
  140. The Noah (Director: Daniel Bourla)
  141. The Old Gun (Director: Robert Enrico)
  142. The Reincarnation Of Peter Proud (Director: J. Lee Thompson)
  143. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Director: Jim Sharman)
  144. The Romantic Englishwoman (Director: Joseph Losey)
  145. The Sensuous Nurse (Director: Nello Rossati)
  146. The Specialist (Director: Howard Aveis)
  147. The Story Of Sin (Director: Walerian Borowczyk)
  148. The Sunday Woman (Director: Luigi Comencini)
  149. The Swinging Barmaids (Director: Gus Trikonis)
  150. The Teasers (Director: Michele Massimo Tarantini)
  151. The Ultimate Warrior (Director: Robert Clouse)
  152. The Wild Party (Director: James Ivory)
  153. Three Days Of The Condor (Director: Sydney Pollack)
  154. Trip With The Teacher (Director: Earl Barton)
  155. Trucker’s Woman (Director: Will Zens)
  156. Varsity Playthings (Director: Walter Boos)
  157. Violated (Director: Albert Zugsmith)
  158. Virgin Cowboy (director: George Watters)
  159. Wang Yu, The Destroyer (Director: undisclosed)
  160. Welcome Back, Brother Charles (Director: Jamaa Fanaka)
  161. Wheeler (Directors: Jack Collins + Jim Feazell)
  162. White House Madness (Director: Marl L. Lester)
  163. Zig-Zag (Director: László Szabó)
X (most later re-rated R or re-released sans rating altogether)
  1. Black Emanuelle (Director: Bitto Albertini)
  2. Emmanuelle II (Director: Francis Giacobetti)
  3. Felicia (Director: Max Pécas)
  4. Frankenstein all’italiana (Director: Armando Crispino)
  5. Inserts (Director: John Byrum)
  6. Laura’s Toys (Director: Joseph W. Sarno)
  7. Maîtresse (Director: Barbet Schroeder)
  8. Snuff (Directors: Michael Findlay, Horacio Fredriksson + Simon Nuchtern)
  9. The Beast (Director: Walerian Borowczyk)
  10. The Boob Tube (Director: Christopher Odin)
  11. The Story Of O (Director: Just Jaeckin)
submitted by tombstoneshadows28 to movies [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Oct 12th - Tue, Oct 18th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Oct 12th

  • 🍴 Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • Anxiety Management Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office) Start Time: 6:00pm Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness and affect more than 40 million Americans. Symptoms may include: overwhelming feelings of panic and fear, uncontrollable obsessive thoughts, painful intrusive memories, recurring nightmares, physical symptoms such as feeling sick to your stomach, “butterflies” in your stomach,…
  • 🍴 The BIG Reveal! (Remington Park) Start Time: 6:00pm Come celebrate the completion of the beautiful Casino renovations with #TheBigReveal party, including Hot Seats for Cash, Free Spins, $1 Beer and more on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 12 & 13! The casino's new look includes spectacular flashy lighting, upgrades to the Jack Daniels bar, new games in the new WinZone and more. Join us and win as we…
  • Bringing Books to Life (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Start Time: 10:00am
  • Norman Central - After School Special (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 3:30pm After School Special combines books, a film, and an awesome craft for an afternoon of fun. This weekly program is for children in Kindergarten, First, and Second grades. For more information, contact the Children's department at 405-701-2630.
  • Norman Central - Baby Story Time (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am Calling all babies, toddlers and the ones who love them! It's time for Baby Story Time! Each week, we'll explore the world through books, songs, fingerplays and rhymes designed for the smallest library fans! This story time is great for ages birth to 24 months. For more information, please call the Children's department at 405-701-2630.
  • 🎓 Norman Central - Golden Agers' Computer Club (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am Do you seem to be losing the battle as computers take over the world? Never fear! Come join us for the Golden Agers' Computer Club, open to any senior (55+), regardless of skill level. You'll have an opportunity to learn some computer skills with the group and get your questions answered in an easy, low-stress way. Registration is requested.…
  • 🎓 Norman Central - The Internet in 20 Websites (Norman Public Library - Norman) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 1:00pm The Internet is (maybe) the greatest invention of the last 30 years. But it can be awfully daunting if you don't know where to start! Come spend a few days with us learning tools to keep you safe, excited, and entertained online. This class is a three-day series where participants will explore a variety of websites, learning how to use the sites…
  • 🎓 Norman Central -Tai Chi Better Balance for Seniors (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 1:30pm Come attend 11 sessions, twice a week, to learn about the art of Tai Chi often used to improve balance, manage stress and a help a variety of other health conditions. Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese tradition that today is practiced as a graceful form of exercise. It involves a series of movements performed in a slow, focused manner and…
  • Norman Central - Wednesday Afternoon Book Discussion (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 4:00pm Join us for a lively discussion. This month's selection is Sweet Forgiveness by Lori Nelson Spielman. Pick up a copy of the book at the Information Desk.
  • Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 (Oklahoma History Center) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 is a snapshot of images by Lewis Hine whose photography captured the soul of the child laborer in north America in the early 1900s. Although Hine focused on major cities, he did take brief trips to other parts of the country to document child labor, including Oklahoma. Hine…
  • Del City Kiwanis Club (Rose State College - Midwest City)
  • 🎨 Exhibtion: Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting (Western Heritage Museum) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am **Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting **
    Ohio watercolorist and Prix de West winner, Lowell Ellsworth Smith (1924-2011), once referenced his *theology of painting *during an interview. Short but meaningful, the phrase summarized his relationship with art. It was more than a hobby or pastime. More than a career. It was the lens…
  • Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet (Chickasha) Thru Sat, Oct 15th The Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet is held on 34 acres just east of the Grady County Fairgrounds. Over 1,500 vendors will…
  • 🏃 Family Yoga Night (Noble Public Library - Noble) Start Time: 6:30pm Cooperative event with Shannon Scott. Please join the Noble Public Library and Shannon Scott for Family Yoga Night, every Wednesday. For more information please contact Shannon Scott -- [email protected] (405) 517-9605
  • Gilcrease On Wheels (Blanchard Library - Blanchard) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00am Gilcrease On Wheels outreach program for the Blanchard Intermediate School.
  • Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Thru Sat, Oct 15th
  • Hospice Volunteer Opportunities (New Century Hospice, Inc.) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am The services you will give as a Hospice volunteer will profoundly improve the quality of our patient's lives. Friendly visits enable families to keep their loved ones at home, around the people they love, and the things they love. Assisting with errands helps a tired family cope with their many challenges and allows them time with their loved…
  • L.A. Guns' Tracii Guns et al. (Oklahoma City Limits)
  • Lapsit Story Time (Moore Public Library - Moore) Start Time: 10:00am Each week, caregivers and their children sit together to enjoy developmentally appropriate stories, songs, fingerplays and bubbles. For babies 24 months and younger accompanied by an adult. For more information, call the Moore Public Library at 405-793-4347. For updates on special events and more, be sure to check the Website, like us on…
  • Lexington High Book Discussion (Noble Public Library - Noble) Start Time: 11:00am Lunch time book discussion with Lexington high school students at Lexington high school.
  • Mara | Daggers | The Void In Me | Tba (The Paramount OKC) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Margot Holaday and Dodge Hill (The Studio Gallery) Margot Holaday and Dodge Hill
    The Studio Gallery, 2646 W, Britton Rd., is pleased to have Margot Holaday and Dodge Hill as featured artists for the month of August.
    Holaday is an experienced artist who recieved her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University Of Oklahoma. She has participated in local art shows, in Texas
    and has had…
  • Methodist Church Story Time (Blanchard Library - Blanchard) Start Time: 10:30am Story Time at the Methodist Church
  • 😂 Mike Speenberg (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Thru Sat, Oct 15th
  • New Works by W. Bennett Berry and Suzanne Wallace Mears. Opening reception (Howell Gallery) The Howell Gallery is pleased to present new works by Oklahoma City artists W. Bennett Berry and Suzanne Wallace Mears October 6-22nd with an opening reception on Thursday, October 6th.
    Suzanne Mears has worked in various mediums such as clay, painting, photography, kiln formed glass and plasma cut steel. This show will feature her kiln formed…
  • 🎨 OCKPS Fall Break (Western Heritage Museum) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am It’s fall break for Oklahoma City schools! Drop by any time and participate in activities focusing on the Museum’s new exhibition, Power and Prestige: Headdresses of the American Plains.
    October 10Native American Dance Troop Performances @ Noon and 2:00 p.m.
    Grab a front row seat for these special performances and explore our…
  • Oil Paintingws by Russell Hughes (50 Penn Art Gallery) Day 2 of 2 Carolyn, please run the following under the Exhibits listing in the
    September 4th edition of the Oklahoman:
    *Oil Paintings by Russell Hughes, *through October 29th.
    50 Penn Art Gallery, 1900 NW Expressway. There will be an
    opening reception at 6 p.m. Friday (Sept. 9th) 848-5567
  • 🎓 Oklahoma Venture Forum Speaker Series Luncheon (PHF Conference Center at OUHSC University Research Park) Start Time: 12:00pm The OVF Speaker Series Luncheons provide a means for investors, entrepreneurs and others to exchange experiences and ideas through discussions and studies of venture investing, and the development and growth of new and existing small businesses. The OVF provides the setting at monthly luncheons held on the second Wednesday of each month,…
  • Opeth (Diamond Ballroom) Special Guest The Sword OCTOBER 12 7PM DOORS ALL AGES TIX AT BUY FOR LESS - 866-977-6849 www.diamondballroom.com On Sale FRI 6/24 10A
  • Parents Supporting Parents (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office) Start Time: 6:00pm This group is for caretakers and parents who are supporting an individual managing the complications often associated with having a pervasive development disorder such as autism or aspergers disorder. This group will also provide education and support to those parents who have loved ones with diagnosed or undiagnosed mental, emotional,…
  • Private River Cruise Charters (Oklahoma River Cruises) Start Time: 10:00am Oklahoma River Cruises is the venue for your next meeting or special event. Your guests will be treated to impeccable service and amazing views of Oklahoma City. *If you would like an estimate for your upcoming event please submit a Charter Inquiry Form . *We encourage you to check date availability as often as you need to, but to reserve a…
  • Pumpkin Painting $5 per pumpkin (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am
  • Quirky Quilt Show Giveaway Builds Homes for Foster Children (Paseo Arts District) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 12:00pm WHEN: October 1-31, 2016 WHERE: Paseo Arts District, 3022 Paseo, OKC, OK WHY: Quilt Show/Giveaway during American Craft Celebration WHAT: Quirky Quilt Show Giveaway Builds Homes for Foster Children The Paseo Arts District features a Quirky Quilt Exhibit/Giveaway to build new happy homes for foster children at the Peppers Ranch Foster Care…
  • Red Grant (Langston University - Langston) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • 🎭 The Sound of Music (Civic Center Music Hall) Thru Sun, Oct 16th The hills are alive with the sound of music at this must-see performance by OKC Broadway. Get ready for "The Sound…
  • 🎨 Volunteer for Cloud City by Tomás Saraceno Day 2 of 2 Tomás Saraceno’s Cloud City is coming to Oklahoma City! Get to know the large-scale installation inside and out as a volunteer for this “utopian city in the sky” during its five-week run at Campbell Art Park, adjacent to our planned art campus at NW 11th and Broadway. To show our appreciation, volunteers who work three shifts will…

Thursday, Oct 13th

  • 48th Annual Largest Auto Swap Meet in Oklahoma (Chickasha) Start Time: 7:30am Chickasha Antique Auto Club holds two auto swap meets each year. Always the 2nd full weekend in May and 3rd full weekend in October. Call each year for exact dates. Our usual attendance is 20,000 (mol) The meet is held on 34 acres at 712 E Choctaw Avenue Chickasha, OK 73018. Anything auto related can be found at our Annual Auto Swap Meet…
  • 🍴 Bacon and Brussels Celebrate bacon and all things bacon-related at Bacon and Brussels in Oklahoma City. This event brings nearly 20…
  • Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet (Chickasha) Thru Sat, Oct 15th The Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet is held on 34 acres just east of the Grady County Fairgrounds. Over 1,500 vendors will…
  • $ Fall RV Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Thru Sun, Oct 16th Bring the family out to peruse the selection of recreational vehicles at the Fall RV Show in Oklahoma City. This…
  • Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Thru Sat, Oct 15th
  • Hospice Volunteer Opportunities (New Century Hospice, Inc.) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am The services you will give as a Hospice volunteer will profoundly improve the quality of our patient's lives. Friendly visits enable families to keep their loved ones at home, around the people they love, and the things they love. Assisting with errands helps a tired family cope with their many challenges and allows them time with their loved…
  • 😂 Mike Speenberg (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Thru Sat, Oct 15th
  • The Octonauts (Hudson Performance Hall)
  • 🎭 The Rocky Horror Show (Plaza District) Thru Mon, Oct 31st Start Time: 12:30pm One of Lyric Theatre's biggest hits is back by popular demand. Get weird and rock all night with Richard…
  • 🎭 The Sound of Music (Civic Center Music Hall) Thru Sun, Oct 16th The hills are alive with the sound of music at this must-see performance by OKC Broadway. Get ready for "The Sound…
  • Tony Lucca / Alex Dezen et al. (The Depot - Norman)
  • 🎓 Western Craftsmanship Symposium (Western Heritage Museum) Start Time: 8:00am In cooperation with the Traditional Cowboy Arts Association, join us for this national conference exploring challenges common to craftsmen of all kinds. Participate in open discussions on topics such as relationship skills, developing a professional attitude toward daily activities, improving quality, establishing priorities and time management.…

Friday, Oct 14th

  • 🎨 2nd Friday Circuit of Art (Norman Arts District - Norman) The 2nd Friday Circuit of Art, a monthly celebration of the arts in Norman, connects the downtown arts district with…
  • Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet (Chickasha) 1 day left The Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet is held on 34 acres just east of the Grady County Fairgrounds. Over 1,500 vendors will…
  • Fall Fling Craft Show (Grady County Fairgrounds - Chickasha) Day 1 of 2 Head to the annual Fall Fling Craft Show, held at the Grady County Fairgrounds in Chickasha, for a wide variety of arts…
  • $ Fall RV Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Thru Sun, Oct 16th Bring the family out to peruse the selection of recreational vehicles at the Fall RV Show in Oklahoma City. This…
  • Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) 1 day left
  • Junk Hippy Roadshow (El Reno) Day 1 of 2 Junk Hippy Roadshow is an eclectic traveling show coming to El Reno. Stop by for all things handmade, vintage,…
  • 🎨 LIVE on the Plaza (NW 16th between Classen & Penn Ave) In Oklahoma City's Plaza District, every second Friday is LIVE on the Plaza, an art walk featuring local artists,…
  • Michael Fracasso (The Blue Door)
  • 😂 Mike Speenberg (Loony Bin Comedy Club) 1 day left
  • Montana of 300 (89th Street Collective)
  • Reckless Kelly (El Reno)
  • 🎭 The Rocky Horror Show (Plaza District) Thru Mon, Oct 31st Start Time: 12:30pm One of Lyric Theatre's biggest hits is back by popular demand. Get weird and rock all night with Richard…
  • Silver City Antique Tractor, Engine & Equipment Show (Schrock Park - Tuttle) Thru Sun, Oct 16th The Silver City Antique Tractor, Engine & Equipment Show features demonstrations of early farm history. Expect to…
  • 🎭 The Sound of Music (Civic Center Music Hall) Thru Sun, Oct 16th The hills are alive with the sound of music at this must-see performance by OKC Broadway. Get ready for "The Sound…
  • Whiskey Myers (Wormy Dog Saloon)

Saturday, Oct 15th

  • A Fair of Arts & Crafts (Nicoma Park Christian Church) At A Fair of Arts & Crafts in Nicoma Park, there will be plenty of vendors with one-of-a-kind items that will spark…
  • Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet (Chickasha) Last Day The Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet is held on 34 acres just east of the Grady County Fairgrounds. Over 1,500 vendors will…
  • Fall Fling Craft Show (Grady County Fairgrounds - Chickasha) Day 2 of 2 Head to the annual Fall Fling Craft Show, held at the Grady County Fairgrounds in Chickasha, for a wide variety of arts…
  • $ Fall RV Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) 1 day left Bring the family out to peruse the selection of recreational vehicles at the Fall RV Show in Oklahoma City. This…
  • 🎡 Fall Y'all Show (Hudson Place - McLoud) As summer starts to become a distant memory, gather up the whole crew and head to downtown McLoud for the Fall Y'all…
  • Ghosts of Fort Reno Tour (Historic Fort Reno - El Reno) Come along on an exciting and spooky ghost tour at El Reno's historic Fort Reno. This ghost tour includes…
  • Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Last Day
  • $ Gun, Knife & Outdoor Equipment Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Day 1 of 2 The Gun, Knife & Outdoor Equipment Show in the Modern Living building of Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma City…
  • Heard on Hurd (Broadway & Hurd - Edmond) On the third Saturday of each month, downtown Edmond hosts a pop up celebration called Heard on Hurd. Local musicians…
  • Junk Hippy Roadshow (El Reno) Day 2 of 2 Junk Hippy Roadshow is an eclectic traveling show coming to El Reno. Stop by for all things handmade, vintage,…
  • 🎡 Mid-America Street Fest (Charles J. Johnson Central Park, Town Center Plaza) Come enjoy live entertainment, contests, vendors and much more at the Mid-America Street Fest in Midwest City. Held in…
  • $ Midwest Sand Sport & Off Road Expo (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Day 1 of 2 Crowd inside the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie for the biggest, baddest show in the Midwest. The Midwest Sand…
  • 😂 Mike Speenberg (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Last Day
  • 🎨 Moderns Architecture Bike Tour (Oklahoma City Museum of Art) Embark on an architectural bike tour of Oklahoma City, kicking off at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. Led by Ryan…
  • Moonlark Mystery Scavenger Hunt (Plaza District) Start Time: 11:00am
  • 🍴 National Beer Mile (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark) Head to the Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark for an afternoon of beer, food and competition at National Beer Mile in…
  • Nghiem's Fairy Tales - Scary Stories - Presented by: Black Mesa Brewing Co. (New World Comics) Start Time: 8:00pm Nghiem's Fairy Tales returns to New World Comics OKC!
  • OU Sooners vs OSU Cowboys (Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium - Norman) Start Time: 12:00am Get ready for Bedlam as the Oklahoma Sooners take on the OSU Cowboys at Norman's Gaylord Family Memorial…
  • 🎭 The Rocky Horror Show (Plaza District) Thru Mon, Oct 31st Start Time: 12:30pm One of Lyric Theatre's biggest hits is back by popular demand. Get weird and rock all night with Richard…
  • Silver City Antique Tractor, Engine & Equipment Show (Schrock Park - Tuttle) 1 day left The Silver City Antique Tractor, Engine & Equipment Show features demonstrations of early farm history. Expect to…
  • 🎭 The Sound of Music (Civic Center Music Hall) 1 day left The hills are alive with the sound of music at this must-see performance by OKC Broadway. Get ready for "The Sound…
  • YogaFest OKC (Yoga Lab) Thru Mon, Oct 17th Start Time: 9:00pm
  • ZZ Top et al. (Firelake Arena - Shawnee)

Sunday, Oct 16th

  • 🏃 ***CANCELEDH.I.T.S. Running Festival* (Remington Park) Canceled
  • 🏃 Fall Classic Duathlon (Route 66 Park, Lake Overholser - Yukon) Final race of the TRI-OKC season. Great for beginners but also very competitive for our veteran athletes. Truly fast and flat! The very popular Fall Classic TRI-OKC long-sleeved shirt will be the swag. $10 TRI-OKC Member discount for members. Registration will close at 250 entrants or Friday, Oct 17th at noon, whichever comes 1st. The F-1 format…
  • $ Fall RV Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Last Day Bring the family out to peruse the selection of recreational vehicles at the Fall RV Show in Oklahoma City. This…
  • 🏃 The Great Amazing Race OKC, adventure/obstacle race for adults & kids (Mitch Park - Edmond) Modeled after TV show, THE GREAT AMAZiNG RACE (GAR), features teams of two people racing around an obstacle course in competition with other teams. Clue cards provided at each station directs teams to perform a task (together) before advancing to next station. How well teammates work together (collaborate & communicate) is the most essential…
  • $ Gun, Knife & Outdoor Equipment Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Day 2 of 2 The Gun, Knife & Outdoor Equipment Show in the Modern Living building of Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma City…
  • 🎡 Harry Potter Birthday Bash (A Date With Iris) North Western Avenue will transform into the world of Harry Potter in celebration of the boy who lived. Bring your best…
  • $ Midwest Sand Sport & Off Road Expo (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Day 2 of 2 Crowd inside the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie for the biggest, baddest show in the Midwest. The Midwest Sand…
  • 🏃 OA-5K Faithful to the Finish (18509 NE 63rd St. - Harrah) The proceeds from the Oklahoma Academy annual 5K & 2.5K Fun Run go to support the Worthy Student Fund, a fund that helps pay the tuition of students who desire a quality Christian education but can’t afford to attend otherwise.
  • 🏃 Red Coyote Runtoberfest 5K (Red Coyote Running & Fitness) Red Coyote's RUNTOBERFEST 5K is the most fun event in Oklahoma City brought to you by Red Coyote and COOP Aleworks! Runtoberfest will be a 5K/3.1 mile course hosted by Fassler Hall and a new Midtown course. The party continues after the race with Coop Aleworks Beer Garden, music, costume contest! You do not want to miss this awesome event with…
  • 🎭 The Rocky Horror Show (Plaza District) Thru Mon, Oct 31st Start Time: 12:30pm One of Lyric Theatre's biggest hits is back by popular demand. Get weird and rock all night with Richard…
  • Silver City Antique Tractor, Engine & Equipment Show (Schrock Park - Tuttle) Last Day The Silver City Antique Tractor, Engine & Equipment Show features demonstrations of early farm history. Expect to…
  • 🎭 The Sound of Music (Civic Center Music Hall) Last Day The hills are alive with the sound of music at this must-see performance by OKC Broadway. Get ready for "The Sound…
  • Susan Gibson (The Depot - Norman)
  • Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Minnesota Timberwolves (Chesapeake Energy Arena) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • YogaFest OKC (Yoga Lab) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00pm

Monday, Oct 17th

  • Drown Night at Saints (Plaza District) Start Time: 8:00pm All you can drink Anthem beer for $8 starting at 8pm.
  • "I've Got Talent" VBS (The Parish) Thru Fri, Oct 21st Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Milk Moms (Thrive Mama Collective) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Pint Night at The Mule (Plaza District) Start Time: 5:00pm Come try a new brew and keep the glass while you're at it!
  • Public Access: Open Mic Mondays (District House) Start Time: 8:00pm Got talents? Come rock the mic.
    Hosted by Matt Raney
  • 🎭 The Rocky Horror Show (Plaza District) Thru Mon, Oct 31st Start Time: 12:30pm One of Lyric Theatre's biggest hits is back by popular demand. Get weird and rock all night with Richard…
  • Whores. (Blue Note)
  • YogaFest OKC (Yoga Lab) Last Day Start Time: 9:00pm

Tuesday, Oct 18th

submitted by eventbot to okc [link] [comments]

Going to Montreal for Bachelor Party Weekend...Man gift (w/photos) and fake tattoos for Hangover Prank on hand, still need help

Background Tomorrow, I (Woflpack-1; WP1) and a fellow groom's man (Wolfpack-2; WP2) will be taking the groom (Wolfpack-Prime; WP') for a bachelor party weekend in Montreal. He knows he's going away for a weekend but has NO IDEA where. We live in CT so it will take us about 6 hours to drive. WP' is a foreigner who has lived here for just a few years and may not know what Henna Tattoos are. WP2 is Fiance's brother.
Misdirection Campaign: We've left plausible clues for him to guess incorrectly where we are going. For example: we told him to pack a bathing suit and hiking boots, because he's a very outdoorsy type of person. He thinks we might be going to a Maine/Vermont.
Said we hope he likes Jambalaya and that he needs to bring something to do for 23 hours and 1 minute: Time it takes to drive from his house to New Orleans.
It won't take long for him to realize we are going North so I took the liberty of going to AAA to pick up a map and tour book for the Maine/Vermont region and stuffing it in the back of the driver's seat where he will surely come across it.
Surprises: I've used the idea previously posted on reddit to make him a "Man Gift". Basically: I bought a vintage Zero Halliburton case ($68), it has an aluminum construction with a very nice leather portfolio interior. I've lined it with foam and cut out shapes for various manly gifts:
Here are Photos of the package.
Hangover Prank Having just seen the Hangover 2 along with WP''s fiance, she very specifically said to me "I don't care what you do, but please NO TATTOOS!" This gave me an idea:
What I need from Reddit
EDIT 1 Okay, here are picture of the three of us. One of them has me with Biff from Back to the Future (Funny comedian now) * This is the Groom http://imgur.com/a/VjdZJ#aMYoc
submitted by DayTrippa to AskReddit [link] [comments]

Bachelor Party Hangover Prank + Ultimate Man-Gift > Need Reddit Magic (crosspost from ask)

Background Tomorrow, I (Woflpack-1; WP1) and a fellow groom's man (Wolfpack-2; WP2) will be taking the groom (Wolfpack-Prime; WP') for a bachelor party weekend in Montreal. He knows he's going away for a weekend but has NO IDEA where. We live in CT so it will take us about 6 hours to drive. WP' is a foreigner who has lived here for just a few years and may not know what Henna Tattoos are. WP2 is Fiance's brother.
Misdirection Campaign: We've left plausible clues for him to guess incorrectly where we are going. For example: we told him to pack a bathing suit and hiking boots, because he's a very outdoorsy type of person. He thinks we might be going to a Maine/Vermont.
Said we hope he likes Jambalaya and that he needs to bring something to do for 23 hours and 1 minute: Time it takes to drive from his house to New Orleans.
It won't take long for him to realize we are going North so I took the liberty of going to AAA to pick up a map and tour book for the Maine/Vermont region and stuffing it in the back of the driver's seat where he will surely come across it.
Surprises: I've used the idea previously posted on reddit to make him a "Man Gift". Basically: I bought a vintage Zero Halliburton case ($68), it has an aluminum construction with a very nice leather portfolio interior. I've lined it with foam and cut out shapes for various manly gifts:
Here are Photos of the package.
Hangover Prank Having just seen the Hangover 2 along with WP''s fiance, she very specifically said to me "I don't care what you do, but please NO TATTOOS!" This gave me an idea:
What I need from Reddit
EDIT 1 Okay, here are picture of the three of us. One of them has me with Biff from Back to the Future (Funny comedian now) * This is the Groom http://imgur.com/a/VjdZJ#aMYoc
Edit 2 I'm going to pick the tattoo that reddit upvotes the most in the comments.
submitted by DayTrippa to reddit.com [link] [comments]

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