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how to response to someone that hates Israel politely

שלום יצרתי פה תגובה לאנשים ששונאים את ישראל בצורה ריצינית ומאשמים את כל הסכסוך עלינו. חשוב להדגיש שהתגובה תומכת בשתי מדינות ומודה שישראל מבצעת פשעי מלחמה פשוט מדגישה שאנחנו לא יותר אשמים מהצד השני.
התגובה עונה על רוב הטיעונים שנתקלתי בהם נגד ישראל אבל יש כמה חלקים שהגיעו מויכוחים ספציפיים. הדגשתי גם כמה דעות שלי אישיות כשמצאתי אבל יכול להיות שהתפספס. בבקשה תנו קרדיט כשאתם משתמשים בה ותגידו עם מצאתם טעויות
אני גם אאדכן את זה כמה פעמים
your main point as to why Israel is the bad guy is that we could end the conflict if we choose to and that we actively try to keep it also that we have no right for this place and Zionism is a colonial movement etc.
Ok, let start by saying Israeli Arabs(the ones within 67 borders) have complete citizenship. Yes, some people are racist but that's true everywhere.
Now let's look at Gaza No single Israeli there yet Hamas still fires missiles They have VAST support and a declared purpose of killing everyone in Israel. By vast support I mean that in 2006 elections they won 58% of votes. Think about it 58% of the voters voted to a group openly calling for genocide. the Hamas don't and never wanted peace They shoot at schools on purpose with missiles a lot stronger than firecrackers like many people say(I mean even if you ignore the explosives the move around Mach 2 and weight 200kg? That's 0.5*200*600^2)=36 million N of force.

Now why Israel isn't the bad guy? Your base assumption is that Israel can just stop If you stop they stop right? No, We did stop in the 90s in the Oslo agreements we agreed on a peace deal with a terrorist that murdered 10s of 1000s from us We agreed on 57 lines 67 We agreed to take steps with the HOPE that they will make the same (Agreements that I support) But than aaraft (the leader of the group the agreements were made with) said that they were part from the "stages plan" aka claim every part of Israel you can and then try to get more braking agreements This and the fact they didn't stop terror attacks (It just escalated many buses where blown at the time).

This lead to a rise of hatred towards prime minister Rabin who also made a peace deal with Jordan THE RIse in hate encouraged and amplified by than opposition leader today PM Bibi Netanyahu (fuck him) Lead to the murder of the Israeli prime minister

NOW the elections after that where somehow won by bibi Who despite everything he said kept give the newly formed PNA territories (like Gaza Ramallah) A b c territories are the way the land was divided in the west bank They were organized based on The percentage of Israeli and Palestinian population with the A territories most inner Palestinian parts.

Now since then Israel the term means something else you see to help the PNA (Palestinian national authority essentially Palestinian state which already exists) Now the A territories are another complete and absolute control of the PNA both security-wise and civilian control (sec: police and defence civ: hospitals water schools etc) B are another civilian PNA control but Israeli security control And c is complete Israel control Because of this returns since 1996 90% of the Palestinian population are under civilian or military &civilian control Even more since 2005 when Israel left Gaza.

Here is an important part Israel doesn't fight with the PNA proving they do want peace And Israeli citizens are BANNED from A, B or Gaza (The IDF can enter B when necessary and A even given permission by PNA)

Now to the C territories. In them, there are 500k Israeli (5% of the Israeli population) and between 100k to 225k Palestinians (yes that's a very big range I know) but the majority is Israeli now here is the big problem with them. PNA wants them all and also wants Territorial continuity meaning every part of them will be connected to the other. This will require between 100k and 250k Israeli citizens moving Which is impossible Doesn't matter what you want it cant be done.

They also want Gaza connected to the west bank splitting Israel into 2 parts (not possible) And if they won't Seattle for less than 67 borders (which they won't agree to sadly) And does are the ones that are willing to talk right? Not Hamas. Hamas literally murdered ashaf members as traitors because they talked to Israel Now you see why Israel can't just leave that's also why we can't just evacuate the west bank. It's 5% of our population not do-able.

That's not it. Now let's talk about leaving without agreements. Guess what? We tried this already in 2005 When we left the strip this was one-sided and not part of any agreement. We destroyed all the settlements there. And left. The result was like Iraq when the USA left, terrorists, in this case, Hamas got the most people killed PNA officials and started a de facto country and dictatorship there. (The Islamic jihad is the 2nd largest group).

Territories are not the only problem The 2nd largest one is Palestinian refugees In 1948 600k Arabic fled the new state of Israel (despite the government telling them to stay and promised them complete legal equality which the ones who stayed got. Not to say I don't understand them probably would have done the same) Now they never settled anywhere else and so still hope to come back What's the problem?
1) they don't want to live in Israel which is a big problem because many of their old lands are in the middle of Israeli cities Now people live there and no one is going to evacuate them
2) they are no longer 600k They Are now 3m Which is 30% of Israel's population And the big part of the Palestinians wants Israel to allow them all to come back.
I also want to say I'm definitely not justifying human right violation just saying that Israel isn't the only or the biggest bad guy
​ Now to then 2nd largest point its their land and you are colonial bastards who stole it.
the Jewish people have the right for Israel. You are mistaken for calling the Zionist movement as whole colonists. Colonial countries never viewed their colonies as home or where they live they always controlled them for a far only seeking the resources and exploiting the local population. Britain never saw India as their homeland or cared about the territory they wanted the gold and spices and labour from there.
While Zionism is different from its core. First I will point out that Israelis view this as returning home and finding refuge from the hate and antisemitism they encounter. 2nd Jewish people never left the area completely Jewish communities always existed in Nazareth and Jerusalem.
the ones who were forced out and always dreamed of coming back "next year in build Jerusalem".

Also, the last time the area was independent was under Maccabees' control.
After them came the Roman who when Israelites rebelled against changed the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina banned the Jews from living close to it and changed the name of the area to Palestine after the philistines who were the ancient Israelites enemies (like changing Israel's name to nazi or something)
After the Roman came Byzantium who technically was part of the Roman empire. After them came the mamluks than the crusaders and the mamluks again than ottoman great Britain in 48 Israel was established and Jordan and Egypt controlled Gaza and Jordan or the west bank than 67 and in 92 Israel and PNA in 05 Hamas took over the strip.
lastly, I want to explain why you shouldn't interfere with the Israeli Palestinian conflict. people outside the area don't really know a lot about the conflict and its history and often show ignorance about it. I have encountered people who spoke of my country with such hate and then when you try to discuss with them they don't know the most basic terms like A, B, C areas or the PNA. pls understand that most Israeli and Palestinians know so much more and understand its complexity a lot better. pls, understand that watching videos online and some posts on Facebook doest mean you know the conflict. honestly, it feels very much like anti vax who knows so much because their Facebook buddy told them. this doesn't come to hurt or humiliate it's just really hurt to hear dose words of hatred like "Israel is just like N*zi Germany" that every Israeli hears too many times
To finish I want to say thank you for reading this. so much. I always like debating with people online. and I want to stress again I condemn all and any crime against humanity on both sides
this comment was written by u/noob_like_pro
החלק הזה רק לאנשים שרוצים לעשות מדינה אחת פלסטנית הוא בא מתגובה ספיצפית ולא בהכרח מתאים לכולם
Lastly, I will say that you are exactly like the worst of the Israeli far-right. says just what you say except Palestinians are the "guests" that should give up national ambitions. If he is racist and extreme so are you. You can't (and I can't stress this enough) hold different standards to others than yourself. This is why I argued with people the etesl where terrorist organization because they hurt civilians by purpose so they are just as bad as Hamas.
submitted by noob_like_pro to Israel [link] [comments]

I am Malay and Not a Muslim: Why I left Islam (Myth of Peaceful Islam in Malaysia)

I should probably say that my article is not intended to 'bash' or 'insult' Islam, rather it's just a criticism of Islam, and stating why I left it. All of this is protected by the Constitution of this country which allows for Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion. However, should this article go public, I strongly believe some Malays or Muslims will report it for 'incitement of unrest or violence', something that is notorious among the Muslim society here in Malaysia. It's always ok for other religion to be ridiculed or criticised but theirs is somehow 'the holiest of the holiest'; those who dare to go against it will be punished.
You may also wonder why I do not just leave and keep quiet about it and my answer in Islam, apostasy is dealt with the death penalty. Ex-Muslims are probably the most executed minorities in the world where they are tortured, killed or jailed in Muslim majority countries and called 'Islamophobic' by liberals in the west. Unfortunately, these people do not know the true colours of this 'peaceful religion'. Therefore, this is why I am voicing out. It is about time ex-Muslims in Malaysia does the same since we can only hope on each other to survive in this country that oppresses us. I did not write this to be famous or infamous, I simply want to convince ex-Muslims in Malaysia that they are not alone and should not be afraid.
Anyhow, without further ado, here are some of the reasons why I left Islam:
  1. Islam is not the religion of peace
This will probably shock nobody but somehow even non-Muslims in Malaysia fail to see this; the religion is not peaceful. Preachers here in Malaysia will always say 'Islam' comes from the word 'Salam' which means peace; thus, Islam is a religion of peace. You will also hear politicians from different political parties especially PAS and UMNO (the two biggest Islamic and Malay party in Malaysia) saying that Islam will bring peace and harmony for everyone. Yes, it will bring peace and harmony but only for Muslims. As I mentioned before, the penalty for apostasy death but you should also know the penalty for blasphemy is also death, adultery is also death and homosexuality is also death. What is so peaceful about that? They might as well call it the religion of death, perceiving that death is the central theme of the religion.
'But this will only affect Muslims, non-Muslims won't be affected by sharia law. They can live freely,' Muslims group said but under more than 60 years under UMNO and now under the person who used to run it are non-Muslims free? Think about the arrests made under the Sedition Act where non-Muslims are accused of inciting 'violence and civil unrest' when they criticise Islam. Another example that I'd like to give is if LGBTQ+ goes against Islamic teaching why are non-Muslim LGBTQ+ individual also punished. Why has not the sodomy law be repealed so that it would not affect non-Muslims?
Besides, the survey by Pew Research Center in 2013 shows that 41% of Muslims in Malaysiabelieve that Sharia Law should apply to non-Muslims. Keep in mind that the poll was carried out in 2013. Do you think the number has increased or decreased since then? The answer is obvious; it has increased and will increase, even more so after PAS and UMNO forms the government in Malaysia, something that I'm sure would happen, seeing that the PH government is too weak, with low approval numbers.
Religion is supposed to be a personal belief. If you want to worship Allah, Jesus or Krishna, that is up to you, but you simply cannot for everyone else to do the same. Your religion is not special. You may think it is the ultimate revelation that the rest of humanity needs to follow but it's not. It's utter rubbish, literally written by men to control the populace, especially women, which lead to the second reason as to why I left the religion
  1. Islam is not the feminist religion it claimed to be
Many Muslims will tell you that Muhammad is somehow a feminist figure who liberated women who were oppressed before Islam. They said female babies are killed and women cannot be in the position of power. But what you stopped and wondered if that's true? A research done by professors of The Hashemite University and Albalqa Applied University in Jordan found that the claim of infanticide in pre-Islamic society is not true. Infanticide aside, have you ever wondered how Khadijah, Muhammad's first wife is a successful businesswoman if women were so oppressed in pre-Islamic Arabic society? Surely she would have been a sex slave. I know this is a flawed logic but remember that there were female rulers who ruled the region before Islam.
Even assuming that this liberation myth is somehow true, what is liberating about how women are treated in Islam? For example, one male witness is equivalent to two female witnesses (Quran 2:282). That automatically places women at a lower standard than men in Islam, something that is disgusting and dehumanising. Imagine a woman getting raped and having to have four male witnesses or eight female witnesses in order for the offender to be punished. If the victim fails to do so, she is the one who will be punished for 'fitnah' or false accusation, even if scientific reports shows otherwise. In what universe would this be seen as acceptable. Yes, in Malaysia we do not have that system but imagine the PAS-UMNO coalition coming into power.
Even without Sharia Law being fully implemented in Malaysia, women are still treated in a dehumanising manner. They were sued in Kelantan for wearing clothes that are 'sexy and not appropriate'. Why are the Sharia authorities doing so? They are simply following the Islamic teachings that require women to cover up (wearing the hijab). I have no objections to anyone wearing the hijab, but if and only if it's their personal choice. The problem is, the same cannot be said for most Muslim women. They are disowned by their family, ridiculed by society and in places like Kelantan, sued by the authorities. How is that feministic and empowering?
When I was a Muslim, my Islamic Studies teacher told me that Allah tells women to cover up because if not, men would rape them. This, in my opinion, dehumanises both women and men because firstly, it is a form of victim shaming and secondly, it is a horrid statement, making men appear as nothing more than horny, rapey monsters. It is time to teach men to have more respect towards women, not to force women to cover up in potato sacs because men cannot control their horniness. If they could not do so, I suggest a hijab for men, one which covers their eyes.
Furthermore, wives are expected to be their husband's slave. If they refuse to have sex, the wife can be divorced or even beaten. The Quran also said the angels would curse the wives until dawn. This is what annoys me the most. Most Muslims will say Islam is so peaceful, it teaches husbands how to beat their wives. NO peaceful religion should teach their followers how to be violent. Furthermore, it is also forbidden for the wife to leave the house or to let someone else in the house without the permission of the husband. Imagine being a parent or a sibling and not being to visit your daughter or sister because of her husband.
  1. Muhammad is a paedophile
Muslims will always say that 'Muhammad is the perfect human being and the perfect role model' but he is a paedophile. Why? He has a wife named Aisha' who he married when she was six years old. The marriage, however, was consummated when she was nine years old which mean he raped a child. This is why child marriage is an issue among Muslims in Malaysia. I am fully aware other religion or races practice child marriages to but the title of this article is 'Why I left Islam' and so, I will only be focusing on Islam.
The beloved prophet in Islam is also far from being peaceful, let alone perfect. Politicians and Malay Preachers will tell you wonderful stories about how Muhammad was kind towards those who insulted him and ruled Medina fairly but they would not tell you the dark parts. They would not tell you that he had sex slaves, killed critics of Islam, practised polygamy, killed Jews, divided captured women among soldiers, etc. On the question of polygamy, I am not saying that polygamy is immoral. It is not a business of mine to tell someone how many wives or husbands they can have. However, in Islam, only men are allowed to have more than one wife but the wife cannot have more than one husband.
This also brings to the topic of rewards in heaven. The hadith says, 'Everyone that God admits into paradise will be married to 72 wives; two of them are houris and seventy of his inheritance of the [female] dwellers of hell. All of them will have libidinous sex organs and he will have an ever-erect penis.' (Sunan Ibn Majah, Book 39). But what about women? Will they be given 72 husbands? Also, what about the LGBTQ community who chose to remain celibate in order not to anger Allah. Will they get the same reward or will they just burn in hell because of who Allah made them to be?
  1. Islam preaches hate: Moderate Islam in Malaysia is a myth
I truly believe that Islam preaches hate and is indeed an extreme right-wing ideology, similar to Nazism or Fascism. If you ask them, many Malay and Muslims in Malaysia will tell you that being a Muslim makes them superior compared to people of other religions. For instance, the main reason why Malaysia failed to sign on to the 'International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination' (ICERD) is because of objections from Malays. When asked why, they simply said (and I paraphrase, 'Because we are want to safeguard our rights' What about the rights of others? If your religion is so peaceful, wouldn't you be rallying against income inequality or high cost of living instead of against a convention to end discrimination? When you think you're special just because of your religion then you're no better than Hitler or the KKK, and you still have to gall to call out 'apartheid' in Israel.
I blame the Malay Supremacy problem in Malaysia on Islam. It is indeed the religion that teaches them to be hateful of others. When I was a Muslim, my Islamic Studies teacher told me that Muslims needs to befriend Muslims first. What kind of mentality is that where you even want to control who people are friends with. Indeed you can say that I left Islam because 'you're just angry' but that's just one in many reasons. In school, Muslims are also taught that one day, the Muslim army under Imam Mahdi will kill all the Jews and reconquer Jerusalem. We were taught to hate the Jews just because they happen to be Jews. I questioned my Islamic teacher about why I must hate every Jewish person but I was instead told to shut up and just accept the teachings of the Quran and the Hadith.
Like any other religion, we were also taught that we were indeed somehow special because Allah made us Muslims. Muslims were taught that the religious have a higher 'ranking' in the eyes of Allah. This is why Muslims are so sensitive when it comes to criticism. They think that Allah has increased their 'ranking'; thus, they are somehow 'sacred' compared to the others. On top of that, Muslims give labels to non-Muslims, calling them Kafirs and Infidels, telling them they would burn in hell for eternity. This fuels the 'us versus them' enigma which leads to the increasing Islamic Supremacy attitude in Malaysia, causing them to think they are untouchable. I was taught by my Islamic teachers to be compassionate and never upset others but somehow that teaching is gone once someone of another race talks about Islam.
I still remember the incident where the word 'Allah' was used in the Malay version of the bible. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims (mostly Malay) went to the street, saying that they need to protect Allah's honour as if Allah who's supposed to be an omnipotent being is unable to do it on its own. I've always wondered if they knew how ridiculous they looked. Furthermore, when Liberal Muslims criticise Orthodox Muslims, they were treated with death threats. I still remember seeing FB posts of 'Ustazs' telling people to pray for the death of Siti Kasim, a prominent Liberal Muslim in Malaysia. I also still remember that time when two lesbian couples were canned in public because they were caught ATTEMPTING to have sex. This is yet another example of pushing their religion down people's throat.
Why is your religion so special that everyone else has to respect it? The shooting at Charlie Hebdowouldn't have happened if Muslims were not so sensitive and have respected the freedom of speech. The Charlie Hebdo shooting was not the only incident where Muslims reacted violently when their religion is criticised. Raif Badawi, for example, was sentenced to 1000 years in prison for writing a blog in Saudi Arabia and Asia Bibi, a Pakistani woman was almost sentenced to death for blasphemy. People are offended by many things, I included but to quote Richard Dawkins, 'So what if I'm offended?' The right to offend is and must be protected under the Freedom of Speech because it is the only effective defender of the Enlightenment Values.
To conclude, Islam is simply incompatible with humanity. Allah is the most homophobic, sexist, psychotic fictional character I have ever met in my life. Just in case you're wondering when did I leave Islam, it was when a preacher once told me 'The Jews in the holocaust deserved to die,' No, nobody deserves to die but Islam seems to be high on killing and that's why I'm no longer a Muslim and I would like to call out all ex-Muslim especially those who are Malays to come together and help make Malaysia a secular nation.
submitted by Lucifuge88 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

Georgia Tombstones (Part 1)

Georgia Tombstones (Part 1)
by Jayge 8^J
“The Earth has a cancer and the cancer is Man.” -- Club of Rome
“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” -- Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.” “World population needs to be decreased by 50%.” “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” and “The elderly are useless eaters.” -- Henry Kissinger
“A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” -- Ted Turner
“In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it.” -- Jacques Cousteau
“Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.” -- Maurice King
“Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind.” Theodore Roosevelt
“The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary.” -- Eco 92 Earth Charter
“There are many ways to make the death rate increase.” -- Robert McNamara
"Actually, the problem in the world is that there are too many rich people." -- Paul R. Ehrlich
"Move!" barked an IDF sow, jamming the snout of her Uzi into the backs of 2 Arab women, who winced innocently while I seethed, as if a few inches might make the line any shorter or faster. The bitch then turned to me, pawing at my papers to read my nephew-designed t-shirt. "Why don't you mind your own business?" I asked rhetorically, not interested in a reply, but she scanned me via RFID & oinked incoherently, as if that excused her obnoxious behavior. Friday August 9th 2019 began oddly enough with police banning cell phones, cameras, & reporters for midday prayers at the Islamic Dome of the Rock shrine atop 'Temple Mount', Al Aqsa Compound, & Haram esh-Sharif in East Jerusalem.
In his best Nazi goosestep imitation, 'the Donald' duckwalked to the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room podium in the White House West Wing at 9 am sharp & quacked, "I'm declaring martial law today to protect American liberty, in the wake of widespread chaos by disloyal Democrats, lying liberal media, & antifa anarchy. I'll sign executive orders to hold the DNC accountable, fine them billions, & add 4 more justices of my choosing to the Supreme Court. Sad that DC Mall cameras were too weak to record 6 million angels at my brilliant YUGE inauguration!" A sparse set of sycophant supporter reporters from Fox News, right wing radio, & other Murdock media, chanted in unison, "USA! Lock 'em up! Hail, Zion!"
Earlier, Trump's lard-ass Dick 'Tater' Cheney clone 'Bibi Face' Netanyahu had been terrorizing Palestinians nonstop by bulldozing homes, strafing with white phosphorus, & sniping at random with lethal ammunition, in prep for Tisha B'av, while moaning about temple destruction, & whining that Israel needed more tribute money. Meanwhile, his demolition team secretly wired Bir al-Arwah, Well of Souls, & the Guf inside the Foundation Stone to detonate a mosque full of Muslims at Friday prayers, blaming it on ISIS, which the media monopoly echoed. With the contentious site cleared of precious Islamic treasures & a prophesied rare red heifer ready, Israel proceeded with plans to build its 3rd temple. Most Ashkenazi Jews & pseudo-Christian Zionists were euphoric. Ready or not, they'd force their saviors to appear.
A cursory look at recent U.S. presidents (32-45) reveals some trivial tidbits: 1st 4-term president, who survived a fascist coup, 1st A-bomber president, who formed the CIA, Majestic 12, & NSA, yet felt more honored as top MO Mason, 1st ETO commander president, 1st president murdered by a huge conspiracy, including 3 future presidents in town that day, 2nd Johnson to succeed a slain president, 1st president to urge by letter another future president to run, after sitting with yet a 3rd at Bohemian Grove, 1st president unelected nor VP, 1st Trilateral Commission president, 1st actor president, 2 sinister secretive Bonesmen, 1st fake 'Black' president, 1st mixed-race former Muslim president, & 1st blatantly racist, misogynous, bankrupt, 'Jewish' mafia casino thug president, who lost by 3 million counted votes plus millions more disenfranchised votes.
Genocide by elites, likely Zionists who insist on a 6 million Jew holocaust, is etched in silent granite testimony 9 miles north of Elberton GA at 34°13′55″N 82°53′40″W since 3/22/1980. The Georgia Guidestones call for a 95+% reduction in human population, which is estimated to reach 7,777,777,777 in late 2019. For any who say the slabs are innocent assumption of a devastating 'accidental' nuclear war, global elite billionaire megalomaniacs waging that war from their insular bunkers are still to blame. Far more likely though, is a 95+% culling of humanity via means less destructive to property, like bioweaponry, neutron bombs, directed energy, sonic weapons, & Aussie vaporizers.
"The Georgia Guidestones are a granite monument erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia, in the United States. A set of 10 guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts...A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity. Unite humanity with a living new language. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. Balance personal rights with social duties. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature...Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason" -- Wikipedia
"Biological warfare and chemical warfare overlap to an extent, as the use of toxins produced by some living organisms is considered under the provisions of both the Biological Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention . Toxins and psychochemical weapons are often referred to as midspectrum agents . Unlike bioweapons, these midspectrum agents do not reproduce in their host and are typically characterized by shorter incubation periods." -- Wikipedia
"A neutron bomb, officially termed one type of Enhanced Radiation Weapon (ERW), is a low yield thermonuclear weapon in which a burst of neutrons generated by a nuclear fusion reaction is intentionally allowed to escape the weapon, rather than being absorbed by its other components. The neutron bomb was to be used as a tactical nuclear weapon intended for use against armored forces." -- Wikipedia
"A directed-energy weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon system that inflicts damage at a target by emission of highly focused energy, including laser, microwaves and particle beams. Potential applications of this technology include anti-personnel weapon systems, missile defense system, and the disabling of lightly armored vehicles or mounted optical devices" -- Wikipedia
"Sonic and ultrasonic weapons are weapons of various types that use sound to injure, incapacitate, or kill an opponent. Some sonic weapons are currently in limited use or in research and development by military and police forces. Some of these weapons have been described as sonic bullets, sonic grenades, sonic mines, or sonic cannons. Some make a focused beam of sound or ultrasound; some make an area field of sound." -- Wikipedia
"Metal Storm has created a 36-barreled stacked projectile volley gun, boasting the highest rate of fire in the world. The prototype array demonstrated a firing rate of just over 1 million rounds per minute for a 180-round burst of 0.01 seconds (~27,777 rpm / barrel). Firing within 0.1 seconds from up to 1600 barrels (at maximum configuration) the gun claimed a maximum rate of fire of 1.62 million RPM and creating a dense wall (0.1 m between follow-up projectiles) of 24,000 projectiles." -- Wikipedia
"Even though it may look, sound, and act like a death ray, China claims that its new long-range pain beam isn’t lethal. Considering the claim that it can cause “overwhelming pain,” though, a victim just might wish it killed them anyway. Ever since Transmetropolitan’s bowel disruptor terrified a dystopian future and Minority Report made the movie-going world wonder — if only for a fleeting moment — if they’d rather be shot with a bullet than hit with the sick stick, there have been actual weapons developed in the real world that seem straight out of science fiction. While it hasn’t been used to win a war just yet, the beginnings of sonic weaponry already exist, and the US Navy already has laser weaponry that is controlled with a device reminiscent of a video game controller. China’s new weapon, dubbed the Poly WB-1, doesn’t make you uncontrollably poop or incapacitate you through induced vomiting, but it burns you from the inside out from over half a mile (or one kilometer) away. The Poly WB-1 uses millimeter wave beams to excite the water molecules within a victim until they heat up, causing overwhelming — but non-lethal — pain. Basically, it’s like a household kitchen microwave turned into a long-range, targeted weapon. As you can see from the image to the right, the beam is attached to a very conspicuous truck, complete with military colors and emergency lights — you don’t have to worry about someone sneaking it through a security checkpoint at an airport or concert just yet. Publicly, at least, the Poly WB-1 isn’t slated for miniaturization just yet, but will instead be attached to ships. While a pain beam sounds absolutely terrifying, it’s arguably a step in a safer direction for military conflict than the tried-and-true lethal favorites of bullets, bombs, and fire. It’s also a much safer alternative to weapons that use chemical or biological agents. Though the Poly WB-1 sounds like it’s from the future, it’s not the first non-lethal pain beam that acts like a microwave. The US developed its own microwave pain beam back in 2007, the Raytheon Active Denial System, as a means of crowd control. It was deployed in 2010, but wasn’t ever used — reportedly because of a 16-hour boot time, and massive fuel cost if left in standby mode after boot — and recalled the same year. It was also a satellite-like object placed atop a truck. Even if China has figured out the boot time and fuel cost, it may be keeping the weapon as insurance or a looming threat, rather than actually using it — the negative publicity of a long-range pain beam that microwaves people might be too much for China to handle if the rest of the world has a problem with it. For now, just be glad you can’t sneak that thing through a metal detector." --
"Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored information. Passive tags collect energy from a nearby RFID reader's interrogating radio waves. Active tags have a local power source such as a battery and may operate at hundreds of meters from the RFID reader. Unlike a barcode, the tag need not be within the line of sight of the reader, so it may be embedded in the tracked object. RFID is one method for Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC). RFID tags are used in many industries, for example, an RFID tag attached to an automobile during production can be used to track its progress through the assembly line; RFID-tagged pharmaceuticals can be tracked through warehouses; and implanting RFID microchips in livestock and pets allows for positive identification of animals. Since RFID tags can be attached to cash, clothing, and possessions, or implanted in animals and people, the possibility of reading personally-linked information without consent has raised serious privacy concerns. These concerns resulted in standard specifications development addressing privacy and security issues. ISO/IEC 18000 and ISO/IEC 29167 use on-chip cryptography methods for untracebility, tag and reader authentication, and over-the-air privacy. ISO/IEC 20248 specifies a digital signature data structure for RFID and barcodes providing data, source and read method authenticity. This work is done within ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31 Automatic identification and data capture techniques. Tags can also be used in shops to expedite checkout, and to prevent theft by customers and employees. In 2014, the world RFID market was worth US$8.89 billion, up from US$7.77 billion in 2013 and US$6.96 billion in 2012. This figure includes tags, readers, and software/services for RFID cards, labels, fobs, and all other form factors. The market value is expected to rise to US$18.68 billion by 2026." -- Wikipedia
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic..." ~Arthur C. Clarke
"It is completely clear that the state which is first to create such [psychotronic] weapons will achieve incomparable superiority." ~Major I. Chernishev, Russian army
"Whoever controls the best directed energy weapons controls the world without guns or bullets." ~Vladimir Putin
"With Remote Neural Monitoring Humanity is the Think Tank...Artificial intelligence is at the heart of the conspiracy." ~Omnisense
"It seems AI has the power of the Matrix (in the movie) without the need for us to be in a pod plugged in." ~Andrew Hale
"We have things in the Nevada desert that are alien to your way of thinking far beyond anything you see on Star Trek...If you've seen it in Star Trek or Star Wars, we've been there and done that." ~Ben Rich, Lockheed Skunkworks Program Manager
Perhaps for his temerity in asking Bonesmen about 322, veteran journalist Tim Russert was pronounced dead at 2:23 pm 6/13/2008. "When Tim Russert asked President George W. Bush what the Skull and Bones special number - 322 ­ signified Bush replied that this was a secret. Senator John Kerry, who ran against Bush in 2004, is also a member of this ultra-secret society. He also refused to tell us what the number 322 meant to Skull and Bones. Skull and Bones is a German secret organization that successfully transferred itself across the Atlantic Ocean in the early 1800's. When you back-engineer the secret societies from which the German version of Skull and Bones emerged one finds a strange fascination with Mars. March is the only month of the year that is named after a specific planet in the solar system. It is also the first day of spring as well as the first day in the zodiacal sign of Aries, which is the Greek word for Mars, and it is where 'March' gets its name. The number 322 is vitally important to these secret societies especially Skull and Bones, which has the number, enshrined in their tomb at Yale. The number 322 is actually the number for March 22nd. The first day of Aries, also called Mars. The great alchemist Fulcanelli was a member of a secret society in Europe. He tells us of a secret elite that rule the world. In his obscure book Mystery of the Cathedrals he tells us that there is a secret science called alchemy that only the elites understand. He also tells us that all alchemy begins in Aries (Mars)." -- "Fulcanelli was the name used by a French alchemist and esoteric author, whose identity is still debated. The name Fulcanelli seems to be a play on words: Vulcan, the ancient Roman god of fire, plus El, a Canaanite name for God and so the Sacred Fire." -- Wikipedia
"Skull and Bones is an undergraduate senior secret student society at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. The oldest senior class society at the university, Skull and Bones has become a cultural institution known for its powerful alumni and various conspiracy theories. The society's alumni organization, the Russell Trust Association, owns the organization's real estate and oversees the membership. The society is known informally as "Bones", and members are known as "Bonesmen"." -- Wikipedia
"The order was incorporated in 1856 by General William Huntington Russell, and Alphonso Taft who became Secretary of War under President Grant in 1876. The numerical value of this year is 1+8+7+6 = 22, and the numerical motto for Skull and Bones is 322, or 3 x’s 22 which you will see below is not a coincidence. In numerology, the number 22 is often called the Master Builder. The Phoenician-Hebrews possess 22 books and their alphabet is made up of 22 letters, which was created to compose the Word of God. The Kabbalah teaches us that the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are the building blocks of universe. The underlying occult scientific significance of the number 22 in science would represent the bones of the skull, of which there are twenty-two. 8 form the cranium, or braincase, and 14 are associated with the face. Our brains are what we use to think, reason and come to know the divine or God. The 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet created to compose the Word of God is our 22 boned skull, and the place where we receive the light to become illuminated, or enlightened beings. Hence, to be like Saint John and have our own Revelation. This is why I believe Skull and Bones had chosen the number 22 as the master builders of a New World Order (NWO). This fact would be validated by Bonesmen, former CIA director and President, George HW Bush; who in the video below taken from National television, makes no bones about their Apocalyptic plans for a New World Order. Please keep in mind that this speech of biblical proportions was done on 9-11-1991, and it was exactly 10 years later to the day that the U.S. suffered an attack on the World Trade Center Towers. Shortly thereafter his son George W. Bush would begin the war in Iraq. Now I would like to theorize about the number 66 and the connection to the Skull and Bones numerical motto of 322…In the bible, the Number 66 is the numerical value of the Wheel from the Hebrew Galgal, which is very similar to the word Google; meaning a wheel, whirl, whirlwind, or simply Chaos. The meaning of Gal, Gul or Gull, is to trick or to cheat. The word “curse” is used 66 times in the Old Testament. “As for the wheels, it was cried unto them in my hearing, O wheel.” – Ezekiel 10.13 This chaos of tricks may be indicative of the CIA domestic counter terrorism plan founded under Skull and Bones member, James Jesus Angleton who was called the “Mother of the Central Intelligence Agency.” Angleton was directly responsible for a domestic espionage project called Operation CHAOS, and had coined the phrase, “Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State.” Hence, from this point forward the CIA would play a central role in creating chaos both domestically and abroad, or ORDO AB CHAO which is the motto of the 33rd degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry." --
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom
Bilderberger elites met for the 66th time 6/7-10/2018 in Turin Italy. "The key topics for discussion this year include: Populism in Europe, The inequality challenge, The future of work, Artificial intelligence, The US before midterms, Free trade, US world leadership, Russia, Quantum computing, Saudi Arabia and Iran, The 'post-truth' world, & Current events" -- "The Bilderberg meeting is an annual conference established in 1954 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands 'to foster dialogue between Europe and North America'. Participants are European and North American political leaders, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule. The Bilderberg meetings are also unofficially called the 'Bilderberg Group', 'Bilderberg conference' or 'Bilderberg Club'." -- Wikipedia
"The Bilderberg Group meets annually at the world’s most ritzy hotels and resorts, surrounded by an armada of armed private security and local police, for a closed-door, three-day forum involving about 140 top corporate titans, technology gurus, select royalty, central bankers, former and current intelligence officials, think-tank fellows, and select reporters and editors who leave their ethics and notebooks at the gate. The sitting head of NATO attends every year. Most attendees come from Europe and North America." --
"Although geographically separate, the city-states of London, the Vatican, and the District of Colombia are one interlocking empire called Empire of The City. The flag of Washington’s District of Colombia has three red stars, one for each city-state in the three city empire. This Corporate Empire of three city-states controls the world economically through London’s inner-city, militarily through the District of Colombia, and spiritually through the Vatican. From the mystery religions of ancient Egypt to the Zionist role in 9/11, Ring Of Power 'unrevises' 4000 years of revisionist human history with never - before - seen revelations." --
"California Wildfires: Role of Undisclosed Atmospheric Manipulation and Geoengineering SAN DIEGO, Nov. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- California Governor Jerry Brown blames climate change for the currently raging wildfires in California. A recently published scientific article challenges that assertion, and reveals a fundamentally different underlying cause for the California wildfire severity that officials have neglected to disclose. Published October 1, 2018 in the Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, the scientific article by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD, of Transdyne Corporation and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH, a Florida Department of Health physician, reveals an unrecognized source of causality leading to increases in combustibility, intensity, and the extent of California, wildfires, and the concomitant harm to human and environmental health. The authors, as noted in the article, "review the evidence that atmospheric manipulation utilizing aerosolized coal fly ash is a primary factor in the extent and severity of forest fires in California and elsewhere; adverse effects include exacerbation of drought, tree and vegetation die- off and desiccation, and unnaturally heating the atmosphere and surface regions of Earth." Jet-spraying tiny particles into the region where clouds form, instead of compensating for global warming as some climate scientists wrongly believe, does quite the opposite including, as the article reveals, inhibiting rainfall, retarding heat loss from the surface, contributing to global warming, blocking the flow of moisture-laden clouds from the Pacific, causing climate chaos, poisoning the environment, and posing serious potential health risks to humans. The article further reveals, "Forest combustibility is increased by moisture-absorbing aerosolized particles that damage the waxy coatings of leaves and needles, reducing their tolerance to drought. The aerial climate manipulation using coal fly ash greatly increases the potential for forest fire ignition by lightning. In addition as the article discloses, "Wildfires dramatically worsen baseline air pollution, emitting harmful gases and volatile organic compounds, and they both concentrate and re-emit toxic elements and radioactive nuclides over a wide area." As the article states, "The type of air pollution created by wildfires is associated with increased all-cause mortality, with the greatest impact on respiratory and cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that aerosolized coal fly ash is an important risk factor for chronic lung disease, lung cancer and neurodegenerative disease. Failure to recognize multifold adverse consequences of jet-spraying particulates into the atmosphere … will continue the progression of ever-accelerating ecological disasters." The undisclosed jet-sprayed tiny particles do not remain in the region where clouds form, but mix with the air we breathe posing, without informed consent, human and environmental health calamities. No one has the right to poison the air we breathe or to corrupt our planet's complex and interrelated natural processes that makes life on Earth possible. The raging severity of the California wildfires should be a wakeup call for prudent citizens to demand an immediate and permanent halt to all geoengineering activities." --
"Conspiracy Confirmed: US Government Openly Meets To Discuss Future of Chemtrails/Geoengineering 11/11/2017 Wednesday marked the first time that the U.S. government openly acknowledged and discussed the reality of chemtrails—or as they and their ilk call it, “geoengineering.” Politicians and members of various fields convened for the US House Subcommittee on Environment and Subcommittee on Energy Hearing, discussing everything from funding the controversial sky-spraying operations to closely regulating them to prevent significant damage to the public. “One concern,” said Committee Chairman Lamar Smith during the hearing, “is that brightening clouds could alter rain patterns, making it rain more in some places or less in others. We still do not know enough about this subject to thoroughly understand the pros and cons of these types of technologies.” Described by some as a “coming out party” for the entire geoengineering industry, the hearing also acted as a way to legitimize the field and gain federal funding from the Trump Administration. [Philip] Rasch and [Joseph] Majkut are two climate specialists who testified Wednesday…on the potential for “geoengineering” — a catchall for proposals to directly cool the atmosphere or pull carbon emissions from it. “One idea gaining traction is to seed marine clouds with salt water or other particles, increasing their potential to reflect solar rays, cooling the earth. Its part of nascent and controversial branch of science known as “sunlight reflection methods,” or SRM. “’We think SRM could buy time for other (carbon-reduction) measures to be put in place,” said…Rasch, chief climate scientist for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington. “’If the worst case scenarios of global warming come to pass,” [added Majkut,] “these technologies could be used to help people, saving lives and economies from the worst effects of climate change.” America’s own elected representatives, along with key specialists in a variety of fields, are openly discussing spraying the sky with potentially-toxic materials. It’s an irony too bitter to handle after years of disinformation and social ostracization against the so-called “conspiracy theorists” who were convinced that large airliners high in the sky were spraying something…unnatural. But it hasn’t only been online speculators—numerous studies have suggested someone is spraying something into the sky, and sometimes with toxic consequences. “The widespread, intentional and increasingly frequent chemical emplacement in the troposphere,” reads one study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research, “has gone unidentified and unremarked in the scientific literature for years.” “The author presents evidence that toxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public health.” Despite openly advocating for what was once ridiculed as a conspiracy theory—and which has plenty of evidence suggesting it could be harmful to the public’s health—attendees at the hearing casually discussed the importance of “regulating” upcoming geoengineering operations. Jerry McNerney, a Congressman from California, announced his plans to oversee any such spraying initiatives, including urging the Energy Department to support two new reports by the National Academy of Sciences, one of which includes suggestions on how to regulate the practice. A significant motive for chemtrailing seems to be centered on combating climate change. Chairman smith emphasized, “…we are not sure this is plausible, some scientists believe it could achieve substantial environmental benefits at a cheaper cost than regulations,” adding that there was, indeed, a potential for “unintended consequences of geoengineering.”" --
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Framing Iran

Framing Iran
Kurdish Life.
Vol 62 (Spring 2007): p19+
"Let there be no doubt: If there is an American war with Iran, it is a war that was made in Israel and nowhere else. "
Scott Ritter, Target Iran, 2006
Back in January, musing on what he assumed to be Israel's preparation for war, analyst Patrick Buchanan quoted retired Israeli General Oded Tira, who argued in print, "As an American air strike in Iran is essential for our existence, we must help pave the way by lobbying the Democratic Party (which is conducting itself foolishly) and U.S. newspaper editors. We need to do this in order to turn the Iranian issue to a bipartisan one and unrelated to the Iraq failure ... Bush lacks the political power to attack Iran ... The Americans must act. If they don't we'll do it ourselves."
Former Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu echoed the general. "We must immediately launch an intense, international public relations front first and foremost on the U.S.," he urged. "We must make clear to the (U.S.) government, the Congress and the American public that a nuclear Iran is a threat to the U.S. and the entire world, not only Israel." Buchanan got the message and wrote, "Israel's war, says Bibi, must be sold as America's war." ( 1.9.07)
On January 20th Gulf News quoted Wayne White, a former top Middle East analyst with the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research, as saying, "I've seen some of the planning ... You're not talking about a surgical strike. You're talking about a war against Iran." Meanwhile House Democratic leaders were warning President Bush against launching an attack on Iran without first seeking congressional approval.
As might be expected, a frenzy of reports emanated from the White House and the Pentagon claiming that Iran was meddling in Iraq. In a speech outlining his new Iraq strategy, President Bush vowed to "seek out and destroy Iranian networks providing advanced weaponry and training to our enemies." Predictably he repeated the charge in his State of the Union speech on January 23rd.
The LA Times wasn't buying. "For all the aggressive rhetoric ... the Bush administration has provided scant evidence to support these claims. Nor have reporters traveling with U.S. troops seen extensive signs of Iranian involvement," an editorial read. "The lack of publicly disclosed evidence has led to questions about whether the administration is overstating its case. Some suggest Bush and his aides are pointing to Iran to deflect blame for U.S. setbacks in Iraq. Others suggest they are laying the foundation for a military strike against Iran." (1.23.07)
Nor was historian Gareth Porter swallowing what the White House was selling. "For 18 months now, the George W. Bush administration has periodically raised the charge that Iran is supplying anti-coalition forces in Iraq with arms. But in the past, high administration officials have always admitted that they have no real evidence to support it," he wrote. "Now, they are going further. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told reporters on her current Middle Eastern trip, 'I think there is plenty of evidence that there is Iranian involvement with these networks that are making high-explosive IEDs ... and that are endangering our troops, and that's going to be dealt with.' However, Rice failed to provide any evidence of official Iranian involvement ... The origins of the theme of Iranian complicity strongly suggest that it was a propaganda line aimed at reducing the Bush administration's acute embarrassment at its inability to stop the growing death toll of U.S. troops from shaped charges fired at armored vehicles by Sunni insurgents." ( 1.27.07)
But Israel was not about to back off. At the Hebrew University, political scientist Shlomo Avineri, former head of Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, came up with this Machiavellian advice for Jews everywhere: "How best to gain media attention but to tie Iran to the Holocaust. This, and not verbal aggression toward Iran's nuclear policies, is what every Jewish organization in every country should do now. Holocaust denial is a moral, not a political issue, and many non-Jewish individuals and organizations would join such a campaign. What should be done? The key to getting attention? In every capital, constant vigils and periodic demonstrations in front of Iranian embassies would draw attention to the unacceptability of Holocaust denial. At every appearance of an Iranian official or diplomat, regardless of topic, there should be demonstrations condemning President Ahmadinejad's Holocaust denial and questioners should be prepared to raise the issue in any Q & A sessions that follows. All Iranian cultural functions should be picketed. Jewish organizations should lobby their respective governments to include the issue of Holocaust denial in any contact they may be having with Iranian authorities. Universities should be approached to initiate symposia on Iran's Holocaust denial. All of this can--and should--be done peacefully, within the framework of the law. Iranian officials should not in any way be harassed or intimidated, but it should be clear to them what the message is. As in the Soviet Jewry case, every demonstration of this sort attracts immediate media coverage ... Any Jewish organization leading such a campaign would also gain visibility in the crowded field of Jewish fundraising ..." (Jerusalem Post 1.27.07) I wonder what would be said of an American academic who emulated the good professor.
Whereupon former Marine and weapons inspector Scott Ritter advised Americans to "stop the Iran War before it starts." (The Nation 1.28.07)
At any rate, Jews in the U.S. had already done the groundwork on Iran, much as did they on Iraq. And it showed. Now the U.S. military came up with another charge against Teheran. They said that attackers using America-style uniforms and weapons infiltrated a secure compound and killed five American soldiers in Karbala on January 20th. The New York Times suggested that "tying Iran to the deadly attack could be helpful to the Bush administration, which has been engaged in an escalating war of words with Iran." (NYT 1.31.07)
Meanwhile European governments were doing their best to resist administration demands to curtail support for exports to Iran, to block transactions and freeze assets of Iranian companies. This while a senior administration official explained, "We are telling the Europeans that they need to go way beyond what they've done to maximize pressure on Iran. The European response on the economic side has been pretty weak."(NYT 1.30.07) European leaders were becoming ever more skittish and not without reason. Some senior British officials recalled similar U.S. claims over Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. And the LA Times reported under the heading, "U.S. can't prove Iran link to Iraq strife." (2.3.07)
Now to raise the volume, Defense Secretary Robert Gates suggested that Iranians were "linked" to deadly explosives and were training Iraqis in military techniques. No wonder. On February 9th an Israel-based website that claims to be close to military sources issued this report: "Debkafile's sources in Tehran and Kurdistan disclose that, last month, two Iranian QW-1 and SA-7 missile consignments reached Iraqi insurgents allied with al Qaeda and one radical Shiite Moqtada Sadr's Shiite militia, the Mehdi Army. Israeli sources report the same anti air weapons were delivered at about the same time to Hizballah units in Lebanon including the south ... According to our sources ... consignments to Iraq went through the North Iraqi Kurdistani town of Suleimaniya not far from the Iranian borders. An Iranian clandestine center operates there like 'the liaison center' the Americans raided in another Kurdistan town, Erbil, last month. The Suleimaniya center operates with permission from Iraq's Kurdish president Jalal Talabani. The weapons were smuggled in concealed compartments of trucks transporting building materials and iron from Iran for a Kurdish building company." (2.10.07)
While an editorial in the New York Times bemoaned the fact that "three weeks after promising it would show proof of Iranian meddling in Iraq, the Bush administration has laid out its evidence--and received in return a healthy dose of skepticism," Greg Mitchell of Editor and Publisher observed that even the Washington Post had joined the Times in "trumpeting 'anonymous' claims on Iranian weapons in Iraq." (2.13.07)
But President Bush continued to see what he wanted to see. And in a press conference, he crowed, "The idea that somehow we're manufacturing the idea that the Iranians are providing [explosives] is preposterous." Asked why Marine Gen. Peter Pace had contradicted the administration's claim of Iranian government complicity, he said, "There's no contradiction that the weapons are there and they were provided by the Quds Force ... And we also know that the Quds Force is a part of the Iranian government." (Washington Post 2.15.07)
Not so fast, according to Raw Story: "The Bush administration has accused the Iranian Special Operations unit known as the Quds Force of harming US soldiers in Iraq, though they admit that they don't know why or at whose direction the Iranian force is operating within the country. But the real issue, reports Newsweek, is that the Quds Force appears to be working in collusion with US allies in Iraq as much as with U.S. enemies. 'The unit appears to be as close to America's Shiite and Kurdish allies as to splinter groups ... According to Newsweek, there is a relationship between the Quds Force and Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and between the force and Abdul Aziz al-Hakim of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq. 'Quds operatives captured recently were working directly under the protection, respectively, of Talabani and Hakim, 'reports the article." (Raw Story 2.19.07)
The Guardian was another to question Washington's charges. "US intelligence on Iran does not stand up, say Vienna sources," a February 23rd report read. "Much of the intelligence on Iran's nuclear facilities provided to UN inspectors by American spy agencies has turned out to be unfounded, according to diplomatic sources in Vienna. The claims, reminiscent of the intelligence fiasco surrounding the Iraq war, coincided with a sharp increase in international tension as the IAEA reported that Iran was defying a UN security council ultimatum to freeze its nuclear program ... 'Most of it has turned out to be incorrect,' said a diplomat at the IAEA with detailed knowledge of the agency's investigation."
But Zionist zealots in Israel were not about to be deterred. "Israel is negotiating with the United States for permission to fly over Iraq as part of a plan to attack Iran's nuclear facilities," the Telegraph reported from London on February 24th. "'We are planning for every eventuality,' said a senior Israeli defense official who asked not to be named. 'The only way to do this is to fly through US-controlled air space. If we don't sort these issues out now we could have a situation where American and Israeli war planes start shooting at each other."
The anonymous Israeli defense official must have missed this news: "Some of America's most senior military commanders told the White House they were prepared to resign if the administration orders a military strike against Iran, according to highly placed defense and intelligence sources ... The Sunday Times (of London) has learned that up to five generals and admirals are willing to resign rather than approve what they consider would be a reckless attack ... 'There are four or five generals and admirals we know of who would resign if Bush ordered an attack on Iran,' a source with close ties to British intelligence said. 'There is simply no stomach for it in the Pentagon, and a lot of people question whether such an attack would be effective or even possible' ... The threat of a wave of resignations coincided with a warning by Vice-President Dick Cheney that all options, including military action, remained on the table." (2.25.07)
Moving from the ridiculous to the sublime, in Israel Rabbi David Batzri the head of Shalom Yeshivah came up with a new strategy to bring down Iran: an appeal to a Higher Authority than Washington. He launched a nationwide campaign to enlist 10,000 youngsters to rally in prayer against Ahmadinejad. "The children are praying that God annul any negative heavenly decree against the Jewish people," he said. (2.27.07)
"One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland. "
Yitzhak Gruenbaum, Chairman Jewish Agency Rescue Committee, 1.18.43
And yet, more than a few of my fellow Jews leave nothing to Heaven. This is nothing new. In a report to the Zionist Congress on his testimony before the Peel Commission, (July 1937) Chaim Weizmann left no doubt that the Zionist obsession with land in Palestine took precedence over the lives of Jews in Europe. Here's what he had to say: "The hopes of Europe's six million Jews are centered on emigration. I was asked, 'Can you bring six million Jews to Palestine?' I replied, 'No' ... From the depths of the tragedy I want to save two million young people ... the old ones will pass. They will bear their fate or they will not. They were dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world ... Only the branch of the young shall survive ... They have to accept it."
On January 18, 1943, during the height of the Holocaust, Rabbi Yizhak Itshe Meir Levin, leader of Agudat Yisrael, issued this desperate plea: "Take the Jewish National Fund money ... Won't you halt the work in Palestine during such a period, when they are murdering, slaughtering Jews by the hundreds of thousands, even millions? Don't establish new settlements, take the money for those needs." Whereupon Yitzhak Gruenbaum, then head of the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee, told the Zionist Executive Council, "... Let them say that I am anti-Semitic ... Let them say what they want. I will not demand that the Jewish Agency allocate a sum of 300,000 or 100,000 pounds sterling to help European Jewry. And I think that whoever demands such things is performing an anti-Zionist act ..." (Web: True Torah Jews against Zionism)
In January of this year, the Forward reported that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, flush with funds from wealthy American Jews, offered considerable sums to Iranian Jews to "persuade" them to emigrate to Israel. They failed. University of Minnesota anthropologist William Beeman rightly noted, "Some people are trying to use the climate created by Ahmadinejad and the nuke issue." (Forward 1.12.07) This too is nothing new. Beyond bribing Jews, the Zionists were not above creating the climate that would force Jews out of Arab lands, be it to frighten them into leaving or to frighten local governments into evicting them.
Past is prologue. Writing on "Israel's Population Problem," Jonathan Cook recalled in an August 8th article for Counterpunch. "Israel went to greater lengths to ensure the exit of the Arab world's largest Jewish population in Iraq. In 1950 a series of bombs targeted on Jews in Baghdad forced a rapid exodus of some 130,000 Iraqi Jews to Israel, convinced that Arab extremists were behind the attacks. Only later did it emerge that the bombs had been planted by members of the Zionist underground, supported by the Israeli government."
Believing in nothing more exalted than Washington and weapons, and obsessed with promoting Israel's hegemony over the Middle East, Zionists in the U.S. continue on this path to perdition, some lurking under the label 'neocon,' some embedded in Congress, and some in strategic positions elsewhere: in government, media and academe. And irony of ironies, Americans not persuaded to their position choose to remain silent for fear of being labeled "anti-semitic." No wonder, Hebrew University political scientist Martin Kramer could boast without fear of contradiction, "We have had a remarkable run these last thirty years. Israel has flourished under the Pax Americana." (Jerusalem Post 7.31.07)
Getting Off the Hook
And flourish it has largely because of their expertise in knowing when and how to evade responsibility for their actions. On February 7th the Jewish newspaper, Forward reported: "While Jewish communal leaders focus most of their current lobbying efforts on pressing the United States to take a tough line against Iran and its nuclear program, some are privately voicing fears that they will be accused of driving American into a war with the regime in Tehran ... Now, with concerns mounting that Israel and its supporters might be blamed for any military confrontation, Jewish groups are seeking to widen their argument, asserting that an Iranian nuclear bomb would threaten the West and endanger pro-American Sunni Muslim states in the region ... Yet many advocacy efforts, even when not linked to Israel, carry indelibly Jewish fingerprints ...
"In warning of possible scapegoating, insiders point to the experience of the Iraq War. Since the initial invasion in 2003, antiwar groups have charged, with growing vehemence, that the war was promoted by Jewish groups acting in Israel's interest--even though the invasion enjoyed bipartisan backing and popular support and was not at the top of most Jewish organizations' agendas. The Iraq backlash prompted former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon to order in 2005 that his ministers keep a low profile on Iran ... Now, however, Jewish groups are indeed playing a lead role in pressing for a hard line on Iran. The campaign comes at a time when President Bush's popularity has reached record lows and members of both parties are cautioning against a rush toward war." (Groups Fear Public Backlash Over Iran 2.7.07)
Who did they think they were kidding? No group of Americans was more eager to see the U.S. attack Iraq than the Jewish community simply because they took it into their heads, with more than a little help from the lobby of lobbies, AIPAC, that it was "good" for Israel.
And yet some three weeks later this Forward report inadvertently revealed just how easy it is to stand truth on its head: "Drawing from the results of 13 polls conducted since 2005, the Gallup Organization found that 77% of American Jews think the Iraq War was a mistake, compared with 52% of the general American public. The poll found that Jewish opposition to the war in Iraq transcends political boundaries, with Jewish Democrats and Jewish Republicans being more likely than their respective non-Jewish counterparts to oppose the war. 'These data show that the average American Jew--even those who are Republicans and may support the Bush administration on other matters--oppose the war,' Gallup concluded in the report released last week. In sharp contrast, most Jewish organizations have refused to speak out against the war, and at times they displayed support for the administration ... The Gallup report did not provide any explanation for the strong Jewish opposition to the war, suggesting only that it might be tied to the liberal views held in general by American Jews." (3.1.03)
No wonder. Gallup was nothing if not gullible. As we indicated in an earlier issue of Kurdish Life, American Jews overwhelmingly supported the invasion of Iraq, not only supporting, but promoting the war at every opportunity. By 2005, some three years later when Gallup took the polls, they realized that the war was going south big time; the climate in the country changed. And they followed the weather. Frustrated over failures and fearing blame for the role of the Jewish lobby, Jewish members of Congress, Jewish media, and more than a few Jewish academics in inciting and then justifying the invasion, the same majority did an about face to avoid being held accountable. That they did so en masse is evident in this from the Gallup report: "Rank and file Jewish opposition to the war is high--at 77%--compared with a more even split among Christians, with a small majority of Catholics opposing the war and a small majority of Protestants backing it. According to the survey data, at least one Christian subgroup--black Protestants--opposes the war at an even higher rate (78%) than Jews do. The war is also opposed by about two-thirds of those without any religious affiliation." (3.1.07)
Another irony. The Jewish establishment that moved a majority of Jews to support the Iraq invasion and occupation is now busy urging in every way possible that the U.S. "stay the course." On March 12th Haaretz reported that in an address to AIPAC in Washington, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni "warned the U.S. not to show weakness in Iraq ... This applies to the decisions made on Iraq, it is true for Iraq, and it is true across the Middle East ... To address extremism is to address Iran. It is a regime which denies the Holocaust while threatening the world with a new one."
Capitol Hill was already in Israel's pocket. Only four days earlier the New York Sun reported: "The democratic-controlled Congress is moving to outflank both the Bush administration and the United Nations with the toughest set of sanctions against Iran that have ever been proposed. The introduction of the new legislation comes as more than 5,500 members of America's largest pro-Israel lobby are set to arrive in Washington ... The new legislation was introduced yesterday by Rep. Tom Lantos (a Holocaust survivor) ... Aipac spokesman Josh Block said the lobbying push this year has three priorities. To start, the group will try support for "continued U.S. aid to Israel that helps strengthen American interests in the region by ensuring that our ally Israel remains strong and secure in its tough neighborhood; 'to withhold aid from 'going to support or legitimize a Palestinian Authority dominated by a terrorist group Hamas ... to mandate divestment by federal government pension funds from companies that have invested more than $20 million in Iran's energy sector." (3.8.07)
In an article for Counterpunch, Middle East analyst Ramsy Baroud mused: "While the US was the major power that often orchestrated proxy wars through clandestine tactics, as it did in Central America and various parts of Asia, Israel is now adopting a similar scheme. In most instances in the past, Israel managed to sway US administrations to behave according to the misleading mantra: 'What's good for Israel is good for America.' But a clash of interests here is unavoidable. While Israel's heart is set on a war against Iran, it is elementary knowledge that a war against Iran would bring irrevocable disaster for the United States. Prolonged political hostility with Iran is equally dangerous, for it will further complicate the American task in Iraq. But Israel is still cheering for war." (4.30.07)
Seasoned analyst Helena Cobban made these observations on how its proxies do the job in the press: "[W]hen matters go really bad somewhere in the Middle East, change the subject and blame Iran. Michael R. Gordon today is competing yet again to be chief salesman for such ominous news. Media bloggers have taken to deeming him the resident 'ghost of Judith Miller' at the New York Times ... Lately, Gordon has been quite active in reviving support for getting tougher on Iran ... Last November it was Michael R. Gordon reporting that 'Iran-backed' Hizbullah was training Iraqi Shia fighters. And throughout the fall, Gordon filed one 'report' after another citing 'experts' and 'analysts' cautioning against quick withdrawal from Iraq ... Back in 2002 it was Michael R. Gordon who wrote regularly with Judith Miller about Iraqi WMD capabilities, most infamously about the aluminum tubes presumed for Iraq's nuclear program. The obvious intent of such articles was to drum up support for invading Iraq sooner rather than later ... Today, the NY Times designates none other than Michael R. Gordon to tell us that Iran is supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan." (Justworldnews 4.19.07)
In the second week of May the U.S. announced it was willing to talk to Iran "if discussions deal only with Iraq." In Teheran a spokesman for the foreign ministry said that Iran had accepted the request. Talks were to begin on May 28th. Said Ambassador Ryan Crocker, "The focus of our discussions were Iraq and Iraq only." (AP 5.13.07)
Now a poll taken by Bar-Ilan University's BESA center and the Anti-Defamation League indicated that "59 percent of Israelis still believe the war in Iraq was justified ... fully 71 percent of Israelis believe that the United States should launch a military attack on Iran if diplomatic efforts fail to halt Tehran's nuclear program." (Haaretz 5.18.07)
By late May Knight-Ridder reported growing tensions between the U.S. and Iran. (5.23.07) There must have been jubilation in Jerusalem. But there was as well more than a modicum of impatience. And it was expressed without reservation by none other than Norman Podhoretz in an extended polemic titled "The Case for Bombing Iran." By the way, Podhoretz would soon be chosen by presidential candidate Rudi Giuliani to head his "foreign policy advisory team."
On May 25th while 9 U.S. military ships sped to the Persian Gulf to assemble off Iran's coast, the Oxford Research Group warned Britain's House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee against a preemptive strike on Iran. According to its report, "If and when Iran does have 3,000 centrifuges operating smoothly, the HSS estimates it would take an additional nine to 11 months to produce 25 kg of highly enriched uranium, enough for one implosion-type weapon." According to the Jerusalem Post, Ali Ansari of St. Andrew University told the committee, "To Teheran a nuclear program is 'a sign of modern achievement' and a boost to national prestige' ... yet there is 'no real constituency within Iran for a nuclear weapon as a military tool." (5.25.07)
Three days later former CIA agent Robert Baer lamented: "You would think by now the Bush administration would have drained the well of bad intelligence on Iraq and Iran. Apparently not ... the Administration is still trying to manipulate intelligence to further its strategic goals. ABC says that Deputy National Security Advisor Elliot Abrams is behind the covert action against Iran ... It's no surprise that Abrams would be behind this ..." (5.28.07)
Need more? At the end of the month, Podhoretz turned up again in an op ed for the Wall Street Journal to argue: "The plain and tribal truth is that if Iran is to be prevented from developing a nuclear arsenal, there is no alternative to the actual use of military force--any more than there was an alternative to force if Hitler was to be stopped in 1938 ... It now remains to be seen whether this president, battered more mercilessly and with less justification than any other in living memory, and weakened politically by the enemies of his policy in the Middle East in general and Iraq in particular, will find it possible to take the only action that can stop Iran from following through on its evil intentions both toward us and toward Israel.... As an American and as a Jew, I pray with all my heart that he will." (5.30.07)
While he was praying, IAEA chief Mohamad elBaradei was saying, "I wake every morning and see 100 Iraqis, innocent civilians are dying. I have no brief other than to make sure we don't go into another war or that we go crazy into killing each other. You do not want to give additional argument to new crazies who say 'let's go and bomb Iran." (Reuters 6.1.07)
Witness for the Defense
In a June 3rd report captioned "Ahmadinejad: Israel Will Be Destroyed," AP conveyed this news: "Much as he said in October 2005, that the Zionist regime should be wiped off the ma p," the Iranian president now said, "God willing, in the near future we will witness the destruction of the corrupt occupier regime."
False. It never was true. In fact, the line, "Israel must be wiped off the map" is a fake pure and simple. In an essay titled "Wiped off the Map: The Rumor of the Century, Iranian scholar Arash Norouzi explained: "Across the world, a dangerous rumor has spread that could have catastrophic implications. According to legend, Iran's President has threatened to destroy Israel, or, to quote the misquote, "Israel must be wiped off the map." Contrary to popular belief, this statement was never made, as the following article will prove.
"On Wednesday, October 26th, 2005, at the Ministry of Interior conference hall in Tehran, newly elected Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad delivered a speech at a program, reportedly attended by thousands, titled, 'The World Without Zionism.'... Before we get to the infamous remark, it's important to note that the 'quote' in question was itself a quote--they are the words of the late Ayatollah Khomeini, the father of the Islamic Revolution. Although he quoted Khomeini in to affirm his own position on Zionism, the actual words belong to Khomeini and not Ahmadinejad. Thus, Ahmadinejad has essentially been credited (or blamed) for a quote that is not only unoriginal, but represents a viewpoint already in place well before he ever took office.
"So what did Ahmadinejad actually say: "Imam ghoft een reshim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad as safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad. That passage will mean nothing to most people, but one word might ring a bell: reshim-e. It is the word 'Regime,' pronounced just like the English word with an extra 'eh' sound at the end. Ahmadinejad did not refer to Israel the country or Israel the land mass, but to the Israeli regime. This is a vastly significant distinction, as one cannot wipe a regime off the map. Ahmadinejad does not even refer to Israel by name; he instead uses the specific phrase 'rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods.' (regime occupying Jerusalem). So this raises the question, what exactly did he want 'wiped off the map?' The answer is: nothing. That is because the word 'map' was never used. The Persian word for map, 'nagsheh,' is not contained anywhere in his original farsi quote, or, for that matter, anywhere in his entire speech. Nor was the western phrase 'wipe out' ever said. Yet we are led to believe that Iran's President threatened to 'wipe Israel off the map,' despite never having uttered the words 'map,' 'wipe out' or even 'Israel.'" (For the full text of Norouzi's explication see ( 7.20.07)
Like Reuters, like BBC, like major American newspapers including the Times, the Post and the Wall Street Journal, the June 3rd AP report distorted the issue thusly: "His supporters have argued that Ahmadinejad's words were mistranslated and should have been better translated as 'vanish from the pages of time' implying Israel would vanish on its own rather than be destroyed." That AP attributed claims of mistranslation to "his supporters" implies that such individuals are a priori biased in Ahmadinejad's favor, and are therefore not objective critics. Common sense dictates that it is entirely possible to render an accurate translation of Ahmadinejad's words without being an Ahmadinejad acolyte.
But having gotten away with this chicanery, thanks to the pusillanimous press, now Israel formally demanded that the Security Council condemn this statement by Iran's leader: "The countdown button for the destruction of the Zionist regime has been pushed." (Haaretz 6.6.07) Now Senator Joseph Lieberman, the nefarious neocon masquerading as an" independent" Democrat, came forward to proclaim, "I think we've got to be prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from killing Americans in Iraq. And to me, that would include a strike over the border into Iran, where we have good evidence that they have a base at which they are training these people coming back into Iraq to kill our soldiers ... I want to make clear I'm not talking about a massive ground invasion if Iran ... If they don't play by the rules, we've got to use our force, and to me, that would include taking military action to stop them from doing what they are doing." (AP 6.11.07) His call to arms moved Fairfield University political scientist John Orman, the chairman of the Connecticut for Lieberman Party, to blasted Lieberman in these words, "He has crossed the line. His unilateral warmongering could lead to a new World War III. ( 6.15.07)
From Vienna, again UN nuclear chief Mohammad ElBaradei spoke up, this time at the close of a meeting of his IAEA board, He termed a preemptive attack on Iran "an act" of madness." Whereupon AP suggested that his warning was an "indirect" reference to the United States and Israel. (6.15.07)
Speaking of madness, in Vienna some two days later, a court ruled that a private Orthodox Jewish school in the city had no right to expel the children of Moishe Arye Friedman because their father, "an anti-Zionist Satmar Natorei Karta member, attended a Holocaust conference in Teheran and shook hands with Ahmadinejad last December ... Initially a Vienna district court upheld the expulsion, but in March a federal court ruled that until the case was resolved, the four children, aged 8 to 13. must be allowed back. Friedman argued that the children were being punished for his activities ... 'The school is using Nazi methods against their own Jews. They are Jewish gangsters, there is an Israeli security guard who is physically keeping my children out of the school every day,'" Friedman charged. (Jerusalem Post 6.17.07)
With More Than a Little Help from Democrats
In a perspicuous essay captioned "More Bellicose Than Bush: The Democrats and Iran," Joshua Frank, himself a Jew, rightly noted: "When the Times of London revealed that Israel might be planning a nuclear strike on Iran, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told the Jerusalem Post that Democrats wouldn't rule out using force on Iran to block Tehran's nuclear aspirations. In the past, similar remarks had been made by Democratic leaders Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, along with presidential hopefuls John Edwards and Sen. Hillary Clinton. Even superman Barack Obama won't challenge the Bush administration's erroneous Iran approach." (Counterpunch 1.9.07)
A fine example of this sycophancy surfaced in mid January when Republican Representative Walter Jones and five other lawmakers introduced a resolution attached to a spending bill calling on President Bush not to attack Iran without "prior authorization" from Congress. Rep. Jones had this to say on the topic: "If the President is contemplating committing our blood and treasure in another war, then he and his administration must make the case to Congress and the American people why it would be in the national security interests of the United States to engage militarily in Iran ... an invasion of Iran would flout the US Constitution." And House member Martin Meahan warned, "Congress will not stand idly by--it won't be railroaded into another war that will only make America and the world less safe. I'm not here to tell you that I trust Iran, but I am here to say that I don't trust the administration." (AFP 1.18.07) Yet less than two months later, House Democrats backed down from their attempt to limit the president's authority. And why? AP put the answer in a nutshell: "Conservative Democrats as well as lawmakers concerned about the possible impact on Israel had argued for the change in strategy. (3.13.07) CONTINUED BELOW
submitted by babak1980 to iranian [link] [comments]

Fact Checking the State of the Union Address
Unsurprisingly the people on the politics board do not like hearing any of the truth.
The following are not conspiracy theories they are just basic facts of how the Corporations have completely taken over America today.
Lie number 1
The Afghan war is not set to end any time soon. Obama is negotiating with Karzai to keep 10,000 troops in Afghanistan for at least another 10 years at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars.
Lie number 2
8 million jobs have not been created since the start of 2009. Only just over 4 million jobs have been created since mid 2009.
Lie number 3
How is Obama rebuilding any trust with the American people?
He is spying on every American through the NSA.
He has retained the over $1.3tn a year of Corporate Welfare while hiking the taxes on the middle class and working poor by a massive $200bn a year.
Lie Number 4
America is now plum bottom for social mobility (out of the 30 or so developed countries). The American dream of almost everyone being able to make it to the middle class is dead.
Lie Number 5
Obama is not rebuilding the middle class - he is wiping the middle class out. Median Household Incomes have now fallen below the levels of 1995 at just above $50,000. Median Male wages have now fallen back to the level of 1970 at just over $30,000. Both numbers are inflation adjusted. Both numbers are still falling.
The economic charts for this are in here:-
Lie number 6
Obama is not helping Veterans. He has just reduced Veterans pensions by reducing the COLA adjustment by 1%, which will effectively render Veterans pensions worthless in 10 or 20 years time.
Lie Number 6
Obama did not save the auto industry or General Motors. General Motors is going to need another bailout in the fairly near future.
Lie Number 7
The economy is not picking up speed - the reverse is true, it is slowing down. Well paid jobs are NOT being created. Of the 4 million jobs created since 2009, 1 million have gone to over 65's and 1 million are minimum wage bar staff and waiters. Most of the rest of the 2 million jobs are low paid or minimum wage.
If GDP was calculated using real inflation America would never of been out of recession since 2008. Real inflation is 4%+ more than the official inflation statistics due to hedonic adjustments and under including things that have risen a lot in price - like college education.
Lie Number 8
Obama is not encouraging small businesses - he is strangling them. Both the number of new business start ups and the number of people employed in those start ups have declined significantly.
Business start ups - the BLS Birth/Death model is wrong
Lie Number 9
Obama is not encouraging bringing jobs back to America.
He is currently negotiating the TPP treaty which will lose many thousands of American jobs and kill millions in the third world by denying access to affordable medicines.
Lie Number 10
America's energy production has increased very dramatically because of Fracking and Shale gas deposits.
Lie Number 11
Obama is not building a cleaner planet. He is over-riding existing environmental protections in America and elsewhere by negotiating the TPP treaty which over-rides National Laws.
Lie Number 12
Immigration amnesty will mean more competition for existing American workers. It will increase unemployment and lower average wages.
Lie Number 13
Unemployment is NOT coming down.
It INCREASED by 600,000 in 2013.
The only reason that the headline rate of unemployment has come down is because of the hundreds of thousands of people of working age have left the labor force. They have given up looking for work because there are no decent paying jobs being created.
The labor participation rate is now the lowest it's been since the early 1980's (at under 63%) before the advent of large numbers of double income households.
Jobs data highlights - massive miss +74,000 vs +200,000 Expectations, 1 million FEWER jobs than in 2012
Lie Number 14
Obama is NOT giving a chance for Americans to find a job.
Cutting Corporate Welfare by $1.3tn a year and using the money for massive tax cuts on the lower paid and some tax cuts on small and medium sized business WOULD create jobs.
But instead Obama increased taxes on the lower paid by $200bn a year, which means that Americans have less money to spend in American businesses.
Lie Number 15
America no longer has a world class education system. Education standards are falling. America is sliding down the education league tables.
This is showing up in the appalling Social Mobility statistics where America is now plum last out of the 30 or so developed countries.
Young people are being loaded down with massive Student Loan debt, which has now surpassed $1tn. More than the sub-prime mortgage fiasco. Getting more young people loaded down with massive student loan debts is NOT helping the economy, it is wrecking it.
Making money out of Education and breaking the economy - the interest on Student Loan Debt
Lie Number 16
Obama is INCREASING income inequality, not addressing the problem. Increasing income inequality is the inevitable result of current government (both parties) and Federal Reserve policies.
Lie Number 17
Obamacare does NOT fix the American Healthcare problem.
6 million policies have been cancelled and only 3 million people have so far signed up for Obamacare. 3 million FEWER people now have Healthcare Insurance as a result of Obamacare.
Obamacare is also not helping because it INCREASES the average cost of Healthcare (pre subsidy) by reducing the level of competition in an already highly uncompetitive market.
Obamacare is the worst scheme that anyone has come up with so far for providing Healthcare, anywhere in the world
Lie Number 18
Obama's Voting Reform Commission will NOT help improve American democracy.
He appointed Ben Ginsberg as co-chair
Stalinist sleazeball Ben Ginsberg co-chairs Obama's voting commission - he's just been on Maddow
Lie Number 19
America is NOT out of Iraq. There are still 7,000 private blackwater type mercenaries in Iraq.
Lie Number 20
Obama is not planning to leave Afghanistan or end the Afghan war. He is negotiating with Karzai to keep 10,000 American troops in Afghanistan for at least another 10 years.
Lie Number 21
America is NOT safer. Islamic Extremist groups now control far more territory than they did before Obama came to power.
Obama is supporting Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria.
The Islamists have just taken over in Fallujah Iraq.
The Islamists control Libya and have grown in power in large parts of Africa.
92% of Pakistani's now consider the American government their enemy with a commensurate increase in support for Islamic Extremists due to Obama's drone warfare program and the large number of civilians it is killing.
There is a raging civil war in Yemen, where Obama is propping up a corrupt dictator.
etc. etc.
Obama's drone warfare program is meeting it's objectives.
The purpose of the drone warfare program is to .... create more Islamic Extremists
Where would the MIC be without enemies?
Lie Number 22
Iran is NOT trying to develop a nuclear weapon.
It is using it's stockpiles of partially enriched uranium for it's civilian nuclear energy program.
Ehud Barak, ex heads of Mossad and the CIA agree with this assessment.
Bibi Netanyahu & Ehud Barak tried to hijack a war with Iran in 2010. IDF & Mossad chiefs disagreed with them
Truth Number 1
Obama is negotiating with Iran for peace, despite Senate warmongering in trying to impose a sanctions resolution. The Senate has been bought by AIPAC and Israel.
The scale of the Israeli bribery of US Politicans & government - list of donations to the Neocon crowd
Emotional Blackmail Number 1
Uses a member of the armed services to pull at people's emotional heartstrings.
The troops are being used as cannon fodder in support of wars fought for Corporate profits.
What if ...... the wars were never about terrorism they were always about money and corporate greed
Obama did not mention the TPP or Tafta "trade" treaties
TPP treaty set to destroy jobs and kill millions, both Chomsky & Buchanan oppose it
Obama did not mention that the NSA is spying on every American and hundreds of millions more around the world.
The NSA's Mass Surveillance programs are only useful to the government - they make everyone else LESS SAFE
It is time to put the spurious arguments of the supporters of the NSA's Mass Surveillance to bed
NSA Blowback - America's rapidly deteriorating relations with the rest of the world
Neither did Obama mention this
There is a giant sucking sound in America today. The sound of trillions of dollars of wealth and millions of jobs leaving the country
What 30 years of increasingly extremist Corporatist policies have done to America and how to start fixing it.
Obama didn't mention the various moves to restrict civil liberties and prepare for the expected mass social unrest as a result of current economic policies by the government and the Federal Reserve.
Obama's Catalog of Civil Rights Abuses and preparations for massive civil unrest Updated 12/11
Lie number 23
The deficit has NOT been cut by half.
The deficit is currently running at the average deficit level of the Bush administration.
There was a huge increase in spending during Bush.
Bush increased the National Debt by $5.5tn over 8 years. The National Debt doubled during that time to ~$11tn.
This is an average of $700bn a year.
The deficit for 2013 was $650bn, the deficit for 2014 is expected to be $750bn according to the CBO.
The deficit is expected to increase to over $3tn and spending is expected to increase to $6tn in 2023 from the current $3.5tn with current policies.
Why the sequester is a giant con trick. Why the government and the Federal Reserve are on the wrong path.
Lie Number 24
America is NOT the best place to do business, for the first time since these tables started being compiled, America has recently dropped out of the top 10 countries.
America has now fallen behind even Hong Kong.
America is NOT better-positioned for the 21st century than any other nation on Earth. It is a very long way indeed from that.
It is sickening what is happening in America Today
The full transcript of Obama's speech
submitted by Ian56 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: ExIsmailis top posts from 2017-01-29 to 2018-07-25 03:18 PDT

Period: 541.23 days
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Total 456 2517
Rate (per day) 0.84 5.02
Unique Redditors 109 156
Combined Score 2712 5089

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 576 points, 72 submissions: PickledFry
    1. When council and Hazir Imam finally track us down (21 points, 1 comment)
    2. The New York Times stating that Aga Khan IV's wealth is partly made up of money Ismaili Muslims pay him. (17 points, 6 comments)
    3. The Ismaili Gnosis closed Facebook group IRL (16 points, 1 comment)
    4. "Dasond is the Imam's food" Why doesn't the infallible Imam realize that he's obese, and stop consuming so much? (15 points, 3 comments)
    5. FUCK IT'S RAMADAN! Oh wait, never mind, Ismailis literally do nothing for Ramadan. (14 points, 3 comments)
    6. How Muslims in London talk about Ismailis (14 points, 0 comments)
    7. Aga Con IV could never (13 points, 1 comment)
    8. Aga Khan is a really skilled business man to be able to afford things like $250 million yachts, $100 million islands, Estates everywhere, etc. Anybody have his business strategies? (13 points, 3 comments)
    9. Hazar Imam, Aga Khan IV, during his Diamond Jubilee Darbar in Lisbon [July 11, 2018] (13 points, 1 comment)
    10. When Ismaili SJW feminists are reminded that Allah doesn't hire female prophets or imams (13 points, 0 comments)
  2. 101 points, 18 submissions: im_not_afraid
    1. Labeouf (14 points, 10 comments)
    2. Why does everyone, like Ismailis and fascists, want to suck up to Vishnu? "the theory that Hitler was an avatar - an incarnation - of the Hindu god Vishnu..." (11 points, 4 comments)
    3. Compare these two quotes from Sultan Muhammad Shah and Jim Jones (9 points, 6 comments)
    4. I'm thankful Aga Khan isn't this boastful. (9 points, 5 comments)
    5. [NSFW] Here's one reason why we mods choose to do nothing about the hate mail we get (8 points, 7 comments)
    6. Why are Ismailis are in a minority within a minority sect of Islam? (6 points, 3 comments)
    7. "I'm not combating poverty without messing with my privilege" (5 points, 2 comments)
    8. A Dawoodi Bohra doctor and his wife charged with FGM • exmuslim (5 points, 1 comment)
    9. A showerthought I had about what Ismailism is. (5 points, 3 comments)
    10. CBC's The Fifth Estate Documentary from c. 1991. I know the video has an ugly watermark, I don't like it either. I'm trying to find a better copy. (4 points, 0 comments)
  3. 69 points, 8 submissions: DataSIO
    1. IsmailiGnosis has been shadowbanned from Reddit. (15 points, 2 comments)
    2. Why did you leave Ismailism? (13 points, 4 comments)
    3. Ismaili's believe their Imam is destined to kill all atheists (10 points, 5 comments)
    4. MuslimAcademic asked for evidence that the Ismaili cult was begging for poor convert's assets and money. We delivered. (10 points, 26 comments)
    5. Upvote if you're more merciful than the so called "Most-Merciful" Allah. (7 points, 2 comments)
    6. Yes, out of the billions of people, millions of communities, and thousands of religions you could've been born into Ismailis just happened to be born into the one mighty true religion of the world that only contains 0.2% of the world's people. How convenient! (7 points, 10 comments)
    7. IT'S JUST A METAPHOR, BRO! WE NEVER MEANT ANY OF IT! (5 points, 13 comments)
    8. I just told my parents that I'm not a muslim and it was my worst decision ever. (X-Post for atheism) (2 points, 2 comments)
  4. 68 points, 7 submissions: PhantomoftheD
    1. Aga Khan casually giving away a house in Lisbon and a stipend of 300,000 euros yearly for absolutely nothing (12 points, 2 comments)
    2. The Haji Bibi Case of 1908. (11 points, 1 comment)
    3. Aga Khan's private Island (off shore tax Haven) and how it's used to make the owner untraceable (10 points, 1 comment)
    4. Nephew of the current Nizari Ismaili Imam, Andrew Ali Aga Khan Embiricos, who died (of auto-erotic asphyxiation) in 2011 was a pornstar and drug addict (10 points, 8 comments)
    5. $18 Mill for another estate, this time in Portugal. Guys, he needs it to make connections. :') (9 points, 1 comment)
    6. Aga Khan III Farman foreseeing the future incorrectly (8 points, 10 comments)
    7. FYI, There are apologists who have been removing info on the Aga Khan's Wikipedia Page (8 points, 2 comments)
  5. 53 points, 6 submissions: clinic41
    1. Let's crowdfund an ExIsmailis billboard outside the Mulaqaat in Lisbon, Portugal. (11 points, 8 comments)
    2. Ismailis believe Hazir Imam is infallible. Even if he was a pedophile, he wouldn't be in the wrong to them. Dasond is also spiritually owed to him for making our earnings halal. He can spend Dasond on whatever he pleases according to doctrine. (10 points, 2 comments)
    3. Am I the only one who thought Aga looked fat during mulaqaat? (9 points, 1 comment)
    4. Thicker than most 😤 (9 points, 0 comments)
    5. AKDN financial statements? AKDN is just building banks, telecom companies, airlines, hospitals, universities, insurance companies, etc. which are de facto owned by Aga Khan IV through AKDN. (8 points, 3 comments)
    6. Imagine being an adult and still believing in Angels... (6 points, 3 comments)
  6. 52 points, 9 submissions: windowlegend
    1. Zahra Aga Khan breaking a bottle of champagne on her boat’s rudd (12 points, 12 comments)
    2. If there was nothing wrong with Ismailism and it was the perfect religion, blog creators who act as ambassadors of the religion wouldn't need to beg others to downvote us. The religion should be able to defend itself. (7 points, 47 comments)
    3. MuslimPhilosopher agrees with our logic that the Aga Khan should be responsible for Abu Aly's words but since he is an Imam and "knows best", we are wrong! (7 points, 1 comment)
    4. me irl (7 points, 1 comment)
    5. Aisha was 6 years old - Atomic Blast proof (6 points, 0 comments)
    6. To all Ismaili apologists: Ismailis claim that the Imam is a "walking Quran". Name one farman where the Imam explains a Quranic verse to his murids besides the obvious "don't drink alcohol" (6 points, 4 comments)
    7. A hadith where the Muhammad says to seek help from Allah alone. (4 points, 0 comments)
    8. IsmailiGnosis Argument for Gods Existence Refuted (2 points, 4 comments)
    9. An Ismaili questions my morality due to not believing in a God but doesn't realize his prophet was a warlord, advocated rape, misogynistic, a hypocrite, and had sex-slaves. (1 point, 10 comments)
  7. 39 points, 6 submissions: just1curiousape
    1. Anyone here familiar with Khalil Andani and his work? (13 points, 35 comments)
    2. I came back from Lisbon today and now I am an Ex-Ismaili (11 points, 19 comments)
    3. Ex-Ismailis do you think one must have some certain beliefs to make sense and accept Ismaili literature or any source of information including apologists and wa’zens. Literature including those published by ITREB, IIS, IsmailiGnosis or Facebook groups. What are those beliefs? (8 points, 6 comments)
    4. Ex-Ismaili Atheists/Agnostics can you disapprove this argument for the Existence of God? point out any logical fallacies or dispute it in any way? (4 points, 17 comments)
    5. Does anyone know which Ginan lead to Abu Aly's interpretation in his waez as transcribed in this post? I tried asking a few people here and in person but no one seems to know. Any help will be appreciated. (2 points, 28 comments)
    6. Has anyone checked out the Ismaili Gnosis Answers page? If so, do you think it provides adequate answers to common misconceptions of Ismailism and Islam? (1 point, 7 comments)
  8. 37 points, 5 submissions: bobpm1
    1. Great to see Ismailis taking action on the LGBT issue! Join in even if you're an ex, let's hear what they have to say. (10 points, 1 comment)
    2. Ismaili Data Leak!! Please read, it's pretty important if you care about your personal data (9 points, 9 comments)
    3. In case you didn't know, Aga Khan's real reason for moving to Portugal is that he has to pay little to NO taxes! (7 points, 14 comments)
    4. Updated Canadian council diamond jubilee uniform (6 points, 1 comment)
    5. Checking out that fine piece of ass, like father like son. (5 points, 2 comments)
  9. 34 points, 5 submissions: VisibleActivity
    1. Aga Khan III cigarette cards, 1935, 1937, and Unknown at the moment. (11 points, 1 comment)
    2. Aga Khan III being carried on his wheelchair even though it has wheels (8 points, 1 comment)
    3. Friendly reminder that the Aga Khan lobbys governments for tax money and that dasond money was NOT used on the Toronto Ismaili Center and Garden projects. (7 points, 5 comments)
    4. When you're bored at JamatKhana. (7 points, 4 comments)
    5. Boycotting dasond supporting businesses? (1 point, 2 comments)
  10. 33 points, 4 submissions: anikanon
    1. I can’t hide it anymore. (11 points, 6 comments)
    2. ex-ismaili. need advice (8 points, 3 comments)
    3. homage ceremony for this year (8 points, 5 comments)
    4. Would you guys say that Ismailism is a cult like religion? (6 points, 4 comments)
  11. 33 points, 3 submissions: Iloveplayingwithme
    1. Hazir Imam entertaining his modestly dressed friends. (17 points, 3 comments)
    2. I had pork bacon earlier today and turned animalistic. Ended up peeing outside my door to mark my territory before biting all my neighbours and sniffing my SO's butthole. I should have listened to IsmailiGnosis instead of being so ignorant. (9 points, 9 comments)
    3. In case you were wondering why AK moved to Portugal here is a load of crap by our beloved Ismaili Gnosis. (7 points, 3 comments)
  12. 31 points, 7 submissions: CompulsiveGoogler
    1. Cults 101: Checklist of Cult Characteristics (6 points, 1 comment)
    2. Literal v Metaphorical Interpretations of Scripture (6 points, 0 comments)
    3. [Serious] Ex-members of free masons/lodges/cults/secret societies, what were some weird things you experienced there? • AskReddit (6 points, 0 comments)
    4. If you had to pick a religion other than Ismailism, which one will it be? (4 points, 1 comment)
    5. Researchers have found people who use religion as a way to achieve non-religious goals such as attaining status or joining a social group--and who regularly attend religious services are more likely to hold hostile attitudes toward outsiders. (4 points, 3 comments)
    6. Response to gayexismaili post on /ismailis (4 points, 10 comments)
    7. Why I am an ex ismaili x-post (1 point, 1 comment)
  13. 23 points, 4 submissions: superduperunicornpie
    1. Dasond (9 points, 19 comments)
    2. How long until this religion is obsolete? (6 points, 5 comments)
    3. Bohras? (4 points, 1 comment)
    4. How do i get out of going? (4 points, 7 comments)
  14. 18 points, 11 submissions: MuslimAcademic
    1. Aga Khan Meets with Russians to Discuss Cooperation ~ Just a "cult" right? Only a wealthy Imam gets this access (6 points, 14 comments)
    2. Where that Dasond actually goes: AKDN's $625mil budget funds 200 health centres serving 5 mil ppl, 5 powerplants, fed 8 mil ppl, 200 schools,134 mil trees, water for 1.3 mil ppl (4 points, 5 comments)
    3. A World Bank President on Aga Khan: "one thing which distinguishes him...It is the extraordinary sense of humanity...he is a holy man...the very best in Islam." - just your average 'cult leader''? (3 points, 30 comments)
    4. Ismaili Approaches to the Qur'an ~ Academic Article (2 points, 12 comments)
    5. Why was Aga Khan III weighed in gold, diamonds and platinum for his Jubilees? (2 points, 9 comments)
    6. Lecture on Sunni vs. Ismaili Views of the Quran and its Revelation (1 point, 4 comments)
    7. Aga Khan IV: "I have never touched alcohol. I don't want to drink" (0 points, 7 comments)
    8. Aga Khan: "Resources of the Ismaili Imamat as an institution should not be put in the same category as my family assets" (0 points, 5 comments)
    9. How aga Khan III spent the Monies from Being weighed in Gold (0 points, 6 comments)
    10. When Aga Khan saved the Tajiks from starvation: "I wouldn’t starve...a man I had only known through memories of my grandmother, had saved us." (nope...just a cult leader exploiting more people...right?) (0 points, 6 comments)
  15. 18 points, 3 submissions: britannia777
    1. Are there any miracles in Ismailism by Past Pirs or Imams that prove it is the right sect of Islam to follow? (8 points, 9 comments)
    2. For those who are questioning the existence of God (6 points, 4 comments)
    3. Why is so much of Ismailism secretive? (4 points, 1 comment)
  16. 16 points, 2 submissions: AcceptableStock7
    1. New to the sub and glad to have found this space where I can rant and let my frustration out. We all should spread the word around in anyway possible so others can benefit from this space too. (11 points, 1 comment)
    2. Came across this list that made me realize how inaccurate it is to call AK the Imam of the time. So many issues on the list are completely ignored and nobody even knows if they will ever be addressed. I want to see a Homosexual transsexual waazain, council member apologist who finds this acceptable. (5 points, 1 comment)
  17. 15 points, 3 submissions: barneycoolbreeze
    1. What does Awal Sufro mean? (7 points, 7 comments)
    2. What happens during the Diamond Jubilee? (4 points, 10 comments)
    3. Where does he stay when he visits? (4 points, 2 comments)
  18. 15 points, 2 submissions: TiredMaterial
    1. TIL: Niyaz is really the Aga Khan's dirty bathwater (9 points, 15 comments)
    2. Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, or Barron? (6 points, 9 comments)
  19. 14 points, 2 submissions: DesertEagle0519
    1. Found the perfect place to build the new Ismaili Centre (8 points, 2 comments)
    2. Can we do a new demographics survey/post for this sub? I feel like it has grown a lot! (6 points, 6 comments)
  20. 14 points, 2 submissions: gebe2115
    1. Typical Post Didaar Whatsapp Message (10 points, 5 comments)
    2. AK purchased a palace in Lisbon for €12 million. Good to see our dasoond at good use! (4 points, 1 comment)
  21. 14 points, 1 submission: ZOY3B
    1. Post Diamond Jubilee 2018 (14 points, 3 comments)
  22. 13 points, 2 submissions: BluVent
    1. Aga Khan III and his fourth wife, Miss France 1930, Yvette Labrousse on the cover of Point De Vue (7 points, 1 comment)
    2. Aga Khan I Helped The British Colonize Karachi Which Granted Him An Annual £2000 Pension. Why? (6 points, 3 comments)
  23. 13 points, 1 submission: KeySurprise
    1. Ismailis take pride in having an Imam that provides guidance according to the time. Just a gentle reminder to him, the LGBT+ community is still waiting for your guidance so we are not regularly discriminated and treated like shit in khane. He can learn a thing or two from the Pope with real balls. (13 points, 7 comments)
  24. 13 points, 1 submission: Mihoc
    1. Proof of Hazar Imam's Imamat? (13 points, 4 comments)
  25. 12 points, 2 submissions: ExIsmailiMemer
    1. The reason why I became ExIsmaili 😤😤😤 (7 points, 1 comment)
    2. Thought of Hazar Imam (5 points, 0 comments)
  26. 11 points, 2 submissions: truenorthmaniac
    1. As a gay Ismaili will I ever get a clear answer by MHI on whether homosexuality is allowed in Ismailism or not?What about Transgender people? Are we expected to live in doubt, deal with taunts and people acting disgusted when they find out in Khane. Why is it so hard for MHI to give clear guidance? (8 points, 21 comments)
    2. Can anyone dispute the claims made in this video by Khalil Andani? WHAT IS ISMAILI ZAKAT (DASOND) & WHERE DOES IT GO? (ISMAILISM, AGA KHAN) (3 points, 9 comments)
  27. 11 points, 1 submission: MaximumEchos
    1. I'm guessing an Islamic Studies degree couldn't teach basic civility? (11 points, 3 comments)
  28. 11 points, 1 submission: ScaryAd1
    1. This question has been asked a million times yet never answered so I will try again tagging a few Ismaili Apologists and IsmailiGnosis. Can you please mention ONE guidance from Hazir Imam that isn't common sense or something a normal personal will not know about? (11 points, 2 comments)
  29. 11 points, 1 submission: Tempthrowtemporaryth
    1. Is Ismaili sect dangerous? (11 points, 28 comments)
  30. 11 points, 1 submission: iamliveintrnto
    1. Since Abu Aly and his predictions have been a hot topic lately (even lead an Ismaili to leave Ismailism) ismailignosisblog can you please explain your views on it? (11 points, 2 comments)
  31. 10 points, 2 submissions: ValuableBig8
    1. Ismailis don't believe in Evolution whatsoever. Ismailignosis have twisted the entire definition to make it fit into their believes and make sure young gullible Ismailis who no longer fall for shit from retards like SMS and Abu Ali stay in the religion. Ismailignosis needs to stop spilling out crap! (5 points, 7 comments)
    2. Question to ExIsmailis and Non-believers: Is there a single article on Ismailignosis that actually makes sense and proves something? (5 points, 2 comments)
  32. 10 points, 2 submissions: acron5n5
    1. Conversion to Ismailism and why it (seemingly) doesn't exist? (6 points, 7 comments)
    2. Do the Ismailis hate first 3 caliphs & Aisha and [secretly] curse them? (4 points, 3 comments)
  33. 10 points, 1 submission: EmbarrassedCrow
    1. Medically Assisted Suicide: Can I please get a clear Yes, No or I don't know answer? Someone is unbearably suffering cause they are still looking for a honest clear answer (10 points, 1 comment)
  34. 10 points, 1 submission: MajesticAd6
    1. Ismaili Gnosis is the Abu Ali of our time. Targeting and brainwashing the vulnerable especially the jamat in India and Pakistan. Something needs to be done about it. We need to stop this brainwashing garbage useless material causing more damage. (10 points, 6 comments)
  35. 10 points, 1 submission: ScentedGarbage
    1. How do you guys deal with being a closeted Ex-Ismaili while raising your own children? (10 points, 2 comments)
  36. 9 points, 2 submissions: yehekthrowawayhai
    1. Remember me ranting about going for deedar earlier this year? It's happening again. (5 points, 5 comments)
    2. About the language we use... (4 points, 3 comments)
  37. 9 points, 1 submission: AccomplishedAsk6
    1. Noor Maulana Shah Karim ul Hussaini Hazar Imam owes me my foreskin. It hurts like a bitch when I masturbate. (9 points, 2 comments)
  38. 9 points, 1 submission: Afraazali
    1. Ismailism is not a religion, it's a really scummy business. (9 points, 2 comments)
  39. 9 points, 1 submission: EduBrett
    1. Dating an Ismaili Girl (9 points, 7 comments)
  40. 9 points, 1 submission: FeelingCabinet
    1. What happens when I eat Pork. Stay away kids pork is devil's food. Ignore science please its just a conspiracy theory. IG knows best! (9 points, 2 comments)
  41. 9 points, 1 submission: Interesting_Bar
    1. How to participate on "safe space" ExIsmailis vs "non-safe space" IsmailiGnosis (9 points, 6 comments)
  42. 9 points, 1 submission: doors87
    1. Some Ismailis still believe in Hindu deities and reincarnation while Neo-Ismailis don't. It's beginning to make more sense as you study the origins of the cult, and some of the other branches that have formed over time. (9 points, 1 comment)
  43. 9 points, 1 submission: iliveinatorturecell
    1. 'The Hitch': A Christopher Hitchens Documentary -- A beautifully done documentary on one of the greatest intellectuals of our time, a true journalist, a defender of rights and free inquiry, Christopher Hitchens. (2014) [xpost /Documentaries] A must watch regardless of your belief. (9 points, 1 comment)
  44. 9 points, 1 submission: ismailithrowawayaway
    1. Why the hell are Khojas so racist? (9 points, 10 comments)
  45. 8 points, 2 submissions: Elainaaa1
    1. Let there be NO doubt that saying such a thing is a SHIRK! (4 points, 1 comment)
    2. Mowla hazar imam's wine selling business (4 points, 2 comments)
  46. 8 points, 2 submissions: ahcsym
    1. How would Ismailis you know react to the following hypothetical changes to the faith? (6 points, 4 comments)
    2. Fortis est Veritas (2 points, 1 comment)
  47. 8 points, 1 submission: Admirable_Ear
    1. Why is there so much hatred towards Ismailignonis here? (8 points, 2 comments)
  48. 8 points, 1 submission: EitherSource8
    1. Ex-Ismailis who attended deedar both before and after leaving Ismailism: Did you feel any different and how? (8 points, 8 comments)
  49. 8 points, 1 submission: EquivalentCar
    1. Can we all (Ismailis, Ex-Ismailis or others) agree that every response by Ismaili apologists and wa'azen to criticism of Ismailism (Dasond, AK's lifstyle, Involvement of money in everything etc) only makes sense if you have blind faith in the Imam? (8 points, 3 comments)
  50. 8 points, 1 submission: FlimsyReplacement9
    1. Since circumcision has been scientifically proven to have no health benefit in fact it is a health risk. Lets speculate what bullshit Ismaili Apologist and Ismaili Gnosis will come up with. (8 points, 2 comments)
  51. 8 points, 1 submission: QuirkyPush
    1. Is it just me or anyone else here finds it hard to believe that a group of well educated people fall for the obvious bullshit AK is. Do you think the high up council members, apologist and people who run Ismailignosis are paid off to spread the propaganda and make people avoid logic & common sense? (8 points, 5 comments)
  52. 8 points, 1 submission: Total_Cardiologist
    1. RANT: I don't owe Aga Khan shit nor am I obligated to praise his "humanitarian" work or show him any respect. He may be a godly figure to Ismailis but to me he is nothing more than a garbage of a human being that preys on the poor and gullible. Please stop guilt tripping me or other Ex-Ismailis. (8 points, 1 comment)
  53. 8 points, 1 submission: ZakariyaReis
    1. Why is there so much racism within Ismailism (8 points, 14 comments)
  54. 8 points, 1 submission: aromaticearth
    1. I am the Ex Ismaili Council member who made a post about quitting. AMAA. (8 points, 4 comments)
  55. 8 points, 1 submission: i-want-garlic-bread
    1. How do I leave? (8 points, 12 comments)
  56. 7 points, 1 submission: Hassan_Al-Sabah
    1. Didn't know where else to put this. (7 points, 3 comments)
  57. 7 points, 1 submission: Insoluable
    1. (Serious) Why the Hate? (7 points, 13 comments)
  58. 7 points, 1 submission: JumpyPain
    1. Found the perfect reality show for Maulana Hazir Imam to participate it. Available on Netflix for the Jamat. (7 points, 1 comment)
  59. 7 points, 1 submission: LankyStatistician
    1. Is it true that Khalil Andani was once kicked out of some workshop or seminar arranged by ITREB or the Ismaili Council for asking stupid questions and arguing? I heard about this from a few people but not sure how true it is. (7 points, 0 comments)
  60. 7 points, 1 submission: OkInformation9
    1. Excerpt from the waaz made by Abu Ali where he claims what will happen in the future in great detail including the location. He also claims to know the day, date and time. [English] (7 points, 14 comments)
  61. 7 points, 1 submission: Osmosis29
    1. All kinds of flavors: Non Muslim ex-ismailis? (7 points, 5 comments)
  62. 7 points, 1 submission: ThisArmMasturbates
    1. Rare pic of ThisArm (7 points, 0 comments)
  63. 7 points, 1 submission: nl6374
    1. My parents sent me a message about a darbar in Lisbon so I youtubed some videos...why are all these people fangirling over a bunch of white people? Who are they anyway? (7 points, 7 comments)
  64. 7 points, 1 submission: pidelo
    1. Aga Jubilee celebration in Toronto International centre- NEED HELP!! (7 points, 2 comments)
  65. 7 points, 1 submission: throwawaycentralasia
    1. Got called the niggers of Ismailis by a khoja (7 points, 4 comments)
  66. 7 points, 1 submission: throwmeaway349343
    1. Is circumcision a normal practice for Ismailis in North America or other secular countries? (7 points, 4 comments)
  67. 6 points, 1 submission: Dynex786
    1. Are you guys openly Ex-Ismaili with your family, friends, community, etc? Do you have to hide it? Do you ever still go to Jamatkhana? (6 points, 3 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. im_not_afraid (688 points, 328 comments)
  2. windowlegend (402 points, 136 comments)
  3. iliveinatorturecell (272 points, 109 comments)
  4. Qeezy (232 points, 128 comments)
  5. CompulsiveGoogler (204 points, 107 comments)
  6. PhantomoftheD (201 points, 81 comments)
  7. pidelo (170 points, 72 comments)
  8. expatred (154 points, 59 comments)
  9. MuslimAcademic (147 points, 141 comments)
  10. PickledFry (147 points, 58 comments)
  11. yehekthrowawayhai (106 points, 35 comments)
  12. Prometheus188 (102 points, 55 comments)
  13. naIamgood (68 points, 32 comments)
  14. wideeyedgazes (68 points, 27 comments)
  15. i-want-garlic-bread (61 points, 29 comments)
  16. bobpm1 (61 points, 18 comments)
  17. ahcsym (51 points, 14 comments)
  18. DesertEagle0519 (48 points, 17 comments)
  19. VisibleActivity (43 points, 15 comments)
  20. DataSIO (39 points, 13 comments)
  21. 1PsychoMan1 (38 points, 15 comments)
  22. StuckinthisAbyss (32 points, 12 comments)
  23. Iloveplayingwithme (32 points, 9 comments)
  24. MuslimPhilosopher (30 points, 22 comments)
  25. likelychiefing (30 points, 11 comments)
  26. just1curiousape (25 points, 13 comments)
  27. currymonger (19 points, 8 comments)
  28. altaccount747 (18 points, 6 comments)
  29. gregorsamsa44 (18 points, 4 comments)
  30. mynameisakshayk (17 points, 12 comments)
  31. slanid (17 points, 4 comments)
  32. DyingAlone78 (16 points, 9 comments)
  33. LOL_DONT_TRY (16 points, 8 comments)
  34. Wolf_by_heart (16 points, 8 comments)
  35. technicolorfrog (16 points, 7 comments)
  36. jesuschristlosers (15 points, 6 comments)
  37. 0truthseeker (15 points, 4 comments)
  38. fakeimam (14 points, 5 comments)
  39. anikanon (13 points, 6 comments)
  40. nl6374 (13 points, 6 comments)
  41. Ismaili_Gnonsense (13 points, 4 comments)
  42. TotesMessenger (12 points, 9 comments)
  43. superduperunicornpie (12 points, 7 comments)
  44. barneycoolbreeze (11 points, 7 comments)
  45. hunter2_ (11 points, 4 comments)
  46. gebe2115 (11 points, 3 comments)
  47. iamliveintrnto (11 points, 3 comments)
  48. Milania88 (11 points, 1 comment)
  49. MrUmayyad (11 points, 1 comment)
  50. pinkrosetool (11 points, 1 comment)
  51. Mihoc (10 points, 8 comments)
  52. akbarkhojaa (10 points, 5 comments)
  53. Hassan_Al-Sabah (10 points, 3 comments)
  54. Elainaaa1 (9 points, 7 comments)
  55. ZakariyaReis (9 points, 6 comments)
  56. TiredMaterial (9 points, 4 comments)
  57. fatimadnon (9 points, 4 comments)
  58. shabab-almahdi (8 points, 6 comments)
  59. syamapriya (8 points, 6 comments)
  60. acron5n5 (8 points, 5 comments)
  61. chuhuahuawhisperer (8 points, 4 comments)
  62. truenorthmaniac (8 points, 4 comments)
  63. throwaway1231231asda (8 points, 1 comment)
  64. iamnotgullible (7 points, 6 comments)
  65. y0um3b3dn0w (7 points, 4 comments)
  66. Throwaway00040518 (7 points, 3 comments)
  67. JustAnotherRedditeer (7 points, 2 comments)
  68. autumnfrostfire (7 points, 2 comments)
  69. britannia777 (7 points, 2 comments)
  70. thisisbasil (7 points, 2 comments)
  71. LordEmpyrean (7 points, 1 comment)
  72. LostThrones (7 points, 1 comment)
  73. Fickle_Machine (6 points, 5 comments)
  74. Tempthrowtemporaryth (6 points, 5 comments)
  75. Dr_Kaczynski (6 points, 3 comments)
  76. abdullahsameer (6 points, 3 comments)
  77. clinic41 (6 points, 3 comments)
  78. gay_exmuslim_india (6 points, 3 comments)
  79. nj786 (6 points, 3 comments)
  80. AceOBlade (6 points, 2 comments)
  81. 93re2 (6 points, 1 comment)
  82. CommonMisspellingBot (5 points, 3 comments)
  83. ValuableBig8 (5 points, 3 comments)
  84. Zulfiqar110 (5 points, 3 comments)
  85. IpseDickSit (5 points, 1 comment)
  86. ckhim (4 points, 5 comments)
  87. gayexismaili (4 points, 4 comments)
  88. justreadingfreely (4 points, 3 comments)
  89. graveless_ (4 points, 2 comments)
  90. unkwelFella (4 points, 2 comments)
  91. EmergencyPollution8 (4 points, 1 comment)
  92. FeistyComfort (4 points, 1 comment)
  93. GoodBot_BadBot (4 points, 1 comment)
  94. throwmeaway349343 (4 points, 1 comment)
  95. Coolmango8 (3 points, 2 comments)
  96. OrdinaryStoic (3 points, 2 comments)
  97. SweetGirlFromNowhere (3 points, 2 comments)
  98. ThisArmMasturbates (3 points, 2 comments)
  99. fuckyoumoneyboi (3 points, 2 comments)
  100. 2biddiez (3 points, 1 comment)

Top Submissions

  1. When council and Hazir Imam finally track us down by PickledFry (21 points, 1 comment)
  2. IsmailiGnosis Facebook group brigading ExIsmailis. (Censored) by deleted (19 points, 12 comments)
  3. The New York Times stating that Aga Khan IV's wealth is partly made up of money Ismaili Muslims pay him. by PickledFry (17 points, 6 comments)
  4. Hazir Imam entertaining his modestly dressed friends. by Iloveplayingwithme (17 points, 3 comments)
  5. The Ismaili Gnosis closed Facebook group IRL by PickledFry (16 points, 1 comment)
  6. "Dasond is the Imam's food" Why doesn't the infallible Imam realize that he's obese, and stop consuming so much? by PickledFry (15 points, 3 comments)
  7. IsmailiGnosis has been shadowbanned from Reddit. by DataSIO (15 points, 2 comments)
  8. 300+ Subscribers! Lets spread more awareness and stop people from getting brainwashed with idiotic beliefs.Save their time, money and provide them them with peace of mind that Ismailism takes away from them with all the money requirements.I am glad this subreddit was created and thankful to the mods by deleted (15 points, 0 comments)
  9. Labeouf by im_not_afraid (14 points, 10 comments)
  10. FUCK IT'S RAMADAN! Oh wait, never mind, Ismailis literally do nothing for Ramadan. by PickledFry (14 points, 3 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 20 points: PhantomoftheD's comment in Anyone here familiar with Khalil Andani and his work?
  2. 13 points: bobpm1's comment in Ex-Ismailis who attended deedar both before and after leaving Ismailism: Did you feel any different and how?
  3. 11 points: Iloveplayingwithme's comment in I had pork bacon earlier today and turned animalistic. Ended up peeing outside my door to mark my territory before biting all my neighbours and sniffing my SO's butthole. I should have listened to IsmailiGnosis instead of being so ignorant.
  4. 11 points: Milania88's comment in Anyone here familiar with Khalil Andani and his work?
  5. 11 points: MrUmayyad's comment in Anyone here familiar with Khalil Andani and his work?
  6. 11 points: deleted's comment in Aga Khan is a really skilled business man to be able to afford things like $250 million yachts, $100 million islands, Estates everywhere, etc. Anybody have his business strategies?
  7. 11 points: pinkrosetool's comment in Anyone here familiar with Khalil Andani and his work?
  8. 10 points: 0truthseeker's comment in What happens during the Diamond Jubilee?
  9. 10 points: ahcsym's comment in Confused with some core questions
  10. 10 points: likelychiefing's comment in I came back from Lisbon today and now I am an Ex-Ismaili
Generated with BBoe's Subreddit Stats
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Subreddit Stats: ExIsmailis top posts from 2017-01-29 to 2018-05-12 00:04 PDT

Period: 467.09 days
Submissions Comments
Total 301 1787
Rate (per day) 0.64 4.17
Unique Redditors 47 96
Combined Score 1607 3342

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 277 points, 42 submissions: PickledFry
    1. Aga Khan is a really skilled business man to be able to afford things like $250 million yachts, $100 million islands, Estates everywhere, etc. Anybody have his business strategies? (12 points, 4 comments)
    2. Ismaili and ExIsmaili leaders hold historic summit. (11 points, 5 comments)
    3. When Ismaili SJW feminists are reminded that Allah doesn't hire female prophets or imams (11 points, 0 comments)
    4. When Ismaili kids are learning about Islam in public school and see a Quran for the first time (11 points, 4 comments)
    5. Aga patiently waiting... (10 points, 4 comments)
    6. My culture is NOT your goddamn prom dress (10 points, 7 comments)
    7. Quote I saw in /philosophy, that's very fitting for this sub. (10 points, 3 comments)
    8. Rare pic of my R.E.C classroom (10 points, 4 comments)
    9. Looks like Aga's friends have arrived :O (9 points, 7 comments)
    10. Thought everybody should read this (9 points, 2 comments)
  2. 90 points, 16 submissions: im_not_afraid
    1. Labeouf (11 points, 10 comments)
    2. Why does everyone, like Ismailis and fascists, want to suck up to Vishnu? "the theory that Hitler was an avatar - an incarnation - of the Hindu god Vishnu..." (10 points, 4 comments)
    3. Compare these two quotes from Sultan Muhammad Shah and Jim Jones (9 points, 6 comments)
    4. I'm thankful Aga Khan isn't this boastful. (8 points, 5 comments)
    5. Why are Ismailis are in a minority within a minority sect of Islam? (8 points, 4 comments)
    6. A showerthought I had about what Ismailism is. (6 points, 3 comments)
    7. "I'm not combating poverty without messing with my privilege" (5 points, 2 comments)
    8. Alone In the Social Hall (5 points, 0 comments)
    9. CBC's The Fifth Estate Documentary from c. 1991. I know the video has an ugly watermark, I don't like it either. I'm trying to find a better copy. (5 points, 0 comments)
    10. A Dawoodi Bohra doctor and his wife charged with FGM • exmuslim (4 points, 1 comment)
  3. 74 points, 13 submissions: justanother-dude
    1. Aga Khan III strikes again (8 points, 9 comments)
    2. Give me 12.5% of your hard earned money then some more so I can use it for "charity and the betterment of jamat". But don't question me if I use "my own" money on this luxurious super yacht instead of using that money to help my "spiritual children" What kind of peasant doesn't own a yacht right? (8 points, 15 comments)
    3. Is there any guidance from aga khan that isn't common sense? (8 points, 4 comments)
    4. Abu Ali's outrageous claims? (7 points, 6 comments)
    5. If the aga khan can sell alcohol where it's legal, can ismailis run brothels where prostitution is legal? (7 points, 1 comment)
    6. Ismaili apologists logic and desperation to protect their master (6 points, 10 comments)
    7. Can anyone preferably Ismaili apologists prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Mohammed wasn't a pedophile child rapist and didn't own sex slave? (5 points, 7 comments)
    8. Can we list down all the hypocritical things Aga Khan does, says or preaches? (5 points, 1 comment)
    9. The imam is always preaching about keeping up with times then why are they still accepting cash in khane? (5 points, 9 comments)
    10. This is from one of the farmans banned by the Ismaili council. What kind of Imam can't even figure out what to say and what not to say? (5 points, 6 comments)
  4. 65 points, 8 submissions: DataSIO
    1. IsmailiGnosis has been shadowbanned from Reddit. (16 points, 2 comments)
    2. Ismaili's believe their Imam is destined to kill all atheists (11 points, 5 comments)
    3. MuslimAcademic asked for evidence that the Ismaili cult was begging for poor convert's assets and money. We delivered. (10 points, 26 comments)
    4. Upvote if you're more merciful than the so called "Most-Merciful" Allah. (9 points, 2 comments)
    5. Yes, out of the billions of people, millions of communities, and thousands of religions you could've been born into Ismailis just happened to be born into the one mighty true religion of the world that only contains 0.2% of the world's people. How convenient! (9 points, 10 comments)
    6. IT'S JUST A METAPHOR, BRO! WE NEVER MEANT ANY OF IT! (6 points, 13 comments)
    7. Dua of Shia Nizari Ismaili Muslims. Recited 3x a day. (2 points, 0 comments)
    8. I just told my parents that I'm not a muslim and it was my worst decision ever. (X-Post for atheism) (2 points, 2 comments)
  5. 64 points, 11 submissions: nizarj1882
    1. thisarm can you please for the love of Maula Bapa tell us what you're trying to do? We are all really confused here. You do know you can reply to comments right? You seem to be ignoring almost all except for the ones you replied with insults or useless crap (7 points, 4 comments)
    2. Ismaili missionary gets wrecked by an Ex-Ismaili. Goes speechless and ends the call making childish excuses. (7 points, 6 comments)
    3. Rare picture of AK3 making sure Ismaili apologists clean up all the mess he created. Circa 1940. (7 points, 2 comments)
    4. Shower thought: Mohammed was hallucinating on Acid when he talked to Gabriel makes more sense than some Allah actually sending some angel for the psychopath (7 points, 5 comments)
    5. Why are the Aga Khans so bad at making marriage work? May be Maula needs to guide his family properly. (6 points, 2 comments)
    6. Ismailis is a hate group. Their claims only make sense to them cause they are all brainwashed. They hate anyone that criticizes Aga Khan who is responsible for suffering of millions and a master con artist. Still do not report them they have the right to have their opinions but so do we. (6 points, 7 comments)
    7. Any truth to this? Illegitimate Birth of Prince Karim Aga Khan (5 points, 1 comment)
    8. Is there an ExIsmailis Discord server? (5 points, 2 comments)
    9. Well what else is he allowed to do before you start to finally condone him? (A rational person would have done it already) Can he be a pornstar? a bdsm master or slave? Mr. Grey? Ron Jeremy's successor? Please be very specific cause that's how you tend to judge his morals, action by action (5 points, 1 comment)
    10. What do Ismailis believe Aisha's age was when she got married to Mohammed? (5 points, 5 comments)
  6. 64 points, 7 submissions: PhantomoftheD
    1. Aga Khan casually giving away a house in Lisbon and a stipend of 300,000 euros yearly for absolutely nothing (11 points, 2 comments)
    2. The Haji Bibi Case of 1908. (11 points, 1 comment)
    3. $18 Mill for another estate, this time in Portugal. Guys, he needs it to make connections. :') (9 points, 1 comment)
    4. Aga Khan III Farman foreseeing the future incorrectly (9 points, 10 comments)
    5. Nephew of the current Nizari Ismaili Imam, Andrew Ali Aga Khan Embiricos, who died (of auto-erotic asphyxiation) in 2011 was a pornstar and drug addict (9 points, 8 comments)
    6. FYI, There are apologists who have been removing info on the Aga Khan's Wikipedia Page (8 points, 2 comments)
    7. Aga Khan's private Island (off shore tax Haven) and how it's used to make the owner untraceable (7 points, 1 comment)
  7. 38 points, 4 submissions: anikanon
    1. I can’t hide it anymore. (12 points, 6 comments)
    2. ex-ismaili. need advice (11 points, 3 comments)
    3. homage ceremony for this year (8 points, 5 comments)
    4. Would you guys say that Ismailism is a cult like religion? (7 points, 4 comments)
  8. 36 points, 4 submissions: clinic41
    1. Let's crowdfund an ExIsmailis billboard outside the Mulaqaat in Lisbon, Portugal. (11 points, 14 comments)
    2. Ismailis believe Hazir Imam is infallible. Even if he was a pedophile, he wouldn't be in the wrong to them. Dasond is also spiritually owed to him for making our earnings halal. He can spend Dasond on whatever he pleases according to doctrine. (9 points, 2 comments)
    3. Am I the only one who thought Aga looked fat during mulaqaat? (8 points, 2 comments)
    4. Thicker than most 😤 (8 points, 0 comments)
  9. 31 points, 8 submissions: whatismyfantasy
    1. The sticky post is locked. Can we get the demographic of the new subscribers? (9 points, 4 comments)
    2. Suggestion: Lets list down all the questions or threads that didn't get any responses or were left unanswered. Mods if this thread gets a decent response can this be made sticky to give these questions more exposure and increasing the chances of getting answers or have a discussion? (5 points, 1 comment)
    3. Apparently we are doing cringe worthy ancient memes now. Here is my contribution. (4 points, 0 comments)
    4. No ismaili apologist or ex-ismailis or anyone for that matter can conclusively prove whether aga khan pockets the dashond money or not cause CASH. I am willing to accept this cause it makes sense but why are ismaili waezens and apologist so stubborn on it and force you to take aga khan on his words? (3 points, 11 comments)
    5. PSA: Ismailis don't believe in Evolution. They believe in 'Theistic Evolution' and they are both very very different. Please don't twist words or change the entire definition just to fit it into your believes. Can Ex-Ismailis and Ismailis respond with what they think about this? (3 points, 10 comments)
    6. Wanted to share this insightful comment by one of the mods. What do you guys think about it? (3 points, 6 comments)
    7. [Serious] Why do Ismailis think this is a hate group? What definition of hate are you/they using? Interested in knowing from both Ismailis and ExIsmailis (3 points, 2 comments)
    8. If ExIsmailis come together and start their own religion what will it be like? (1 point, 10 comments)
  10. 25 points, 6 submissions: CompulsiveGoogler
    1. Cults 101: Checklist of Cult Characteristics (6 points, 1 comment)
    2. [Serious] Ex-members of free masons/lodges/cults/secret societies, what were some weird things you experienced there? • AskReddit (6 points, 0 comments)
    3. If you had to pick a religion other than Ismailism, which one will it be? (4 points, 1 comment)
    4. Researchers have found people who use religion as a way to achieve non-religious goals such as attaining status or joining a social group--and who regularly attend religious services are more likely to hold hostile attitudes toward outsiders. (4 points, 3 comments)
    5. Response to gayexismaili post on /ismailis (4 points, 10 comments)
    6. Why I am an ex ismaili x-post (1 point, 1 comment)
  11. 20 points, 11 submissions: MuslimAcademic
    1. Aga Khan Meets with Russians to Discuss Cooperation ~ Just a "cult" right? Only a wealthy Imam gets this access (5 points, 14 comments)
    2. A World Bank President on Aga Khan: "one thing which distinguishes him...It is the extraordinary sense of humanity...he is a holy man...the very best in Islam." - just your average 'cult leader''? (4 points, 30 comments)
    3. Where that Dasond actually goes: AKDN's $625mil budget funds 200 health centres serving 5 mil ppl, 5 powerplants, fed 8 mil ppl, 200 schools,134 mil trees, water for 1.3 mil ppl (4 points, 5 comments)
    4. Ismaili Approaches to the Qur'an ~ Academic Article (2 points, 12 comments)
    5. Why was Aga Khan III weighed in gold, diamonds and platinum for his Jubilees? (2 points, 9 comments)
    6. Aga Khan: "Resources of the Ismaili Imamat as an institution should not be put in the same category as my family assets" (1 point, 5 comments)
    7. How aga Khan III spent the Monies from Being weighed in Gold (1 point, 6 comments)
    8. Lecture on Sunni vs. Ismaili Views of the Quran and its Revelation (1 point, 4 comments)
    9. Aga Khan IV: "I have never touched alcohol. I don't want to drink" (0 points, 7 comments)
    10. When Aga Khan saved the Tajiks from starvation: "I wouldn’t starve...a man I had only known through memories of my grandmother, had saved us." (nope...just a cult leader exploiting more people...right?) (0 points, 6 comments)
  12. 17 points, 3 submissions: Additional1
    1. Is endorsed by the Ismaili Council and AK or is it just today's version of Cause if it is I want to point out it played a very important role in me leaving Ismailism. Keep it going IsmailiGnosis! You really are showing people the right path (all religions are BS!) (8 points, 0 comments)
    2. Can you guys help me list down Questions that are IGNORED by Ismaili Apologists? I am mainly looking for comment chains left unanswered. I will make a weekly post about each question so we can lay the issue to rest then move to the next one. This will be our cheat sheet for future discussions. (5 points, 3 comments)
    3. Seriously please for the millionth time IsmailiGnosis! AKFC and AKU audited financial statement prove nothing cause you CANNOT audit or track the flow of CASH from the Jamat to the Point where their audit starts. Good luck finding a legit reputable accounting firm to agree with you. (4 points, 6 comments)
  13. 15 points, 2 submissions: BluVent
    1. Aga Khan III and his fourth wife, Miss France 1930, Yvette Labrousse on the cover of Point De Vue (8 points, 1 comment)
    2. Aga Khan I Helped The British Colonize Karachi Which Granted Him An Annual £2000 Pension. Why? (7 points, 3 comments)
  14. 14 points, 2 submissions: AcceptableStock7
    1. New to the sub and glad to have found this space where I can rant and let my frustration out. We all should spread the word around in anyway possible so others can benefit from this space too. (9 points, 1 comment)
    2. Came across this list that made me realize how inaccurate it is to call AK the Imam of the time. So many issues on the list are completely ignored and nobody even knows if they will ever be addressed. I want to see a Homosexual transsexual waazain, council member apologist who finds this acceptable. (5 points, 1 comment)
  15. 13 points, 3 submissions: barneycoolbreeze
    1. What does Awal Sufro mean? (5 points, 8 comments)
    2. What happens during the Diamond Jubilee? (4 points, 11 comments)
    3. Where does he stay when he visits? (4 points, 2 comments)
  16. 12 points, 3 submissions: just1curiousape
    1. Anyone here familiar with Khalil Andani and his work? (6 points, 3 comments)
    2. Ex-Ismaili Atheists/Agnostics can you disapprove this argument for the Existence of God? point out any logical fallacies or dispute it in any way? (5 points, 17 comments)
    3. Has anyone checked out the Ismaili Gnosis Answers page? If so, do you think it provides adequate answers to common misconceptions of Ismailism and Islam? (1 point, 7 comments)
  17. 12 points, 2 submissions: Elainaaa1
    1. Let there be NO doubt that saying such a thing is a SHIRK! (7 points, 1 comment)
    2. Mowla hazar imam's wine selling business (5 points, 2 comments)
  18. 12 points, 2 submissions: acron5n5
    1. Conversion to Ismailism and why it (seemingly) doesn't exist? (7 points, 7 comments)
    2. Do the Ismailis hate first 3 caliphs & Aisha and [secretly] curse them? (5 points, 3 comments)
  19. 10 points, 2 submissions: truenorthmaniac
    1. As a gay Ismaili will I ever get a clear answer by MHI on whether homosexuality is allowed in Ismailism or not?What about Transgender people? Are we expected to live in doubt, deal with taunts and people acting disgusted when they find out in Khane. Why is it so hard for MHI to give clear guidance? (7 points, 21 comments)
    2. Can anyone dispute the claims made in this video by Khalil Andani? WHAT IS ISMAILI ZAKAT (DASOND) & WHERE DOES IT GO? (ISMAILISM, AGA KHAN) (3 points, 9 comments)
  20. 10 points, 1 submission: doors87
    1. Some Ismailis still believe in Hindu deities and reincarnation while Neo-Ismailis don't. It's beginning to make more sense as you study the origins of the cult, and some of the other branches that have formed over time. (10 points, 2 comments)
  21. 9 points, 1 submission: ScentedGarbage
    1. How do you guys deal with being a closeted Ex-Ismaili while raising your own children? (9 points, 2 comments)
  22. 8 points, 1 submission: Hassan_Al-Sabah
    1. Didn't know where else to put this. (8 points, 3 comments)
  23. 8 points, 1 submission: i-want-garlic-bread
    1. How do I leave? (8 points, 15 comments)
  24. 8 points, 1 submission: nj786
    1. What made you leave Ismailism? (8 points, 4 comments)
  25. 7 points, 2 submissions: ZakariyaReis
    1. Why is there so much racism within Ismailism (6 points, 14 comments)
    2. Better to transition to Sunni or Shi'a? (1 point, 3 comments)
  26. 7 points, 1 submission: EmbarrassedCrow
    1. Medically Assisted Suicide: Can I please get a clear Yes, No or I don't know answer? Someone is unbearably suffering cause they are still looking for a honest clear answer (7 points, 1 comment)
  27. 7 points, 1 submission: Osmosis29
    1. All kinds of flavors: Non Muslim ex-ismailis? (7 points, 5 comments)
  28. 7 points, 1 submission: ismailithrowawayaway
    1. Why the hell are Khojas so racist? (7 points, 11 comments)
  29. 7 points, 1 submission: pidelo
    1. Aga Jubilee celebration in Toronto International centre- NEED HELP!! (7 points, 2 comments)
  30. 7 points, 1 submission: robvank90
    1. We are having a telegram group where apostates from different religions gather (7 points, 2 comments)
  31. 7 points, 1 submission: syamapriya
    1. Have any of you become Vaisnavas, or any other type of Hindu? (7 points, 8 comments)
  32. 7 points, 1 submission: windowlegend
    1. Aisha was 6 years old - Atomic Blast proof (7 points, 0 comments)
  33. 6 points, 1 submission: Insoluable
    1. (Serious) Why the Hate? (6 points, 13 comments)
  34. 6 points, 1 submission: Prometheus188
    1. Question for ex-ismailis who joined another religion. (6 points, 25 comments)
  35. 6 points, 1 submission: ThisArmMasturbates
    1. Rare pic of ThisArm (6 points, 0 comments)
  36. 6 points, 1 submission: Total_Cardiologist
    1. RANT: I don't owe Aga Khan shit nor am I obligated to praise his "humanitarian" work or show him any respect. He may be a godly figure to Ismailis but to me he is nothing more than a garbage of a human being that preys on the poor and gullible. Please stop guilt tripping me or other Ex-Ismailis. (6 points, 1 comment)
  37. 6 points, 1 submission: ahcsym
    1. Lest we forget (6 points, 4 comments)
  38. 6 points, 1 submission: throwawaycentralasia
    1. Got called the niggers of Ismailis by a khoja (6 points, 4 comments)
  39. 5 points, 1 submission: Killmewithahammer97
    1. This was poorly received, so I'm looking for religion and here are my thoughts on Ismailis that I wanted a different perspective on (5 points, 7 comments)
  40. 4 points, 1 submission: DyingAlone78
    1. Thinking of Converting to Ismailism (4 points, 19 comments)
  41. 4 points, 1 submission: Dynex786
    1. Are you guys openly Ex-Ismaili with your family, friends, community, etc? Do you have to hide it? Do you ever still go to Jamatkhana? (4 points, 3 comments)
  42. 4 points, 1 submission: fatimadnon
    1. Listen to this (4 points, 1 comment)
  43. 3 points, 1 submission: OrdinaryStoic
    1. Do Ismailis think that white guy is better than Muhammad or what? I don't really know much about it or where he fits in the hierarchy. (3 points, 14 comments)
  44. 3 points, 1 submission: akbarkhojaa
    1. Re: When you realize more weight equals more diamonds (3 points, 2 comments)
  45. 3 points, 1 submission: thedudefromuk
    1. What definition or characteristics of the Imam were you taught in religion school? How did it change overtime once you started questioning Ismailism? If it did change, do you think it's intentional for brainwashing and manipulation? (3 points, 2 comments)
  46. 2 points, 1 submission: MuslimPhilosopher
    1. New Searchable Ismaili Q&A Website - Common Questions Answered incl. Existence of God (2 points, 2 comments)
  47. 1 point, 1 submission: aft43
    1. The diversity of human beings (1 point, 1 comment)

Top Commenters

  1. im_not_afraid (549 points, 277 comments)
  2. Qeezy (221 points, 126 comments)
  3. CompulsiveGoogler (198 points, 105 comments)
  4. pidelo (165 points, 71 comments)
  5. MuslimAcademic (144 points, 125 comments)
  6. windowlegend (132 points, 50 comments)
  7. iliveinatorturecell (125 points, 53 comments)
  8. PhantomoftheD (107 points, 61 comments)
  9. PickledFry (104 points, 43 comments)
  10. whatismyfantasy (88 points, 37 comments)
  11. justanother-dude (73 points, 33 comments)
  12. Prometheus188 (69 points, 41 comments)
  13. expatred (65 points, 22 comments)
  14. i-want-garlic-bread (49 points, 23 comments)
  15. naIamgood (38 points, 18 comments)
  16. ahcsym (37 points, 11 comments)
  17. DataSIO (33 points, 12 comments)
  18. mynameisakshayk (31 points, 27 comments)
  19. MuslimPhilosopher (30 points, 23 comments)
  20. yehekthrowawayhai (27 points, 11 comments)
  21. currymonger (19 points, 8 comments)
  22. Wolf_by_heart (17 points, 8 comments)
  23. slanid (17 points, 4 comments)
  24. DyingAlone78 (16 points, 9 comments)
  25. LOL_DONT_TRY (16 points, 8 comments)
  26. altaccount747 (14 points, 7 comments)
  27. anikanon (14 points, 6 comments)
  28. fakeimam (14 points, 5 comments)
  29. technicolorfrog (14 points, 5 comments)
  30. akbarkhojaa (12 points, 5 comments)
  31. barneycoolbreeze (11 points, 7 comments)
  32. 0truthseeker (11 points, 3 comments)
  33. ZakariyaReis (10 points, 6 comments)
  34. Hassan_Al-Sabah (10 points, 3 comments)
  35. wideeyedgazes (9 points, 8 comments)
  36. Elainaaa1 (9 points, 7 comments)
  37. syamapriya (8 points, 6 comments)
  38. nl6374 (8 points, 4 comments)
  39. truenorthmaniac (8 points, 4 comments)
  40. y0um3b3dn0w (7 points, 4 comments)
  41. TotesMessenger (6 points, 6 comments)
  42. acron5n5 (6 points, 4 comments)
  43. just1curiousape (6 points, 4 comments)
  44. abdullahsameer (6 points, 3 comments)
  45. gay_exmuslim_india (6 points, 3 comments)
  46. nj786 (6 points, 3 comments)
  47. JustAnotherRedditeer (6 points, 2 comments)
  48. Zulfiqar110 (5 points, 3 comments)
  49. nizarj1882 (5 points, 3 comments)
  50. autumnfrostfire (5 points, 2 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. IsmailiGnosis has been shadowbanned from Reddit. by DataSIO (16 points, 2 comments)
  2. I left Ismailism by deleted (12 points, 9 comments)
  3. I can’t hide it anymore. by anikanon (12 points, 6 comments)
  4. Question about Homosexuality in Ismailism. by deleted (12 points, 5 comments)
  5. Aga Khan is a really skilled business man to be able to afford things like $250 million yachts, $100 million islands, Estates everywhere, etc. Anybody have his business strategies? by PickledFry (12 points, 4 comments)
  6. A humble message to Ismailis for the upcoming Khushali by deleted (12 points, 1 comment)
  7. Let's crowdfund an ExIsmailis billboard outside the Mulaqaat in Lisbon, Portugal. by clinic41 (11 points, 14 comments)
  8. Labeouf by im_not_afraid (11 points, 10 comments)
  9. $753.13 and an entire day of sitting in an temperature controlled meeting room just to decide what car Maula's fat ass should sit in during his visit to Canada. I used to be a member of the Ismaili Council but I quit Today! by deleted (11 points, 9 comments)
  10. Ismaili and ExIsmaili leaders hold historic summit. by PickledFry (11 points, 5 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 14 points: ahcsym's comment in Aga Khan is a really skilled business man to be able to afford things like $250 million yachts, $100 million islands, Estates everywhere, etc. Anybody have his business strategies?
  2. 8 points: 0truthseeker's comment in What happens during the Diamond Jubilee?
  3. 8 points: expatred's comment in Are ismailis allowed to use marijuana?
  4. 8 points: expatred's comment in What questions if answered will make you go back to or consider going back to Ismailism?
  5. 8 points: justanother-dude's comment in Ismailis believe Hazir Imam is infallible. Even if he was a pedophile, he wouldn't be in the wrong to them. Dasond is also spiritually owed to him for making our earnings halal. He can spend Dasond on whatever he pleases according to doctrine.
  6. 8 points: naIamgood's comment in The imam is always preaching about keeping up with times then why are they still accepting cash in khane?
  7. 8 points: pidelo's comment in Why the hell are Khojas so racist?
  8. 7 points: deleted's comment in Do you think Ismailism needs a reformation?
  10. 7 points: ahcsym's comment in What does Awal Sufro mean?
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what does bibi mean in islam video

Usually when talking about important women in Islam I hear the word “Bibi” before the name is spoken, for example Bibi Maryam. Does Bibi mean … What does Bibi’s re-election mean? Mar 19, 2015, 4:27 PM Edit; is giving radical Islam an area from which to attack the State of Bibi confirmed that he does in fact support a two-state So it can me said that “ bushra ‘Aslam ki Bibi he “. Bushra is the Wife of Aslam. Here the word Bibi is used in the meaning of Bivi meaning Wife. Some time the word Bibi is used for respect if it is used by the husband for his wife. The name Bibi is of Latin origin. The meaning of Bibi is "alive, animated, lively". It is also of Arabic origin, where its meaning is "lady". Bibi is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 4 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Bi-bi. Its a title of honor. it is mainly used before the name of a lady, Its common, in the Persian, Afgani and South Asain culture. eg. Lady Fatima bint Mhmmd (ra) or Bibi Fatima , or Bibi Mariam (mother of Jesus). Origin and Meaning of the Muslim baby name Bibi. Meaning of Bibi. What does Bibi mean? Bibi origin. Information about Bibi. Muslim parents always choose the best possible Muslim name for their baby boy. Bibi is a girl name that is adored by Muslim parents for their little prince as it is a popular Muslim name. Bibi name origin is Arabic and it has multiple meanings. Bibi name meaning is Lady,. This certainly does not mean that all Muslim men beat their wives, only that Islam permits them to do so. From observation, it would appear that those Muslims who do hit their spouse probably do so for the same reasons non-Muslims do - out of anger and in the moment - rather than a calculated attempt to comply with religious teachings. “And We have enjoined man in respect of his parents-- his mother bears him with faintings upon faintings and his weaning takes two years-- saying: Be grateful to Me and to both your parents; to Me is the eventual coming. And if they contend with you that you should associate with Me what you have no knowledge of, do not obey them, and keep company with them in this world

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