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Bukit Aman to work with Seoul counterparts over RM30mil cash theft at Jeju Island casino

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[META] The Portugal of 1980 (LORE)


This post essentially builds off TheIpleJonesion’s fantastic lore, explaining the situation which Portugal and her former territories find themselves in during the early 1980s. It is broken down along geographic lines.

The Metropolitan (Continental Portugal and the Outer Island Provinces of the Azores, Madeira, Cabo Verde and São Tomé & Príncipe):

With the removal of the Salazar regime in 1954, Portugal transitioned into a military-dominated presidential republic. Liberal market reforms made by the democratically-elected Fraternity Party saw an end to state interventionism in the Portuguese economy and a move away from corporatist macroeconomic organisation towards capitalistic free-market economics. This transformed the predominately-agricultural Portuguese economy into an industrial powerhouse, as factories popped up across the continental provinces in what is now jokingly referred to as the ‘Portuguese Industrial Revolution’. As Portugal modernised its economy, it attained a developmental trajectory similar to that of the Asian Tigers IOTL. This was only helped by the extremely cheap importation of primary resources from Portugal’s former colonies in Africa, and the discount export markets which the escudo africano monetary area had established in these nations. Portugal’s economic ascension was accompanied by huge progress in the fields of education and infrastructure, as bridges and roads were constructed and continental illiteracy abolished.
Owing to its pro-business sympathies and dubious ties to the economic elite, the Fraternity Party ensured that no anti-trust measures were implemented as part of its economic reform strategy, allowing the influential ‘40 Families’ of Portugal’s south to expand their dominion over those sectors of the Portuguese economy that were privatised during the post-Salazar liberalisation. The result was an economic model that verged on plutocracy, as the anti-communist military conspired with powerful businessmen and corrupt Fraternity Party politicians to maintain the upper class’ hold on power. This alliance of convenience continued up until the late seventies when a cadre of disillusioned, left-leaning junior military officers led a mass of young conscripts to seize power in the infamous 1976 Carnation Revolution. The Revolution, which in many ways resembled the anti-Salazar coup 22 years prior, saw the passage of new anti-trust and anti-corruption laws after the democratically-socialist Movement for Democratic Unity’s (MDU) victory in the junta-supervised elections of 1977. Though the Revolution would establish a fairer two-party democratic system in which the Conservative Party (the successor to the Fraternity Party) would compete with the MDU in free elections, it also confirmed for a second time the military’s position as a powerful force in Portuguese politics. As such, despite the removal of plutocracy and the reinstatement of fair elections, the Portugal of the 1980s remains a “flawed democracy” according to most outside observer assessments.
Though this chaos certainly had a negative impact on Portuguese standards of living, the nation remains a dynamic economic force in Europe and an over-achiever when it comes to developmental outcomes. As the 1980s continue on, Portugal is beginning its transition away from heavy industry towards a stronger services sector while it signs special trade agreements with its partners in the European Common Market and continues to pursue close economic ties with its former colonies of Guinea and Angola. From the sparkling beaches of São Tomé & Príncipe to the luscious fields of northern Portugal and the windswept hills of the Azores, there is no doubt that the Republic has become quite the enterprising nation.

The Outer Metropolitan (Portuguese India, Macau and Timor-Leste):

Portuguese India:
Had the Indian subcontinent not fractured so easily in the late 1950s, it is difficult to see how Portugal would have been able to maintain any sort of presence in the territories of Goa, Daman, Diu, Dadra and Nagar-Haveli. The defeat of Indian forces in the Kashmir Conflict and the successful declaration of Dravidian independence after a bloody insurgency, however, created an opportunity for Portuguese policymakers. Years of economic development across Portuguese India and a deliberate policy of promoting an independent Portuguese-Indian identity strengthened Portugal’s claim to these territories, while deals signed with the US establishing an American naval base at Nova Goa and US protection over Portuguese India provided a strong deterrent. These gains were then solidified by deals with the Dravidian and Indian governments, which saw Portuguese sovereignty confirmed over Goa, Daman and Diu in return for Portugal ceding Dadra, Pani-Cola and Nagar-Haveli back to India, as well as the lending of strong military support to the Dravidians. Though there remains significant agitation across Portuguese India (now referred to as the Goa, Daman & Diu Province), Portuguese sovereignty over these increasingly productive and idyllic territories appears secure for the foreseeable future. What’s more, it is now not uncommon to see ethnic Indians roaming the streets of Continental Portugal as fully-fledged citizens. The long-desired union of Portugal to the Subcontinent finally appears complete.
Macau is seen in the eyes of most as the crown jewel of Portugal’s Asian provinces. She is home to some of the most important banks in Asia and competes with Shanghai for the status of the financial capital of China. Not only that, but Macau competes with Bali, Jeju, Tokyo and Beijing for the most popular tourist destination in the Asian region, already being the destination of choice for the rich and famous, who flock to her many bars, casinos, prestigious restaurants and world-class designer fashion houses. The Macau of the 1980s is covered in stunning skyscrapers and jaw-dropping urban greenery. Indeed, the city boasts a population of nearly a million, with land reclamation projects having allowed for a vast expansion of the province’s urban domain. The city’s population includes tens of thousands of ethnic Portuguese residents, just as hundreds of thousands of ethnic Chiese now live in continental Portugal, being the second-largest ethnic minority community behind African migrants from Guinea, Mozambique and Angola, but ahead of Indian migrants from Goa.
At any rate, just as Macau has in many ways become the financial and touristic centre of Asia, it has also become a centre for intrigue. The unsuccessful Chinese attempt to seize Macau by force in 1969, for example, only saw a further upgrade of the province’s military defences, with the permanent deployment of an extra submarine to Macau Habour alongside thousands of additional troops and another fighter squadron. Meanwhile, the ‘Bloody Game’ that started in the late 1950s between Portuguese and Chinese spies, local casino syndicates, corrupt local politicians and the four main triad groups continues to this day, with the southern portions of Macau city being known for violent crime and a dirty underworld. Indeed, it appears that the province is as vice-ridden as it is glamorous.
A series of bilateral agreements in the 1950s saw Timor-Leste recognised as integral Portuguese territory by the Indonesians, just as the peninsula came under separate US/Australian/SEATO military protection, thus securing Portuguese rule over the territory indefinitely. Despite this, prohibitive travel times and ticket costs kept Timor physically isolated from the rest of the Portuguese Republic until the mid-1960s, when she suddenly gained access to far more state support as the African colonies achieved independence and international travel became easier. The Timor of the 1980s remains a quiet corner of the Portuguese world, although it has grown increasingly successful as a tourist and natural resource hub.

The former African colonies (Guinea, Angola, Cabinda and Mozambique):

Having achieved her independence in 1965, the Guinean Republic maintained a slow but steady trajectory of economic development under close Portuguese supervision. Indeed, the nation remained remarkably stable throughout her first decades of independence, developing a fully-fledged democratic system over time which afforded it one of the highest standards of living among the continent’s independent states. Portugal’s close geographic proximity to Guinea, coupled with its near-identical struggle for democratic governance, has rendered the two nations close allies. Guinea remains the first port of call for Portuguese firms looking to establish a presence in Africa, with the nation functioning as the flagship model for Portuguese-African influence under the Silvestre Doctrine.
Angola (and Cabinda):
Though the Silvestre Doctrine had originally intended for the agricultural Ovimbundu people of Angola’s central plateau to dominate the Federal Angolan Republic post-independence (in a close alliance with the Portuguese), the unexpected strength of the rival Kimbundu people saw the two ethnic groups clash in a violent struggle for political power that lasted between 1964 and 1967. With Portuguese assets sustaining increasing damage during the bloody affair, Lisboa turned to its Kikongo allies in Angola’s north for assistance. United by its staunchly pro-Portuguese and anti-Communist leader from the nearby Ngbandi people of the then Belgian Congo, Mobutu Sese Seko, a powerful Kikongo army marched south and captured Luanda from the leftist Kimbundu militias. This placed Angola under the rule of Portugal’s Kikongo allies, who then turned to the Ovimbundu for additional political support, as well as the ethnic Portuguese and minority tribes of Angola’s south. Seko now rules Angola with an iron fist, using Portugal, the Ovimbundu, Portuguese-Angolans and the minority tribes to maintain power. His ties to Portuguese commercial interests have proven an immense asset for the Portuguese economy, which sees its manufacturing sector and domestic consumption fueled by cheap primary resource imports from Angola.
Using his ethnic ties to the north, Seko became a major player in the war for Congolese independence, leveraging this assistance to become the political kingmaker in the newly-independent Republic of Zaire. This has resulted in Zaire effectively becoming a joint Luso-Angolan puppet state, with its government ministries littered with Portuguese and Angolan advisors, and the nation having joined the escudo africano monetary zone.
Moreover, though it voted for independence in 1960, the Cabindan Republic was quickly subsumed into the Federal Angolan Republic as one of the conditions for an alliance between Seko’s Kikongo faction and the Portuguese. As a result, Luso-Angolan influence now runs from Luanda, past Zaire, into Cabinda and beyond towards the Republic of the Congo, making Angola one of the most powerful forces in the new Africa.
The post-independence climate in the Mozambican Republic of 1965 resembled that of Angola at first. Rival ethnic groups clashed for power as election after election failed to yield clear results and cultural entities with little in common began to embrace armed struggle instead of the ballot. Unlike in Angola, however, Portugal was unable to salvage the situation and was forced to withdraw from the chaotic banana republic. Those ethnic Portuguese who had for centuries called Mozambique home largely fled to southern Angola or accepted government offers for free land in São Tomé & Príncipe, as Tanzanian-Arabian-backed Islamic militias fought for control in the north, and the African nationalist factions from the Shona tribes clashed with the leftist Shangaan in the south. Eventually, the Shona managed to secure national control, establishing a pan-African state under the dictatorial rule of Gondo Matombo. Without the support of sympathetic regimes in Rhodesia, Moscow or Beijing, the Free Nation of Mozambique is an isolated state. It maintains rivalries with Tanzania (as a result of Dodoma’s support for Salafist rebels in the north), North Rhodesia and Nyasaland (after the preceding Shangaan regime seized the Likoma and Chizumulu islands in 1966), South Africa and Rhodesia (for Mozambique’s support of radical pan-African insurgent groups) and Seko’s Angola (which obviously opposes the Matombo regime on ideological grounds). President Matombo’s chaotic economic policies have driven away foreign investors, while Mozambican civilians are organised en masse into autonomous units of the “African People’s Defence Militia” to defend against “Islamic subjugation, Boer segregation, Portuguese neocolonisation and the enslavement of the African people”. Sadly, it seems Mozambique’s violent decline managed only to produce the very worst kind of basket case dictatorship.
A huge thanks to guyfromvault11 for being an amazing teammate, to the mods for a season well-run, and to all the other players for making this such an engaging season. I can’t wait for the next one!
submitted by hughmcf to ColdWarPowers [link] [comments]

'Problem size?' Jeju casino enlargement 'hot issue'

'Problem size?' Jeju casino enlargement 'hot issue'
'Problem size?' Jeju casino enlargement 'hot issue'
Large-scale and complex resorts have become a hot issue in the Jeju casino industry centered on small businesses.

According to Jeju Island on the 12th, there are 8 casinos for foreigners in Tokyo, half of which is 16 in Jeju.

Jeju foreign casino sales climbed to W11.7bn in 2011, W143.8bn in 2012, W216.9bn in 2013, and W2248bn in 2014, and declined to W29.5bn in 2015, W1760bn in 2016, and W177.7bn in 2017.

The MERS outbreak in 2015 and Sadd's deployment in 2017 were the main reasons behind the decline in sales.

Then, the casino industry in Tokyo, which suffered a deficit in 2018, was shaken.

Landing Casino, a Chinese-based capital, Ramjeong Jeju Development Co., Ltd., relocated the casino at the Hyatt Hotel in Jungmun, Seogwipo, to the complex resort Shinhwa World, expanding the area seven times from 803㎡ to 5581㎡.

Since the opening of the Landing Casino, casino sales in Tokyo jumped to W511.2bn last year. The industry estimates that Landing Casino recorded sales of KRW 370 billion in the first half of last year alone.

The annual number of casino visitors in Tokyo, which was 200,000, rose to 370,000 last year.

Jeju Tourism Promotion Fund, which collects some casino sales, also rose to W47.9bn, well above last year's W13.4bn.
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◇ "Composite resort is big"… Downtown Casino Concerns

The casino enlargement issue is expected to heat up ahead of the opening of the Dream Tower Complex Resort, a high-rise building (5 stories below ground and 38 stories above ground) that Lotte Tourism Development is building in Nohyeong-dong, Jeju.

Casino experts say that not only casinos, but also complex resorts for accommodation, food, drinks, conventions, and shopping can be found worldwide.

Kim Sang-hyuk, professor of tourism management at Gachon University, presented the successful cases of Macau and Singapore at the 2019 Jeju International Casino Policy Forum at the Ramada Hotel in Jeju City. Is shifting from negative perceptions such as gambling to tourism and leisure, including travel and luxury hotels. ”

Lotte Tourism Development acquired Paradise Jeju, which was operated by Lotte Hotel in July last year, for 15 billion won.

Lotte Tourism Development plans to move the casino here once the Dream Tower is completed. In addition to relocating the site, the area will be increased by four times (1200㎡ → 4800㎡).

Dream Tower, which is scheduled to be completed next month and to be completed by March 2020, is expected to begin administrative procedures for casino relocation early next year.

Unlike Shinhwa World Casino, which was the outskirts, Dream Tower Casino is located in Nohyeong-dong, the downtown of Jeju. There are many residential areas as well as primary and secondary schools. This is why mixed eyes are coming out.

At the time of the landing casino, it was virtually a new license, and it was the first large casino in the province.

Recently, opinions were divided within the council, with the proposal of a partial revision of the Ordinance on Jeju Island Casino Business Management and Supervision, which blocks casinos from becoming larger.

However, the agenda is in the process of disposal.

◇ The success of the mixed resort Singapore

The casino policy of Singapore, one of the success cases of the casino complex resort, has many implications for Jeju, which is facing the era of large-scale expansion.

According to a report by the Metropolitan Council for Culture, Sports, and Sports in August, the Singapore government decided to invest 7.6 trillion won in the expansion of two complex resorts this year.

Singapore's additional investment has nothing to do with accelerating competition, such as promoting complex resorts in other Asian countries such as Japan.

It is pointed out that if Jeju is to enlarge casinos, it must clearly set its own competitiveness and policy direction.

Singapore recognizes the business feasibility of the complex resort, and promotes the supervision system, prevention of side effects, and welfare of residents.

For example, casino entry fees and taxes are increased, as well as the proceeds from the admission fees, which are used for public interest activities including the prevention and healing of gambling.

Unlike Jeju, which allowed taxi casino full-page ads, Singapore also bans external advertising.

In terms of tax revenue, Singapore's tax rate is 22% in Singapore and 9.54% in Korea.

Singapore collects only W15.5bn in annual casino permit fees, but not Jeju. 10% tourism promotion fund and corporate tax.

In addition to the Casino Regulatory Authority, which also acts as Singapore's casino supervisor, it has set up a separate administrative agency in charge of welfare and medical services to increase casino tax revenues and reform the healthcare system.

The necessity of strengthening the management system such as the casino supervisory board was also raised.

Jeju Casino's Casino Policy Division has a total of 16 people and the Casino Supervisory Board has a total of 9 people. The Supervisory Commission points out that the level of advisory authority of the Governor is related to casino policy, and thus, the need for status and empowerment is required.

The Singapore Casino Regulatory Commission consists of 170 employees and 15 board members. In addition to monitoring and researching casino operations, he also has the authority to audit audits, criminal investigations and various records related to casinos.
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Korean Genting Casino project in jeopardy

The Asian market is extremely tempting to casino owners and many of them plan on expanding to new shores, following the success of Macau venues. Vietnam is one of the prime destinations and many hope that the Japanese market will provide them with the opportunity to open land-based casinos in a not so distant future. Meanwhile, some big projects are underway in South Korea and Genting Singapore is on the major investors. At the time of writing, it looks like things took a turn for the worse, because the $2.2 billion resort casino project is in jeopardy. The governor of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province expressed his doubts about the success of this project and said that no authorization was yet given. Since this is a huge project and raising the funds to fuel this ambitious resort and casino is a real challenge even for a successful gambling group, these news are worrisome to say the least. Genting and Landing Intl shook hands earlier this year to make sure that the project will succeed, but only five months later some questions arisen. Apparently, local authorities expressed their concern about the prospect of a new casino opening its doors on an island that already has seven such ventures. It goes without saying that this particular project will outshine existing ones in every imaginable way, but even so the question was left unanswered. The next natural step would be to speed up the legislative process, but the forecast is not particularly optimistic. It can take anywhere between six months and one year for the authorization to be given and this is the sort of notification that can scare investors away. Furthermore, the issue of whether local players would be allowed to step into these casinos or not was brought on the table. The opinions are divergent, with some claiming that it is essential to go back the local population from the menacing addiction. On the other hand, there are plenty who claim that a lot of money is being lost due to the fact that Korean players are forced to travel abroad to gamble. It will probably take a long time for a definitive conclusion to be reached and meanwhile, those who plan on opening a land-based casino in Korea have very little they got to work on. Online casinos are trying to tap into the immense potential of this market and take advantage of the rather unpredictable context. Among those who hope to establish a beachhead in South Korea is Deuce Club Casino, who already operates on a global scale and does it very well. Casino fans appreciate the convenience of online gamble and would rather play their favorite games over the Internet instead of traveling beyond borders.
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On January 7, the Yonhap News Agency out of South Korea reported a story about the casino at Jeju Shinhwa World, also known as Landing Casino, which had become the center of a mystery. It seemed that an employee left Jeju Island for a holiday vacation in December and never returned. Strangely enough, the casino also reported KRW 14.56 billion ... Best Casino Hotels in Jeju Island on Tripadvisor: Find 3,619 traveler reviews, 3,433 candid photos, and prices for 7 casino hotels in Jeju Island, South Korea. By Lee Hyo-jin A total of 14.5 billion won ($13.4 million) in cash was stolen from a casino on Jeju Island, according to Seogwipo Police Station, Thursday. Browse our selection of 71 Casino hotels & resorts in Jeju Island for the ultimate stay & play vacation. Make your casino vacation a sure bet with Expedia and save your money & time. Apparently, heavy lifting was involved in the reported theft of over KRW14.5b (US$13.4m) in cash from South Korean casino operator Landing International Development Limited‘s Jeju Shinhwa World resort casino. The missing funds reportedly consisted entirely of 50k ($46) Korean won notes, which would tip the scales at over 617 lbs. in total. Casino Hotels in Jeju Island Current page Casino Hotels in Jeju Island; Plan your trip. Jeju Island Travel Guide Flights to Jeju Island Things to do in Jeju Island Jeju Island Car Hire Jeju Island Holiday Packages. Important: This destination may have COVID-19 travel restrictions in place, including specific restrictions for lodging. Check any ... South Korea hunts for woman robber after $13 million goes missing from Jeju casino. WION Web Team South Korea Published: Jan 12, 2021, 11.39 AM(IST) South Korean currency won Photograph:( AFP ) Police in South Korea has launched manhunt for a Malaysian worker after $13.38 million went missing from a casino in the tourist island of Jeju. The Landing Casino, located Jeju Shinhwa World Marriott Resort is the largest casino on Jeju Island offering electronic table games, slot machines, blackjack, Tai Sai and other popular games. The casino also features a dedicated poker area known as the Poker Club offering 8 poker tables for Texas Hold’em and tournaments. The Jeju Dream Tower Casino is located at Nohyeong-dong, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, South Korea. Visit the Jeju Dream Tower Casino information page for more details on this casino. The second largest casino in Jeju would be Jeju Shinhwa World with 394 gaming machines / table games. The Jeju Shinhwa World has a total casino square footage of 107,639 ... After recovering $10.9m of the $13.4m that suddenly disappeared at a casino on Jeju Island, authorities amplify the search to bring those responsible to justice . On Monday 4 January 2021, Landing International had discovered the sum of KRW14.56bn ($13.4m) store in Jeju South Korea had suddenly disappeared.The casino investor assured they immediately reported the incident to the police and ...

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